Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents

Please refer to Geode 1.2.0 documentation with final implementation is here.


  1. Allow user to create Lucene Indexes on data stored in Geode

  2. Update the indexes asynchronously to avoid impacting write latency
  3. Allow user to perform text (Lucene) search on Geode data using the Lucene index. Results from the text searches may be stale due to asynchronous index updates.

  4. Provide highly available of indexes using Geode's HA capabilities 

  5. Scalability
  6. Performance comparable to RAMFSDirectory

Out of Scope
  1. Building next/better Solr/Elasticsearch.

  2. Enhancing the current Geode OQL to use Lucene index.


  1. A single index will not support multiple regions. Join queries between regions are not supported

  2. Heterogeneous objects in single region will be supported
  3. Only top level fields and of nested objects can be indexed, not nested collections
  4. The index needs to be created before adding the data region is created (for phase1) 
  5. Pagination of results will be supported

Users will interact with a new LuceneService interface, which provides methods for creating indexes and querying. Users can also create indexes through gfsh or cache.xml.

Java API 

Now that this feature has been implemented, please refer to the javadocs for details on the Java API.




Code Block


/ Get LuceneService




= LuceneServiceProvider.get(cache);

// Create Index on fields with default analyzer:
luceneService.createIndex(indexName, regionName, "field1", "field2", "field3");

// create index on fields with specified analyzer:
Map<String, Analyzer> analyzerPerField = new HashMap<String, Analyzer>();
analyzerPerfield.put("field1", new StandardAnalyzer());
analyzerPerfield.put("field2", new KeywardAnalyzer());
luceneService.createIndex(indexName, regionName, analyzerPerField);
Region region = cache.createRegionFactory(RegionShutcut.PARTITION).create(regionName);

// Create Query
LuceneQuery query = luceneService.createLuceneQueryFactory().setLimit(200).setPageSize(20)
  .create(indexName, regionName, querystring, "field1" /* default field */);

// Search using Query
PageableLuceneQueryResults<K,Object> results = query.findPages();

// Pagination
while (results.hasNext()) { -> {
    Object value = struct.getValue();
    System.out.println("Key is "+struct.getKey()+", value is "+value);


Gfsh API


Code Block
// List Index
gfsh> list lucene indexes [with-stats]
// Create Index
gfsh> create lucene index --name=indexName --region=/orders --field=customer,tags

// Create Index
gfsh> create lucene index --name=indexName --region=/orders --field=customer,tags --analyzer=org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer,

Execute Lucene query
gfsh> search lucene --regionName=/orders -queryStrings="John*" --defaultField=field1 --limit=100


XML Configuration 


Code Block

    <region name="region" refid="PARTITION">
        <lucene:index name="index">
          <lucene:field name="a" analyzer="org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.KeywordAnalyzer"/>
          <lucene:field name="b" analyzer="org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.SimpleAnalyzer"/>
          <lucene:field name="c" analyzer="org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.ClassicAnalyzer"/>



TBD - But using solr to provide a REST API might make a lot of sense

Spring Data GemFire Support

TBD - But the Searchable annotation described in this blog might be a good place to start.

Implementation Flowchart


[LuceneIndex] --> [RegionDirectory]
() "User"
node "Colocated PR or Replicated Region" {
  () User --> [User Data Region] : Puts
  [User Data Region] --> [Async Queue]
  [Async Queue] --> [LuceneIndex] : Batch Writes
  [RegionDirectory] --> [Lucene Regions]

Inside LuceneIndex

node "LuceneIndex" {
  [Reflective fields]
  [AEQ listener]
  [RegionDirectory array (one per bucket)]
  [Query objects]

A closer look at Partitioned region data flow

() User -down-> [User Data Region] : PUTs

[User Data Region] ..> [Bucket 1]
 [Bucket 1] -down-> [Async Queue Bucket 1]
node LuceneIndex {
[Async Queue Bucket 1] -down-> [AEQ listener processes events into index documents]:Batch Write
[AEQ listener processes events into index documents] -down-> [RegionDirectory1]
[RegionDirectory1] -down-> [file region bucket 1]

[file region bucket 1] -down-> [chunk region bucket 1]
[User Data Region] ..> [Bucket 2]
 [Bucket 2] -down-> [Async Queue Bucket 2]
node LuceneIndex {
[Async Queue Bucket 2] -down-> [AEQ listener processes events into index documents]:Batch Write
[AEQ listener processes events into index documents] -down-> [RegionDirectory2]
[RegionDirectory2] -down-> [file region bucket 2]
[file region bucket 2] -down-> [chunk region bucket 2]

