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Creating a Hello World JBI Binding Component


*This tutorial page is a work in progress and it may contain outdated information or may not work at all. It will be reworked soon, so check back later for updates
There are currently no plans to resume work on this tutorial.

titleShould I Create My Own JBI Components?

NOTE: Before beginning this tutorial, please take the time to read the FAQ entry titled Should I Create My Own JBI Components?. It is very important that you understand the reason for developing a JBI binding component and this FAQ entry will explain this.

This tutorial describes how to create a very simple Hello World style of JBI binding component. This tutorial is as minimalistic as possible so as to focus on key concepts and not drown in details. The Hello World binding component will respond to all requests with the message:


<hello>Hello World! Message \ [<original message here>\] contains \ [??\] bytes.</hello>

The following sections will walk through the creation, packaging, testing and deployment of the Hello World binding component.


Notice that not only do we see that the build was successful, but also note the text in the output above that was printed by the test:

Wiki Markup*<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><hello>Message \ [Ski Colorado!\] contains \ [13\] bytes</hello>*

This is the message we were expecting to be output from the test. So if you see this, you just wrote a JBI component and tested your first JBI BC successfully.


count the bytes
Maybe easiest by XSLT endpoint (can be used to apply an XSLT stylesheet to the incoming exchange and will return the transformed result as the output message.)
see \ [ servicemix-saxon\|servicemix-saxon\]
  • send a message back
  • Configure SA so that the example receives messages
    create & populate
  • as MyDeployer extends AbstractXBeanDeployer create xbean.xml for SU
  • make something send messages (eg quartz timer, HTTP POST,...) and dump the answer (eg TraceComponent, FireWriter, EIP,...)
  • add a chapter what user may do now / "how to continue when having the working example"
  • Classpath for SU to include manually till v3.1, see mail

    manually editing
    manually editing
    use the SU archetype like in
    use the SA archetype like in

    INS When to use this JBI Component
    INS Using the component that you created

    provide exact position in the SVN!
    integrate from SVN source like it is done at Configuration at

    maybe moving the content of overlapping existing docus to this new tut and - where appropriate - delete the old ones (only leaving a redirect). version14 version26
    are already fully incorporated in the mentioned versions, so delete content and point from there to here (and delete note at the very top)

    This shall already include everything stated at

    provide additional reading
    Creating a protocol bridge.for a "bigger" example
    The examples page lists examples providing more information, showing further possibilities and components.


    The default implementation of the component accepts InOut MEPs (ADD
    LINK TO FURTHER READING CONCERNING MEPs) and return the input content
    as the out message. This is already nearly what we want.

    OUTLINE for further work:

    • Get Messages
    • read Messages
    Wiki Markup
