Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
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Ignite.NET is built on top of Ignite and provides native APIs for .NET developers.




Source code is in modules/platforms/dotnet folder.


For Linux instructions see below.


  • .NET Framework 4.0+ PowerShell 3or .NET Core 2.0+
  • Visual Studio 2010+JDK 8
  • Apache Maven

Getting Started


Even though Ignite.NET can be developed and run on VS2010 and JDK7, it is more common to use latest Visual Studio and JDK.


On Windows

Install software

  1. Install Java JDK (not JRE)8.xhttp
  2. Set JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the JDK installation directory (something like "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_111")
  3. Download and unzip Apache Maven to some folder:
  4. Add Maven bin folder to PATH environment variable (example: "c:\Programs\Maven\apache-maven-3.3.9\bin\")
  5. Install latest Visual Studio 2017 (free Community Edition will do).

Get source code

For more details on working with GitHub forks and pull requests see How to Contribute#GitProcessContribute OLD#GitProcess

Build Java sources


  1. Change to modules\platforms\dotnet directory
  2. Run build.bat -skipDotNetCore

When doing pure .NET development, you only need to run this every time you update your branch from master.


  • Open modules\platforms\dotnet\Apache.Ignite.sln in Rider or Visual Studio
  • Build solution


  • Ignite uses TeamCity-based continuous integration:
  • If you do .NET-only development, you are interested only in test suites having "Platform.NET" in the name
  • Create an account to be able to start new runs
  • .NET NuGet suite can be used to produce release NuGet binaries (see Artifacts tab of a finished build)

Getting Started on Linux and macOS

Ignite.NET can be built, developed, and tested on Linux and macOS with .NET Core. See Apache.Ignite.DotNetCore.sln.


Getting started

  • Get code: git clone
  • Change to .NET directory: cd modules/platforms/dotnet
  • Build Java and .NET: ./
  • Run all tests (takes a while): cd Apache.Ignite.Core.Tests && dotnet test -p Apache.Ignite.Core.Tests.DotNetCore.csproj
  • Run specific test: dotnet test -p Apache.Ignite.Core.Tests.DotNetCore.csproj --filter CacheTest
  • IDE: Open Apache.Ignite.DotNetCore.sln

General Guidelines

  • Do not break public APIs
    • Do not rename or change existing public APIs in any way - users should be able to upgrade to a new minor version (see SemVer) and their app should keep working
    • Be very careful when adding new public APIs. Public API changes must go through a review by maintainer
    • Pay attention to access modifiers
      • All types within Impl folder should be internal
      • All other types are public and, therefore, are part of public API
  • Tests are required. We strive to cover all imaginable use cases:
    • Happy path: test that API works as expected when provided with good input
    • Bad user input: test that bad method arguments result in ArgumentException, use IgniteArgumentCheck class
    • Other illegal state situations (e.g. get a cache that does not exist): test that resulting exceptions are user-friendly and contain information on how to fix the issue

Coding Guidelines

Coding guidelines compliance is checked by .NET Inspections TeamCity suite (see below).


There is a build.ps1 file in modules/platforms/dotnet folder (and build.bat that just calls build. ps1 so you don't have to run PowerShell manually). This build script performs end to end build, including Java, .NET and NuGet.

To build everything and produce release binaries (in bin folder) and NuGet packages (in nupkg folder), run the script without parametersarguments.

Run `Get-Help .\build.ps1 -detailed` PowerShell command to view detailed build script documentation.

Getting Started on Linux and macOS

Ignite.NET can be built, developed, and tested on Linux and macOS, but only partially.
A subset of functionality and tests is available. See Apache.Ignite.DotNetCore.sln.


  • JDK: sudo apt-get install default-jdk
  • Maven: sudo apt-get install maven
  • IDE: Not required. Rider is recommended.

Getting started


Build Java and .NET:

Code Block

Run tests:






Run specific test:

Code Block
dotnet test --filter CacheTest
