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Table of Contents

Maven Dependency

Code Block


In CXF 2.7.x no JAX-RS 2.0 Client API is supported and CXF specific Client API is located in the cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs module.

CXF Apache HttpClient based transport is required to get the asynchronous invocations working correctly:

Code Block

  <!-- 2.7.8 or 3.0.0-milestone115 --> 


CXF 3.0.0 implements JAX-RS 2.0 Client API. Internally it is implemented in terms of CXF specific WebClient.

The provides a short overview of how JAX-RS 2.0 Client API works.

Typically, one starts from ClientBuilder in order to create a Client.
Next WebTarget is created and further customized as needed.

Next, Invocation.Builder is initialized and the request can be made immediately using one of the SyncInvoker methods, with the builder directly implementing SyncInvoker.

Code Block

Client client = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().newClient();
WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rs");
target = target.path("service").queryParam("a", "avalue");

Invocation.Builder builder = target.request();
Response response = builder.get();
Book book = builder.get(Book.class);

The above sequence can be easily collapsed into a single code sequence if preferred.
Note that SyncInvoker (and AsyncInvoker) expects Entity to represent the request body.

Invocation.Builder has a shortcut to Invocation via its build(...) methods to further customize the invocation.


Client and WebTarget are all can be individually configured, the implement Configurable interface which can accept the providers and properties and return Configuration. Configuring the Client directly or indirectly via ClientBuilder.withConfig method affects all the WebClients spawned by a given Client.


WebClient offers shortcuts to JAX-RS 2.0 AsyncInvoker and SyncInvoker interfaces.

WebClient.getConfig(Object client) supports JAX-RS 2.0 WebTarget and Invocation.Builder for 2.0 clients to be able to get to the lower-level CXF configuration and set up the properties such as 'receiveTimeout', etc.


For example, given these class definitions:

Code Block

public interface BookStore {
   Books getAllBooks();
   BookResource getBookSubresource(@PathParam("id") long id) throws NoBookFoundException;

public class BookStoreImpl implements BookStore {
   public Books getAllBooks() {}
   public BookBookResource getBookSubresource(long id) throws NoBookFoundException {}

public interface BookResource {
   Book getBook();

public class BookResourceImpl implements BookResource {
   Book getBook() {}

the following client code retrieves a Book with id '1' and a collection of books:

Code Block

BookStore store = JAXRSClientFactory.create("", BookStore.class);
// (1) remote GET call to
Books books = store.getAllBooks();
// (2) no remote call
BookResource subresource = store.getBookSubresource(1);
// {3} remote GET call to
Book b = subresource.getBook();


Proxies end up implementing not only the interface requested at proxy creation time but also a Client interface. In many cases one does not need to explicitly specify commonly used HTTP headers such as Content-Type or Accept as this information will likely be available from @Consumes or @Produces annotations. At the same time you may explicitly set either of these headers, or indeed some other header. You can use a simple WebClient utility method for converting a proxy to a base client:

Code Block

BookStore proxy = JAXRSClientFactory.create("http://books", BookStore.class);
// continue using the proxy    


Using proxies is just one way to consume a service. Proxies hide away the details of how URIs are being composed while HTTP-centric WebClients provide for an explicit URI creation. Both proxies and http clients rely on the same base information such as headers and the current URI so at any moment of time you can create a WebClient instance out of the existing proxy:

Code Block

BookStore proxy = JAXRSClientFactory.create("http://books", BookStore.class);
Client client = WebClient.client(proxy);
WebClient httpClient = WebClient.fromClient(client);
// continue using the http client    

At any moment of time you can convert an http client into a proxy too:

Code Block

BookStore proxy1 = JAXRSClientFactory.create("http://books", BookStore.class);
Client client = WebClient.client(proxy1);
BookStore proxy2 = JAXRSClientFactory.fromClient(client, BookStore.class);


If no ResponseExceptionMapper is available when a remote invocation failed then an instance of will be thrown (Note org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.ServerWebApplicationException is used to represent the server exceptions before CXF 2.7.0.). At this point of time you can check the actual Response and proceed from there:

Code Block

BookStore proxy = JAXRSClientFactory.create("http://books", BookStore.class);
try {
} catch(WebApplicationException ex) {
  Response r = ex.getResponse();
  String message = ex.getMessage();


When creating a proxy with JAXRSClientFactory, you can pass a Spring configuration location as one of the arguments. Or you can create a default bus using Spring configuration and all proxies will pick it up:

Code Block

SpringBusFactory bf = new SpringBusFactory();
Bus bus = bf.createBus("org/apache/cxf/systest/jaxrs/security/jaxrs-https.xml");
// BookStore proxy will get the configuration from Spring
BookStore proxy = JAXRSClientFactory.create("http://books", BookStore.class);


For injecting proxies via a spring context, use the jaxrs:client element like:

Code Block

  <jaxrs:client id="restClient"
             <entry key="Accept" value="text/xml"/>

See this bean for a full example of how jaxrs:client can be used to inject a proxy


Proxy sub-resource methods returning Objects can not be invoked. Prefer to have sub-resource methods returning typed classes: interfaces, abstract classes or concrete implementations.

The following applies to CXF 2.6.x-2.4.x only:

. Note that WebClient can also be injected as a jaxrs:client.

Asynchronous proxy invocations

Starting from CXF 3.1.7 it is possible to do the asynchronous proxy invocations. One needs to register JAX-RS 2.0 InvocationCallback as a proxy request context propertyWhen a proxy method returning a JAX-RS Response is invoked, the returned Response.getEntity() will return a response InputStream by default. Starting with CXF 2.3.2 one can register an org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.ResponseReader provider and cast the Response.getEntity() to more specific application classes:

Code Block

ResponseReaderBookStore readerproxy = new ResponseReader();
BookStore bs = JAXRSClientFactory.create(JAXRSClientFactory.create("http://localhost:8080/books", BookStore.class,);

Book book = null;
final InvocationCallback<Book> callback = new InvocationCallback<Book>() {
  public void completed(Book response) {
     book = response;
  public void failed(Throwable error)            Collections.singletonList(reader));
Response r1 = bs.getBook("123");
Book book = (Book)r1.getEntity();

Response r2 = bs.getBookAuthor("123");
Author book = (Author)r2.getEntity();

Working with user models


WebClient.getConfig(proxy).getRequestContext().put(InvocationCallback.class.getName(), callback);

If you have a proxy with different methods returning different response types then either register an Object bound InvocationCallback or register a collection of type-specific callbacksProxies can be created with the external user model being applied to a proxy class, for example:

Code Block

BookStore proxy = JAXRSClientFactory.createFromModelcreate("http://books", BookNoAnnotationsBookStore.class, "classpath:/resources/model.xml", null);

// Book
Book book = null;
final InvocationCallback<Book> bookCallback = new InvocationCallback<Book>() {
  public void completed(Book response) {
     book = response;
  public void failed(Throwable error) {
// Chapter
Chapter chapter = null;
final InvocationCallback<Chapter> chapterCallback = new InvocationCallback<Chapter>() {
  public void completed(Chapter response) {
     chapter = response;
  public void failed(Throwable error) {
                                                   Arrays.asList(bookCallback, chapterCallback));
// Get Book
// Get Book Chapter

Make sure a proxy is created in a thread safe mode if it is being accessed by multiple threads for every new request thread to have its own callback.

Buffering Responses

One way to buffer proxy responses is to have a proxy method return JAX-RS Response, use its bufferEntity()  method (available in JAX-RS 2.0) and use Response.readEntity which can return typed responses if preferred.

The other option is to have a "buffer.proxy.response" property enabled on a given proxy instance.


Proxy sub-resource methods returning Objects can not be invoked. Prefer to have sub-resource methods returning typed classes: interfaces, abstract classes or concrete implementations.

Working with user models

Proxies can be created with the external user model being applied to a proxy class, for example:

Code Block
JAXRSClientFactory.createFromModel("http://books", BookNoAnnotations.class, "classpath:/resources/model.xml", null);

BookNoAnnotations is either an interface or concrete class with BookNoAnnotations is either an interface or concrete class with no JAX-RS annotations. Both client proxies and server endpoints can 'turn' it into a RESTful resource by applying an external user model.