Processing Queries


() User -down-> [LuceneQuery] : fields, Analyzer, query strings, or Query
[LuceneQuery] -down-> [User Data Region]: call search()
[User Data Region] -down-> [Function Execution]
[Function Execution] -down-> [Bucket 1]
[Bucket 1] -down-> [RegionDirectory for bucket 1]
[RegionDirectory for bucket 1] ..> [Bucket 1] : TopDocs, ScoreDocs
[Bucket 1] ..> [Function Execution] : score, key

[Function Execution] -down-> [Bucket 2]
[Bucket 2] -down-> [RegionDirectory for bucket 2]
[RegionDirectory for bucket 2] ..> [Bucket 2] : TopDocs, ScoreDocs
[Bucket 2] ..> [Function Execution] : score, key



Implementation Details

Index Storage

The lucene indexes will be stored in memory instead of disk. This will be done by implementing a lucene Directory called RegionDirectory which uses Geode as a flat file system. This way we get all the benefits offered by Geode and we can achieve replication and shard-ing of the indexes. The lucene indexes will be co-located with the data region in case of HA. 
LuceneIndex object will be created for each index, to manage all the attributes related with the index, such as reflection fields, AEQ listener, RegionDirectory array, Search, etc. 

If user's data region is a partitioned region, there will be one LuceneIndex is for the partitioned region. Every bucket in the data region will have its own RegionDirectory (implements Lucene's Directory interface), which keeps the FileSystem for index regions. Index regions contain 2 regions:
  • FileRegion : holds the meta data about indexing files
  • ChunkRegion : Holds the actual data chunks for a given index file. 

The FileRegion and ChunkRegion will be collocated with the data region which is to be indexed. The FileRegion and ChunkRegion will have partition resolver that looks at the bucket id part of the key only.
An AsyncEventQueue will be used to update the LuceneIndex. AsyncEventListener will procoess the events in AEQ in batch. When a data entry is processed
  1. create document for indexed fields. Indexed field values are obtained from AsyncEvent through reflection (in case of domain object) or by PdxInstance interface (in case pdx or JSON); constructing Lucene document object and adding it to the LuceneIndex associated with that region.
  2. determine the bucket id of the entry.
  3. Get the RegionDirectory for that bucket, save the document into RegionDirectory. 

Storage with different region types


The Lucene Index will be persisted.
The Lucene Index will not be overflowed. The rational here is that the Lucene index will be much smaller than the data size, so it is not necessary to overflow the index.
The Lucene Index not supported
The Lucene index will be stored in OffHeap

Walkthrough creating index in Geode region

1) Create a LuceneIndex object to hold the data structures that will be created in following steps. This object will be registered to cache owned LuceneService later. 
2) LuceneIndex will keep all the reflective fields. 
3 Assume the dataregion is PartitionedRegion (otherwise, no need to define PartitionResolver). Create a FileRegion (let's call it "fr") and a ChunkRegion (let's call it "cr"), collocated with Data Region (let's name it "dataregion"). Define PartitionResolver to use dataregion's bucket id as routing object, which will guarantee the index bucket region will be the same bucket id as the dataregion's bucket region's even when dataregion has its own customer-defined PartitionResolver. We don't nedd to define PartitionResolver on dataregion. 
4) FileRegion and ChunkRegion use the same region attributes as dataregion. In partitioned region case, the FileRegion and ChunkRegion will be under the same parent region, i.e. /root in this example. In replicated region case, the index regions will be root regions all the time. 
5) Create a RegionDirectory object for a bucket using the FileRegion and ChunkRegion's same bucket. 
6) Create PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper and save the fields in LuceneIndex. 
7) Create a Lucene's IndexWriterConfig object using Analyzer. 
8) Create a Lucene's IndexWriter object using GeodeDirectory and IndexWriterConfig object. 
9) Define AEQ with multiple dispatcher threads and order-policy=partition. That will group events by bucket id into different dispatcher queues. Each dispatcher thread will call our AEQ listener to process events for one or more buckets. Each event will be processed to be document and write into ChunkRegion via RegionDirectory. We don't need lock for RegionDirectory, since only one thread will process one bucket's events. 
10) If dataregion is a replicated region, then define AEQ with single dispatcher thread. 
11) Register the newly created LuceneIndex into LuceneService. The registration step will also publish the meta data into the "lucene_meta_region" which is a persistent replicate region, then other JVM will know a new luceneIndex with these meta data was created. All the members should have a LuceneService instance with the same LuceneIndex definition.
Index Maintenance

LuceneIndex can be created and destroy. We don't support creating index on a region with data for now. 


