Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
git clone
git checkout branch-1.99.1

2. It may be worth checking to make sure we don't have any files that are out of sync with git before we start packaging.

Code Block
git status --ignored

3. Make sure that LICENSE.txt contains license information for all third-party libraries. In order to do this check properly, you will need to quickly create all packages. You need to check jars available in client/lib, server/lib and insider sqoop server war file (server/webapps/sqoop.war).

Code Block
//mvn package -DskipTests
//mvn package -DskipTests -Pbinary -Dhadoop.profile=100

// Since release 1.99.5 we have one hadoop profile we support
mvn package -DskipTests -Pbinary -Dhadoop.profile=200

// This script will help determine which dependencies are used but not in the existing license file
ls -1 dist/target/sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-bin-hadoop200/*/lib/ | grep ".jar" | grep -v "SNAPSHOT.jar" | sort -u | xargs -I {} ruby -e "file = '{}'; cutoff = file.index(/\d+\./); if cutoff then puts file.slice(0..cutoff-2) else puts file.slice(0..file.index('.jar')-1) end" | xargs -I {} sh -c 'if ! grep --quiet "For {}[-<version>]*.jar" LICENSE.txt ; then echo {} ; fi'

// This script will help determine which dependencies are in the license file but are not currently being used
grep "For .*jar" LICENSE.txt | xargs -I {} ruby -e "jar = '{}'; jar = jar.slice(4..jar.length-1); if jar.include?('<version>.jar') then puts jar.slice(0..jar.index('<version>.jar')-2) else puts jar.slice(0..jar.index('.jar')-1) end" | xargs -I {} sh -c 'if ! ls -1 dist/target/sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-bin-hadoop200/*/lib/ | grep --quiet '{}' ; then echo '{}' ; fi' | sort

23. Create tag on this commit to identify precise point where the RC was generated and push this tag to main repository

Code Block
git tag -a release-1.99.1-rc0 -m "Sqoop 1.99.1-rc0 release"
git push origin release-1.99.1-rc0

34. Create temporary directory where you'll be preparing all required artifacts

Code Block
mkdir -p /tmp/sqoop-release-preparations

45. Create source artifact and move it to your temporary directory

Code Block
mvn clean verify package -Psource
mv dist/target/sqoop-1.99.1.tar.gz /tmp/sqoop-release-preparations

56. Create binary artifact for each supported hadoop version and move generated  artifacts to your temporary directory


Sqoop is using SVN based release procedure. In order to release you have to checkout release repository located on and add release artifacts there. Note: this step can only be performed by a PMC member.

No Format
svn co sqoop-release
cd sqoop-release
mkdir 1.99.1
cp $source_to_your_artifacts 1.99.1/
svn add 1.99.1
# Optionally change KEYS file in case that you've added your key for the first time
svn commit -m "Release 1.99.1"


Don't worry, they will be archived on We need to release the pressure on all Apache mirrors so only most recent releases are allowed to be in the distribution area.

Update webpages

You need to update Sqoop webpages to reflect new release. Instructions are on separate wiki page.

Announce the release

Send an email to (the from: address must be For example,

No Format
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Sqoop 1.99.1 released

The Apache Sqoop team is pleased to announce the release of Sqoop 1.99.1.

This is the first cut of Sqoop2 branch. Major step forward of the project.

Apache Sqoop is a tool designed for efficiently transferring bulk data between Apache Hadoop and structured datastores, such as relational databases.

The release is available here:

The full change log is available here:

Your help and feedback is more than welcome. For more information on how to report problems
and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Sqoop Team

Publish binary artifacts in Maven Repository

1. Configure your Apache credentials in your maven settings.xml file (usually in ~/.m2/settings.xml). More information is available in official guide.

Code Block

2. Go to release branch (tag that was released)

3. Create, sign and deploy artifacts into staging repository

Code Block
for version in 100 200; do mvn clean deploy -Psign -Dhadoop.profile=$version ; done

4. Login to and select "Staging Repositories" under "Build Promotion" menu on the left.

5. Select org.apache.sqoop from the list of repositories and click "Close" using "Apache Sqoop 1.99.1" as description.


 Note: this step can only be performed by a PMC member.

Publish binary artifacts in Maven Repository

1. Configure your Apache credentials in your maven settings.xml file (usually in ~/.m2/settings.xml). More information is available in official guide.

Code Block


2. Go to release branch (tag that was released)

3. Create, sign and deploy artifacts into staging repository

Code Block
for version in 200; do mvn clean deploy -Psign -Dhadoop.profile=$version ; done

4. Login to and select "Staging Repositories" under "Build Promotion" menu on the left.

5. Select org.apache.sqoop from the list of repositories and click "Close" using "Apache Sqoop 1.99.1" as description.

6. Select org.apache.sqoop from the list of repositories and click "Release" using "Apache Sqoop 1.99.1 artifacts" as description

Update webpages

You need to update Sqoop webpages to reflect new release. Instructions are on separate wiki page.

Announce the release

Send an email to (the from: address must be For example,

No Format
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Sqoop 1.99.1 released

The Apache Sqoop team is pleased to announce the release of Sqoop 1.99.1.

This is the first cut of Sqoop2 branch. Major step forward of the project.

Apache Sqoop is a tool designed for efficiently transferring bulk data between Apache Hadoop and structured datastores, such as relational databases.

The release is available here:

The full change log is available here:

Your help and feedback is more than welcome. For more information on how to report problems
and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Sqoop Team