HTTP centric clients are WebClient instances which also implement the Client interface. In addition to setting various Client request properties, you can also make an explicit HTTP invocation with an HTTP verb being the name of a given operation :

Code Block

WebClient client = WebClient.create("http://books");
Book book = client.path("bookstore/books").accept("text/xml").get(Book.class);

You can choose to get an explicit JAX-RS Response instead and check the response code, headers or entity body if any:

Code Block

WebClient client = WebClient.create("http://books");
Response r = Book());
Book b = r.readEntity(Book.class);

WebClient lets you get back to a base URI or to a previous path segment and move forward, it can be handy for getting a number of individual entries from a service with ids embedded in path segments :

Code Block

WebClient client = WebClient.create("http://books");
List<Book> books = getBooks(client, 1L, 2L, 3L)

private List<Book> getBooks(WebClient client, Long ...ids) {
   List<Book> books = new ArrayList<Book>(); 
   for (Long id : ids) {
   return books;

The above code will send requests like "GET http://books/1", "GET http://books/2", etc.

If the request URI can be parameterized then you may want to use the following code:

Code Block

Book book = WebClient.create("http://books").path("{year}/{id}", 2010, 123).get(Book.class);
// as opposed to
// WebClient.create("http://books").path(2010).path(123).get(Book.class);


WebClient also has few collection-aware methods, example:

Code Block

Collection<? extends Book> books = WebClient.getCollection(Book.class);
Collection<? extends Book> books = WebClient.postAndGetCollection(new ArrayList<Book>(), Book.class);


You can handle remote exceptions by either explicitly getting a Response object as shown above and handling error statuses as needed or you can catch either or exceptions, the same way it can be done with proxies.

Configuring HTTP clients in Spring

Like proxies.

Configuring HTTP clients in Spring

Like proxies, HTTP clients can be created using a number of WebClient static utility methods: you can pass a location to a Spring configuration bean if needed or you can set up a default bus as shown above. For example:

, HTTP clients can be created using a number of WebClient static utility methods: you can pass a location to a Spring configuration bean if needed or you can set up a default bus as shown above. For example:

Code Block
<bean id="myJsonProvider" class="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.JSONProvider" > 
    <property name="supportUnwrapped" value="true" /> 
    <property name="wrapperName" value="nodeName" /> 

<util:list id="webClientProviders"> 
    <ref bean="myJsonProvider"/> 
Code Block
<bean id="myJsonProvidermyWebClient" 
class="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.providerclient.JSONProviderWebClient" > 
     <property name="supportUnwrapped<constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="truehttp://some.base.url.that.responds/" /> 
        <property name<constructor-arg ref="wrapperNamewebClientProviders" value="nodeName" /> 


Note, starting from CXF 2.7.5 it is possible to set-up WebClient instances the same way as proxies, using jaxrs:client:

Code Block
<jaxrs:client id="webClientProviderswebClient"> 
    <ref beanaddress="myJsonProvider"/> 

<bean id="myWebClient" classhttps://localhost:${port}/services/rest"
factory-method="create"> >
        <constructor-arg<entry typekey="java.lang.StringAccept" 
value="http://some.base.url.that.responds/" /> 
        <constructor-arg ref="webClientProviders" /> 

Note, starting from CXF 2.7.5 it is possible to set-up WebClient instances the same way as proxies, using jaxrs:client:


<jaxrs:client id="webClient"
             <entry key="Accept" value="text/xml"/>

The only limitation of using this option is that some of jaxrs:client attributes ("inheritHeaders", "modelRef") and elements ("model") are not really applicable to WebClient.