Handling failures, restarts, and rebalance 

The index region and async event queue will be restored with its colocated data region's buckets.  So during failover the new primary should be able to read/write index as usual.



In the case of partitioned regions, the query must be sent out to all the primaries. The results will then need to be aggregated back together. Lucene search will use FunctionService to distribute query to primaries. 

Input to primaries

  1. Serialized Query
  2. CollectorManager to be used for local aggregation
  3. Result limit

Output from primaries

  1. Merged collector created from results of search on local bucket indexes.


 participant LuceneQuery
 participant FunctionService
 participant FunctionCollector
 participant CollectorManager
 participant M1_LuceneFunction
 participant M1_CollectorManager
 participant Index_1
 participant Index_2
 LuceneQuery -> FunctionService: Query
 activate FunctionService
 FunctionService --> M1_LuceneFunction : LuceneContext
 activate M1_LuceneFunction
 FunctionService --> M2_LuceneFunction: LuceneContext
 activate M2_LuceneFunction
 M1_LuceneFunction -> Index_1 : search(Collector_1)
 Index_1 -> M1_LuceneFunction : loaded Collector_1
 M1_LuceneFunction -> Index_2 : search(Collector_2)
 Index_2 -> M1_LuceneFunction : loaded Collector_2
 M1_LuceneFunction -> M1_CollectorManager : merge Collectors
 activate M1_CollectorManager
 M1_CollectorManager -> M1_LuceneFunction : merged Collector
 deactivate M1_CollectorManager
 activate FunctionCollector
 M1_LuceneFunction -> FunctionCollector:Collector_M1
 deactivate M1_LuceneFunction
 M2_LuceneFunction -> FunctionCollector:Collector_M2
 deactivate M2_LuceneFunction
 FunctionCollector -> CollectorManager : merge Collectors
 activate CollectorManager
 CollectorManager -> FunctionCollector : Final Collector
 deactivate CollectorManager
 FunctionCollector -> FunctionService : Final Collector
 deactivate FunctionCollector
 FunctionService -> LuceneQuery : QueryResults
 deactivate FunctionService

We are still investigating options for how to aggregate the data, see Text Search Aggregation Options.

In case of replicated regions, query will be sent to one of the members and get the results there. Aggregation will be handled in that member before returned to the caller. 

Result collection and paging

The ResultSet will support pagination mechanism to retrieve the results. All the keys are aggregated at the query executor node (client or peer); and getAll is used to fetch the values according to page size.


A Lucene Service MBean is available and accessed through an ObjectName like:


This MBean provides operations these operations:

Code Block
titleLuceneServiceMBean API
 * Returns an array of {@link LuceneIndexMetrics} for the {@link com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.lucene.LuceneIndex}
 * instances defined in this member
 * @return an array of LuceneIndexMetrics for the LuceneIndexes defined in this member
public LuceneIndexMetrics[] listIndexMetrics();

 * Returns an array of {@link LuceneIndexMetrics} for the {@link com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.lucene.LuceneIndex}
 * instances defined on the input region in this member
 * @param regionPath The full path of the region to retrieve
 * @return an array of LuceneIndexMetrics for the LuceneIndex instances defined on the input region
 * in this member
public LuceneIndexMetrics[] listIndexMetrics(String regionPath);

 * Returns a {@link LuceneIndexMetrics} for the {@link com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.lucene.LuceneIndex}
 * with the input index name defined on the input region in this member.
 * @param regionPath The full path of the region to retrieve
 * @param indexName The name of the index to retrieve
 * @return a LuceneIndexMetrics for the LuceneIndex with the input index name defined on the input region
 * in this member.
public LuceneIndexMetrics listIndexMetrics(String regionPath, String indexName);

A LuceneIndexMetrics data bean includes raw stat values like:

Code Block
titleLuceneIndexMetrics Sample
Region=/data2; index=full_index

Limitations include:

  • no rates or average latencies are available
  • no aggregation (which means no rollups across members in the GemFire -> Distributed MBean)


