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Table of Contents


Current state: Under Discussion Accepted

Discussion thread: kafka-dev


Client flow:

  1. If sasl.mechanism is not GSSAPI, send a Kafka handshake request packet with the mechanism name to the server. Otherwise go to Step 3.
    • Request Format: | Kafka RequestHeader | Kafka SaslHandhsakeRequestSaslHandshakeRequest |
  2. Wait for response from the server. If the error code in the response is non-zero, indicating failure, report the error and fail authentication.
  3. Perform SASL authentication with the configured client mechanism. SASL authentication packets do not contain a Kafka RequestHeader.
    • Client token Format: | Size (int16int32) | SASL client authentication token |

Server flow:

  1. Wait for first authentication packet from client
  2. If this packet is a not valid Kafka handshake request, go to Step 4 and process this packet as the first GSSAPI client token
  3. If the client mechanism in the Kafka handshake request received in Step 2 is enabled in the broker, send a response with error code zero and start authentication using the specified mechanism. Otherwise, send an error response including the list of enabled mechanisms and fail authentication.
    • Response Format: | Kafka ResponseHeaderKafka SaslHandhsakeResponseSaslHandshakeResponse |
  4. Perform SASL authentication with the selected mechanism. If mechanism exchange was skipped, process the initial packet that was received from the client first. SASL authentication packets are expected without a Kafka RequestHeader until SASL authentication exchange completes. SASL server authentication packets are sent back without a Kafka response header.
    • Server token Format: | Size (int16int32) | SASL server authentication token |