XML-centric clients

XML-centric clients are WebClients using an XMLSource utility class. XMLSource has a number of methods facilitating the retrieval of JAXB beans, individual properties or links with the help of XPath expressions. For example:


WebClient wc = WebClient.create("http://aggregated/data");
XMLSource source = wc.get(XMLSource.class);
Book b1 = source.getNode("/books/book[position() = 1]", Book.class);
Book b2 = source.getNode("/books/book[position() = 2]", Book.class);

Note that an XMLSource instance can be set to buffer the input stream thus allowing for executing multiple XPath queries.
XMlSource can also help with getting the URIs representing the links or XML instances as Strings.

Support for arbitrary HTTP methods for sync invocations.

To get the arbitrary HTTP methods supported with the synchronous client calls or bypass some known Java HTTPUrlConnection issues (example it will block empty DELETE requests) add the HttpClient-based transport dependency and set a "use.async.http.conduit" contextual property.

This will work as is for asynchronous calls given that the HttpClient-based transport is required.

Thread Safety

Proxies and web clients (clients) are not thread safe by default. In some cases this can be a limitation, especially when clients are injected; synchronizing on them can cause performance side effects.

One way to 'make' clients thread-safe is to use WebClient.fromClient(Client) for web clients or JAXRSClientFactoryBean.fromClient() factory methods which copy all the original configuration properties and can be used to create new client instances per every request.

A single client doing multiple invocations without changing the current URI or headers is thread-safe. The only limitation in this case applies to proxies, in that they can not get "out of band" headers without synchronizing, ex :


// get some response headers passed to us 'out of band', which is not thread-safe for a plain proxy: 
String bookHeader = WebClient.toClient(injectedBookStoreProxy).getHeaders().getFirst("BookHeader"); 

Final option is to use a 'threadSafe' boolean property when creating proxies or web clients (either from Spring or programmatically), see this test for more details. Thread-safe clients created this way keep their state in a thread-local storage.

If a number of incoming threads is limited then one option is just do nothing, while the other option is to reset the thread local state :


try { 
   webClient.header("bar", baz); 
} finally { 
   // if using a proxy: WebClient.client(proxy).reset(); 

Yet another option is to use JAXRSClientFactoryBean and a 'secondsToKeepState' property for creating thread-safe clients - this will instruct clients to clean-up the thread-local state periodically.

Configuring Clients at Runtime

Proxy and http-centric clients are typically created by JAXRSClientFactory or WebClient factory methods but JAXRSClientFactoryBean can also be used for pre-configuring clients before they are created.

Sometimes, you may want to configure a client instance after it is been created. For example, one may want to configure HTTPConduit programmatically, as opposed to setting its properties using Spring. ClientConfiguration represents a client-specific configuration state and can be accessed like this :


Book proxy = JAXRSClientFactory.create("http://books", Book.class);
ClientConfiguration config = WebClient.getConfig(proxy);
HTTPConduit conduit1 = (HTTPConduit)config.getConduit();

WebClient webclient = WebClient.create("http://books");
HTTPConduit conduit2 = (HTTPConduit)WebClient.getConfig(webclient).getConduit();

Creating clients programmatically with no Spring dependencies

Example :


JAXRSClientFactoryBean sf = new JAXRSClientFactoryBean();
BindingFactoryManager manager = sf.getBus().getExtension(BindingFactoryManager.class);
JAXRSBindingFactory factory = new JAXRSBindingFactory();
manager.registerBindingFactory(JAXRSBindingFactory.JAXRS_BINDING_ID, factory);
CustomerService service = sf.create(CustomerService.class);
WebClient wc = sf.createWebClient();

The only limitation of using this option is that some of jaxrs:client attributes ("inheritHeaders", "modelRef") and elements ("model") are not really applicable to WebClient.

XML-centric clients

XML-centric clients are WebClients using an XMLSource utility class. XMLSource has a number of methods facilitating the retrieval of JAXB beans, individual properties or links with the help of XPath expressions. For example:

Code Block
WebClient wc = WebClient.create("http://aggregated/data");
XMLSource source = wc.get(XMLSource.class);
Book b1 = source.getNode("/books/book[position() = 1]", Book.class);
Book b2 = source.getNode("/books/book[position() = 2]", Book.class);

Note that an XMLSource instance can be set to buffer the input stream thus allowing for executing multiple XPath queries.
XMlSource can also help with getting the URIs representing the links or XML instances as Strings.