Code Block
   * Set page size for a query result. The default page size is 0 which means no pagination.
   * If specified negative value, throw IllegalArgumentException
   * @param pageSize
   * @return itself
  LuceneQueryFactory setPageSize(int pageSize);
   * Set max limit of result for a query
   * If specified limit is less or equal to zero, throw IllegalArgumentException
   * @param limit
   * @return itself
  LuceneQueryFactory setResultLimit(int limit);
   * Set a list of fields for result projection.
   * @param fieldNames
   * @return itself
  LuceneQueryFactory setProjectionFields(String... fieldNames);
   * Create wrapper object for lucene's QueryParser object using default standard analyzer.
   * The queryString is using lucene QueryParser's syntax. QueryParser is for easy-to-use 
   * with human understandable syntax. 
   * @param regionName region name
   * @param indexName index name
   * @param queryString query string in lucene QueryParser's syntax
   * @param K the key type in the query results
   * @param V the value type in the query results
   * @return LuceneQuery object
   * @throws ParseException
  public <K, V> LuceneQuery<K, V> create(String indexName, String regionName, String queryString) 
      throws ParseException;
   * Creates a wrapper object for Lucene's Query object. This {@link LuceneQuery} builder method could be used in
   * advanced cases, such as cases where Lucene's Query object construction needs Lucene's API over query string. The
   * {@link QueryDeserializer} will be used to re-construct the Lucene Query object on remote hosts.
   * @param indexName index name
   * @param regionName region name
   * @param provider constructs and provides a Lucene Query object
   * @param K the key type in the query results
   * @param V the value type in the query results
   * @return LuceneQuery object
  public <K, V> LuceneQuery<K, V> create(String indexName, String regionName, LuceneQueryProvider provider);

 * The instances of this class will be used for distributing Lucene Query objects and re-constructing the Query object.
 * If necessary the implementation needs to take care of serializing and de-serializing Lucene Query object. Geode
 * respects the DataSerializable contract to provide optimal object serialization. For instance,
 * {@link LuceneQueryProvider}'s toData method will be used to serialize it when it is sent to another member of the
 * distributed system. Implementation of DataSerializable can provide a zero-argument constructor that will be invoked
 * when they are read with DataSerializer.readObject.
public interface LuceneQueryProvider extends Serializable {
   * @return A Lucene Query object which could be used for executing Lucene Search on indexed data
   * @param The local lucene index the query is being constructed against.
   * @throws QueryException if the provider fails to construct the query object
  public Query getQuery(LuceneIndex index) throws QueryException;


Code Block
 * Provides wrapper object of Lucene's Query object and execute the search. 
 * <p>Instances of this interface are created using
 * {@link LuceneQueryFactory#create}.
public interface LuceneQuery {
   * Execute the search and get results. 
  public LuceneQueryResults<?> search();
   * Get page size setting of current query. 
  public int getPageSize();
   * Get limit size setting of current query. 
  public int getLimit();
   * Get projected fields setting of current query. 
  public String[] getProjectedFieldNames();


Code Block
   * Return the value associated with the given field name
   * @param fieldName the String name of the field
   * @return the value associated with the specified field
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If this struct does not have a field named fieldName
  public Object getProjectedField(String fieldName);
   * Return key of the entry
   * @return key
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If this struct does not contain key
  public Object getKey();
   * Return value of the entry
   * @return value the whole domain object
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If this struct does not contain value
  public Object getValue();
   * Return score of the query 
   * @return score
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If this struct does not contain score
  public Double getScore();
   * Get the values in same order as result types
   * @return the array of values
  public Object[] getResultValues();


Code Block
// Get LuceneService
LuceneService luceneService = LuceneServiceProvider.get(cache);

// Create Index on fields with default analyzer:
LuceneIndex index = luceneService.createIndex(indexName, regionName, "field1", "field2", "field3");

// create index on fields with specified analyzer:
LuceneIndex index = luceneService.createIndex(indexName, regionName, analyzerPerField);

// Create Query
LuceneQuery query = luceneService.createLuceneQueryFactory().setLimit(200).setPageSize(20)
  .setFieldProjection("field1", "field2")
  .create(indexName, regionName, querystring, analyzer);

// Search using Query
LuceneQueryResults results =;

List values = results.getNextPage(); // return all results in one page

// Pagination
while (results.hasNextPage())
  List page = results.getNextPage(); // return result page by page

  for (LuceneResultStruct r : page) {


Gfsh API


Code Block
// Create Index
gfsh> create lucene index --name=indexName --region=/orders --field=customer,tags
gfsh> create lucene index --name=indexName --region=/orders --field=customer --field=tags

// Create Index
gfsh> create lucene index --name=indexName --region=/orders --field=customer,tags --analyzer=org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer,

// Destory Index
gfsh> destroy lucene index --name=indexName --region=/orders

Execute Lucene query
gfsh> lucene query --regionName=/orders -queryStrings="" --limit=100 page-size=10


XML Configuration 


Code Block

<region name="region">  
 <lucene:index name="luceneIndex">
             <lucene:field name="fieldName" analyzer="org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer"/> 



TBD - But using solr to provide a REST API might make a lot of sense

Spring Data GemFire Support

TBD - But the Searchable annotation described in this blog might be a good place to start.

