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titleContents of this Page
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Include Page
Menu cTAKES 4.0 to Include
Menu cTAKES 4.0 to Include

Please see information regarding new UMLS dictionary Authentication at cTAKES


These are instructions for installation of cTAKES for developers. With these instructions you can set up your development environment with cTAKES code so you can compile the code and change or extend it. If you simply want to be a user of the software, refer to the cTAKES 4.0 User Install Guide.


Code Block
svn checkout


Subversion + Git

This is a setup where both svn source exists in the same folder as the git source.

Code Block
git init .
git remote add apache
git fetch apache
git pull apache trunk


Rebase after svn checkin



git checkout trunk
svn update
git checkout .
git pull --rebase apache trunk


The standard Maven command for building cTAKES is:

Code Block
$  mvn clean package -DskipTests=true


If you would like to build with the same settings as the default Jenkins job (recommended only for committers), use:

Code Block
$ rm -fr /tmp/ctakes-*
$ exports MAVEN_OPTS='-Xms3072m -Xmx4g -Xss128M  -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=false'
$  mvn --fail-at-end --errors --update-snapshots clean install sonar:sonar -DskipTests=false -Dsonar.scm.provider=svn


  • These steps assume a Windows or Ubuntu Linux install environment. You will need to extrapolate for any other environments.
  • These steps were written using Mars aka Eclipse 4.5. You may need to adapt some steps for other versions of Eclipse.
  • Recommend searching for "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" and downloading the desired version 
  • Within Eclipse, install the Maven SCM connector
    • File -> Import -> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM
    • Click Next.
    • Click the "m2e Marketplace" link (somewhat above the Cancel button)
    • You are now in the m2e Marketplace not the Eclipse Marketplace. 
    • Scroll to and select m2e-subversive
    • Click Next, Next, the radio button for Accept, Finish
    • restart Eclipse when prompted
  • Within Eclipse, install the Subversive Connector
    • Again, use  File -> Import -> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM
    • The Install Connectors window will open.
    • Select one of them and install it: (On Windows 7 Pro, "Native JavaHL 1.8.14 (64 bit" works
      • Click Finish
      • Accept the install by clicking:  Next, Next, the radio button for Accept, Finish.
    • When prompted to restart Eclipse, Click Yes
  •  You can set your UMLS userID and password to be passed to all Java programs you launch within Eclipse, using Windows->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs->(highlight the JRE you are using)->Edit->Default VM arguments:
               -Dctakes.umlsuser=YourUmlsUserIdGoesHere  "-Dctakes.umlspw=YourUmlsPasswordGoesHere"
  • Check out cTAKES:  
    • For a third time, Import-> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM
    • For SCM URL, select svn and in the text field enter:
    • Click Finish. Eclipse will download all of the cTAKES sub-projects


      Due to the way Maven and Eclipse work together you will see two copies of the sub-projects in Eclipse. If you look into your workspace directories there is only one set of underlying files.


  • If you don't have Eclipse set to Build Automatically, you'll need perform a build:

    • Select all projects, right click, and choose Maven->Update Projects. Click Select All, and click OK to start the maven build.

    • You can view the Progress pane by using the Eclipse menu option  Window->Show View->Progress

    • Performing a maven build includes running jcasgen as needed. 


On Windows:

Code Block
> set ctakes_umlsuser=<your user>
> set ctakes_umlspw=<your password>
> mvn clean test
> REM or running oneline command:
> mvn -Dctakes_umlsuser=<your user> -Dctakes_umlspw=<your password> clean test

On Linux:

Code Block
$ export ctakes_umlsuser=<your user>
$ export ctakes_umlspw=<your password>
$ mvn clean test
$ # or running oneline command:
$ mvn -Dctakes_umlsuser=<your user> -Dctakes_umlspw=<your password> clean test

Release Manager

The release manager will use the apache-release profile defined in the parent pom. For this profile, the UMLS UTests are enforced.