Support for arbitrary HTTP methods for sync invocations.

To get the arbitrary HTTP methods supported with the synchronous client calls or bypass some known Java HTTPUrlConnection issues (example it will block empty DELETE requests) add the HttpClient-based transport dependency and set a "use.async.http.conduit" contextual property.

This will work as is for asynchronous calls given that the HttpClient-based transport is required.

Thread Safety

Proxies and web clients (clients) are not thread safe by default. In some cases this can be a limitation, especially when clients are injected; synchronizing on them can cause performance side effects.

One way to 'make' clients thread-safe is to use WebClient.fromClient(Client) for web clients or JAXRSClientFactoryBean.fromClient() factory methods which copy all the original configuration properties and can be used to create new client instances per every request.

A single client doing multiple invocations without changing the current URI or headers is thread-safe (while creating a Invocation.Builder instances concurrently is not thread-safe since the shared instance of non-thread-safe class ClientProviderFactory is used under the hood). The only limitation in this case applies to proxies, in that they can not get "out of band" headers without synchronizing, ex :

Code Block
// get some response headers passed to us 'out of band', which is not thread-safe for a plain proxy: 
String bookHeader = WebClient.client(injectedBookStoreProxy).getHeaders().getFirst("BookHeader"); 

Final option is to use a 'threadSafe' boolean property when creating proxies or web clients (either from Spring or programmatically), see this test for more details. Thread-safe clients created this way keep their state in a thread-local storage.

If a number of incoming threads is limited then one option is just do nothing, while the other option is to reset the thread local state :

Code Block
try { 
   webClient.header("bar", baz); 
} finally { 
   // if using a proxy: WebClient.client(proxy).reset(); 

Yet another option is to use JAXRSClientFactoryBean and a 'secondsToKeepState' property for creating thread-safe clients - this will instruct clients to clean-up the thread-local state periodically.

Configuring Clients at Runtime

Proxy and http-centric clients are typically created by JAXRSClientFactory or WebClient factory methods but JAXRSClientFactoryBean can also be used for pre-configuring clients before they are created.

Sometimes, you may want to configure a client instance after it is been created. For example, one may want to configure HTTPConduit programmatically, as opposed to setting its properties using Spring. ClientConfiguration represents a client-specific configuration state and can be accessed like this :

Code Block
Book proxy = JAXRSClientFactory.create("http://books", Book.class);
ClientConfiguration config = WebClient.getConfig(proxy);
HTTPConduit conduit1 = (HTTPConduit)config.getConduit();

WebClient webclient = WebClient.create("http://books");
HTTPConduit conduit2 = (HTTPConduit)WebClient.getConfig(webclient).getConduit();

When working with JAX-RS 2.0 Client API one can set some low-level HTTP properties via Configurable interface:

Code Block
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();"http.receive.timeout", 1000000); 

Creating clients programmatically with no Spring dependencies

Example :

Code Block
JAXRSClientFactoryBean sf = new JAXRSClientFactoryBean();
BindingFactoryManager manager = sf.getBus().getExtension(BindingFactoryManager.class);
JAXRSBindingFactory factory = new JAXRSBindingFactory();
manager.registerBindingFactory(JAXRSBindingFactory.JAXRS_BINDING_ID, factory);
CustomerService service = sf.create(CustomerService.class);
WebClient wc = sf.createWebClient();

Configuring an HTTP Conduit from Spring

There's a number of ways to configure HTTPConduits for proxies and WebClients.

It is possible to have an HTTPConduit configuration which will apply to all clients using different request URIs or only to those with using a specific URI. For example:

Code Block
<http:conduit name="http://books:9095/bookstore.*"/> 

This configuration will affect all proxies and WebClients which have requestURIs starting from 'http://books:9095/bookstore'. Note the trailing '.*' suffix in the name of the http:conduit element.

Please see this configuration file for more examples.