Implementation Flowchart


[LuceneIndex] --> [RegionDirectory]
() "User"
node "Colocated PR or Replicated Region" {
  () User --> [User Data Region] : Puts
  [User Data Region] --> [Async Queue]
  [Async Queue] --> [LuceneIndex] : Batch Writes
  [RegionDirectory] --> [Lucene Regions]

Inside LuceneIndex

node "LuceneIndex" {
  [Reflective fields]
  [AEQ listener]
  [RegionDirectory array (one per bucket)]
  [Query objects]

A closer look at Partitioned region data flow

() User -down-> [User Data Region] : PUTs

[User Data Region] ..> [Bucket 1]
 [Bucket 1] -down-> [Async Queue Bucket 1]
node LuceneIndex {
[Async Queue Bucket 1] -down-> [AEQ listener processes events into index documents]:Batch Write
[AEQ listener processes events into index documents] -down-> [RegionDirectory1]
[RegionDirectory1] -down-> [file region bucket 1]

[file region bucket 1] -down-> [chunk region bucket 1]
[User Data Region] ..> [Bucket 2]
 [Bucket 2] -down-> [Async Queue Bucket 2]
node LuceneIndex {
[Async Queue Bucket 2] -down-> [AEQ listener processes events into index documents]:Batch Write
[AEQ listener processes events into index documents] -down-> [RegionDirectory2]
[RegionDirectory2] -down-> [file region bucket 2]
[file region bucket 2] -down-> [chunk region bucket 2]

Processing Queries


() User -down-> [LuceneQuery] : fields, Analyzer, query strings, or Query
[LuceneQuery] -down-> [User Data Region]: call search()
[User Data Region] -down-> [Function Execution]
[Function Execution] -down-> [Bucket 1]
[Bucket 1] -down-> [RegionDirectory for bucket 1]
[RegionDirectory for bucket 1] ..> [Bucket 1] : TopDocs, ScoreDocs
[Bucket 1] ..> [Function Execution] : score, key

[Function Execution] -down-> [Bucket 2]
[Bucket 2] -down-> [RegionDirectory for bucket 2]
[RegionDirectory for bucket 2] ..> [Bucket 2] : TopDocs, ScoreDocs
[Bucket 2] ..> [Function Execution] : score, key



Implementation Details

Index Storage

The lucene indexes will be stored in memory instead of disk. This will be done by implementing a lucene Directory called RegionDirectory which uses Geode as a flat file system. This way we get all the benefits offered by Geode and we can achieve replication and shard-ing of the indexes. The lucene indexes will be co-located with the data region in case of HA. 
LuceneIndex object will be created for each index, to manage all the attributes related with the index, such as reflection fields, AEQ listener, RegionDirectory array, Search, etc. 
If user's data region is a partitioned region, there will be one LuceneIndex is for the partitioned region. Every bucket in the data region will have its own RegionDirectory (implements Lucene's Directory interface), which keeps the FileSystem for index regions. Index regions contain 2 regions:
  • FileRegion : holds the meta data about indexing files
  • ChunkRegion : Holds the actual data chunks for a given index file. 
The FileRegion and ChunkRegion will be collocated with the data region which is to be indexed. The FileRegion and ChunkRegion will have partition resolver that looks at the bucket id part of the key only.
An AsyncEventQueue will be used to update the LuceneIndex. AsyncEventListener will procoess the events in AEQ in batch. When a data entry is processed
  1. create document for indexed fields. Indexed field values are obtained from AsyncEvent through reflection (in case of domain object) or by PdxInstance interface (in case pdx or JSON); constructing Lucene document object and adding it to the LuceneIndex associated with that region.
  2. determine the bucket id of the entry.
  3. Get the RegionDirectory for that bucket, save the document into RegionDirectory. 

