Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


All release artifacts released to the Apache release repo, will automatically be synced to Maven central.

Publish Python Library to PyPi & Update Docs

As a final step, we want to deploy the python version and update the python docs on our website.
To do so, two steps are required:

  1. Execute Python deployment workflow in the main repository (apache/streampipes)
    Go to the Actions section on GitHub, select the worklfow Deploy Python Package to PyPi & update docs.
    Next click on Run workflow and select the current release tag (e.g., release/0.91.0). Confirm by clicking again Run workflow.
    Image Added
  2. Publish docs on website (website repository: apache/streampipes-website)
    Once the above workflow has finished successfully, you can switch to the website repository.
    There you need to execute the workflow update-python docs manually and provide the current release branch as input.
    This workflow creates a PR to the website repository, which you need to merge and then deploy the changes to the website.

Merge release into master

Merge the release branch tag into master.


During the last release (0.67.0) there where some merge conflict when merging the new release tag into master.

The following link helped to resolve the problems:


Code Block
titleUpdate Download Link
# In website-v2/partialspages/_download_box.ejstsx, change the links:version and release

# Update also the links to pgp and sha filesdate:

<DownloadSection version={'0.93.0'} showMoreInfo={true} releaseDate={'2023-11-27'}></DownloadSection> 

# In 'documentation./docs/', change links to the newversion

<DownloadSection version={'0.93.0'}></DownloadSection>

# In './website/partials/_nav.ejs' change version in link on top of page-v2/docusaurus.config.js adapt the announcement
content: 'Apache StreamPipes 0.93.0 is available! ⭐️',

In the documentation, also update the installation guide and other files that link to outdated versions. Commit all changes to dev.


Code Block
titleClean up older versions
svn delete -m "Delete version 0.91.0"

Update Website version

Update the version of the website in the package.json and package-lock.json 

Code Block
titleUpdate Website package
# package.json
  "name": "apache-streampipes-website",
  "version": "0.90.0",

# package-lock.json
	"name": "apache-streampipes-website",
    "version": "0.90.0", 

Publish Python Library to PyPi & Update Docs

As a final step, we want to deploy the python version and update the python docs on our website.
To do so, two steps are required:


Draft release on GitHub

  • Go to Releases Page and click Draft a new release
  • Choose tag of release (e.g.


  • release/0.


  • 92.0)


  • Title: Release version (e.g. 0.92.0)
  • Copy release notes from file
  • Click Publish Release and mark as latest
  • IMPORTANT: Check that file in branch dev contain the lates release notes

Send Announce mail

titleVote Mail

[ANNOUNCE] Apache StreamPipes (incubating) 0.69.0


The Apache StreamPipes community is pleased to announce the

immediate availability of Apache StreamPipes (incubating) 0.69.0.

Apache StreamPipes (incubating) is a self-service (Industrial) IoT toolbox

to enable non-technical users to connect, analyze and explore IoT data streams.

The most notable highlights of this release include a completely reworked data explorer for quick exploration of IoT data, 

improved pipeline modeling and improved user and access rights management.

In addition, our new release includes more than 80 improvements and bug fixes.

Some feature highlights of the new release can be found in our blog post:

The release is available for download on our website:

To get an overview of Apache StreamPipes, find a feature overview and tour





More information about the project is available at:

- Website:

- Github:

- Mailing lists:,

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!

On behalf of the Apache StreamPipes community,