Alternatively you can just do:

Code Block
<http:conduit name="*.http-conduit"/> 

This configuration will affect all the clients, irrespective of the URIs being dealt with.

If you work with proxies then you can have the proxy-specific configuration using the expanded QName notation:

Code Block
<http:conduit name="{}BookService.http-conduit"/> 

In this example, '' is a reverse package name of the BookService proxy class.

Similarly, for WebClients you can do:

Code Block
<http:conduit name="{http://localhost:8080}WebClient.http-conduit"/> 

In this example, 'http://localhost:8080' is the base service URI.

Please see jaxrs-https-client1.xml and jaxrs-https-client2.xml configuration files for more examples.

Also see this wiki page on how to configure HTTPConduits.

Clients and Authentication

Proxies and HTTP-centric clients can have the HTTP Authorization header set up explicitly:

Code Block
// Replace 'user' and 'password' by the actual values
String authorizationHeader = "Basic " 
    + org.apache.cxf.common.util.Base64Utility.encode("user:password".getBytes());

// proxies
WebClient.client(proxy).header("Authorization", authorizationHeader);

// web clients
webClient.header("Authorization", authorizationHeader);

or by providing a username and password pair at client creation time, for example:

Code Block
BookStore proxy = JAXRSClientFactory.create("http://books", BookStore.class, "username", "password", "classpath:/config/https.xml");

WebClient client = WebClient.create("http://books", "username", "password", "classpath:/config/https.xml");

When injecting clients from Spring, one can add 'username' and 'password' values as attributes to jaxrs:client elements or add them to WebClient factory create methods.

Clients in Spring Boot

Please see JAXRSClientSpringBoot documentation on how CXF JAX-RS Clients can be used in a SpringBoot Application.

Clients and HTTP(s)

The default HttpClientHTTPConduit conduit by default supports the following HTTPS protocols: TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3. Since Apache CXF 4.0.4 / 3.6.3 release, the default HttpClientHTTPConduit respects https.protocols system property (see please and if set, would use the provided protocols. This behavior could be turned off by setting https.protocols.ignored system property to "true" (the default value is "false")

Configuring an HTTP Conduit from Spring

There's a number of ways to configure HTTPConduits for proxies and WebClients.

It is possible to have an HTTPConduit configuration which will apply to all clients using different request URIs or only to those with using a specific URI. For example:


<http:conduit name="http://books:9095/bookstore.*"/> 

This configuration will affect all proxies and WebClients which have requestURIs starting from 'http://books:9095/bookstore'. Note the trailing '.*' suffix in the name of the http:conduit element.

Please see this configuration file for more examples.

Alternatively you can just do:


<http:conduit name="*.http-conduit"/> 

This configuration will affect all the clients, irrespective of the URIs being dealt with.

If you work with proxies then you can have the proxy-specific configuration using the expanded QName notation:


<http:conduit name="{}BookService.http-conduit"/> 

In this example, '' is a reverse package name of the BookService proxy class.

Similarly, for WebClients you can do:


<http:conduit name="{http://localhost:8080}WebClient.http-conduit"/> 

In this example, 'http://localhost:8080' is the base service URI.

Please see jaxrs-https-client1.xml and jaxrs-https-client2.xml configuration files for more examples.

Also see this wiki page on how to configure HTTPConduits.

Clients and Authentication

Proxies and HTTP-centric clients can have the HTTP Authorization header set up explicitly:


// Replace 'user' and 'password' by the actual values
String authorizationHeader = "Basic " 
    + org.apache.cxf.common.util.Base64Utility.encode("user:password".getBytes());

// proxies
WebClient.client(proxy).header("Authorization", authorizationHeader);

// web clients
webClient.header("Authorization", authorizationHeader);

or by providing a username and password pair at client creation time, for example:


BookStore proxy = JAXRSClientFactory.create("http://books", BookStore.class, "username", "password", "classpath:/config/https.xml");

WebClient client = WebClient.create("http://books", "username", "password", "classpath:/config/https.xml");

When injecting clients from Spring, one can add 'username' and 'password' values as attributes to jaxrs:client elements or add them to WebClient factory create methods.