Storage with different region types


The Lucene Index will be persisted.
The Lucene Index will not be overflowed. The rational here is that the Lucene index will be much smaller than the data size, so it is not necessary to overflow the index.
The Lucene Index not supported
The Lucene index will be stored in OffHeap

Walkthrough creating index in Geode region

1) Create a LuceneIndex object to hold the data structures that will be created in following steps. This object will be registered to cache owned LuceneService later. 
2) LuceneIndex will keep all the reflective fields. 
3 Assume the dataregion is PartitionedRegion (otherwise, no need to define PartitionResolver). Create a FileRegion (let's call it "fr") and a ChunkRegion (let's call it "cr"), collocated with Data Region (let's name it "dataregion"). Define PartitionResolver to use dataregion's bucket id as routing object, which will guarantee the index bucket region will be the same bucket id as the dataregion's bucket region's even when dataregion has its own customer-defined PartitionResolver. We don't nedd to define PartitionResolver on dataregion. 
4) FileRegion and ChunkRegion use the same region attributes as dataregion. In partitioned region case, the FileRegion and ChunkRegion will be under the same parent region, i.e. /root in this example. In replicated region case, the index regions will be root regions all the time. 
5) Create a RegionDirectory object for a bucket using the FileRegion and ChunkRegion's same bucket. 
6) Create PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper and save the fields in LuceneIndex. 
7) Create a Lucene's IndexWriterConfig object using Analyzer. 
8) Create a Lucene's IndexWriter object using GeodeDirectory and IndexWriterConfig object. 
9) Define AEQ with multiple dispatcher threads and order-policy=partition. That will group events by bucket id into different dispatcher queues. Each dispatcher thread will call our AEQ listener to process events for one or more buckets. Each event will be processed to be document and write into ChunkRegion via RegionDirectory. We don't need lock for RegionDirectory, since only one thread will process one bucket's events. 
10) If dataregion is a replicated region, then define AEQ with single dispatcher thread. 
11) Register the newly created LuceneIndex into LuceneService. The registration step will also publish the meta data into the "lucene_meta_region" which is a persistent replicate region, then other JVM will know a new luceneIndex with these meta data was created. All the members should have a LuceneService instance with the same LuceneIndex definition.
Index Maintenance

LuceneIndex can be created and destroy. We don't support creating index on a region with data for now. 


Handling failures, restarts, and rebalance 

The index region and async event queue will be restored with its colocated data region's buckets.  So during failover the new primary should be able to read/write index as usual.



In the case of partitioned regions, the query must be sent out to all the primaries. The results will then need to be aggregated back together. Lucene search will use FunctionService to distribute query to primaries. 

Input to primaries

  1. Serialized Query
  2. CollectorManager to be used for local aggregation
  3. Result limit

Output from primaries

  1. Merged collector created from results of search on local bucket indexes.
 participant LuceneQuery
 participant FunctionService
 participant FunctionCollector
 participant CollectorManager
 participant M1_LuceneFunction
 participant M1_CollectorManager
 participant Index_1
 participant Index_2
 LuceneQuery -> FunctionService: Query
 activate FunctionService
 FunctionService --> M1_LuceneFunction : LuceneContext
 activate M1_LuceneFunction
 FunctionService --> M2_LuceneFunction: LuceneContext
 activate M2_LuceneFunction
 M1_LuceneFunction -> Index_1 : search(Collector_1)
 Index_1 -> M1_LuceneFunction : loaded Collector_1
 M1_LuceneFunction -> Index_2 : search(Collector_2)
 Index_2 -> M1_LuceneFunction : loaded Collector_2
 M1_LuceneFunction -> M1_CollectorManager : merge Collectors
 activate M1_CollectorManager
 M1_CollectorManager -> M1_LuceneFunction : merged Collector
 deactivate M1_CollectorManager
 activate FunctionCollector
 M1_LuceneFunction -> FunctionCollector:Collector_M1
 deactivate M1_LuceneFunction
 M2_LuceneFunction -> FunctionCollector:Collector_M2
 deactivate M2_LuceneFunction
 FunctionCollector -> CollectorManager : merge Collectors
 activate CollectorManager
 CollectorManager -> FunctionCollector : Final Collector
 deactivate CollectorManager
 FunctionCollector -> FunctionService : Final Collector
 deactivate FunctionCollector
 FunctionService -> LuceneQuery : QueryResults
 deactivate FunctionService

We are still investigating options for how to aggregate the data, see Text Search Aggregation Options.

In case of replicated regions, query will be sent to one of the members and get the results there. Aggregation will be handled in that member before returned to the caller. 

Result collection and paging

The ResultSet will support pagination mechanism to retrieve the results. All the keys are aggregated at the query executor node (client or peer); and getAll is used to fetch the values according to page size.