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Comment: Withdrawn


Table of Contents


Current state:  Under Discussion [One of "Under Discussion", "Accepted", "Rejected"]Withdrawn

Discussion thread: here (when initially misnumbered as KIP-178) and here (when assigned KIP-179)


Code Block
public class ReassignPartitionsOptions extends AbstractOptions<ReassignPartitionsOptions> {

    // Note timeoutMs() inherited from AbstractOptions

    public boolean validateOnly()

     * Validate the request only: Do not actually trigger replica reassignment.
    public ReassignPartitionsOptions validateOnly(boolean validateOnly)

    public long throttle() {
        return throttle;

     * <p>Set the throttle rate and throttled replicas for the reassignments.
     * The given throttle is in bytes/second and should be at least 1 KB/s.
     * Interbroker replication traffic will be throttled to approximately the given value.
     * Use Long.MAX_VALUE if the reassignment should not be throttled.</p>
     * <p>A positive throttle is equivalent to setting:</p>
     * <ul>
     *     <li>The leader and follower throttled rates to the given value given by throttle.</li>
     *     <li>The leader throttled replicas of each topic in the request to include the existing brokers having
     *     replicas of the partitions in the request.</li>
     *     <li>The follower throttled replicas of each topic in the request to include the new brokers
     *     for each partition in that topic.</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>The value of {@link #autoRemoveThrottle()} will determine whether these
     * throttles will be removed automatically when the reassignment completes.</p>
     * @see AdminClient#alterInterbrokerThrottledRate(int, long, long)
     * @see AdminClient#alterInterbrokerThrottledReplicas(Map)
    public ReassignPartitionsOptions throttle(long throttle) { ... }

    public boolean autoRemoveThrottle() { ... }

     * True to automatically remove the throttle at the end of the current reassignment.
    public ReassignPartitionsOptions autoRemoveThrottle(boolean autoRemoveThrottle) { ... }

public class ReassignPartitionsResult {
    public Map<TopicPartition, KafkaFuture<Void>> values();
    public KafkaFuture<Void> all();


Code Block
     * Change the rate at which interbroker replication is throttled, replacing existing throttled rates. 
 * For each broker *in Thethe given {@code rates}, the {@code leaderRate} of the corresponding 
 * {@code ThrottledRate} is the throttled rate when the broker is acting as leader.
  * Thethe given {@code followerRate} is the throttled rate when the broker is acting as follower.
      * For the throttled rates to take effect, the given broker must also be present in the
     * list of throttled replicas, which can be set by {@link #alterInterbrokerThrottledReplicas()}.
 * The   * The throttled rates throttle will be automatically removed at the end of the current reassignment.,
 unless overridden in AlterInterbrokerThrottledRateResult alterInterbrokerThrottledRate(Map<Integer, ThrottledRate>, AlterInterbrokerThrottledRateOptions options)
    // HOW do I get the current throttled rate?
    class AlterInterbrokerThrottledRateOptions {
        boolean autoRemoveThrottle()the given options.
 * The current rates can be obtained from {@link #describeConfigs(Collection)}.
 * @param rates Map from broker id to the throttled rates for that broker.
 * @param options The options.
public abstract AlterInterbrokerThrottledRateResult alterInterbrokerThrottledRate(
        ReassignPartitionsOptions autoRemoveThrottle(boolean)Map<Integer, ThrottledRate> rates, 

    AlterInterbrokerThrottledRateOptions options);


Code Block
 * The throttled rate for interbroker replication on a particular broker.
public class ThrottledRate {
    public ThrottledRate(long leaderRate, long followerRate) { ... }
  long leaderRate() { ... }
  long  /**
     * The throttled rate when the broker is acting as leader.
    long leaderRate() { ... }
     * The throttled rate when the broker is acting as follower.
    long followerRate() { ... }


public class AlterInterbrokerThrottledRateOptions extends AbstractOptions<AlterInterbrokerThrottledRateOptions> {

    public boolean autoRemoveThrottle() { ... }

     * True to automatically remove the throttle at the end of the current reassignment.
    public AlterInterbrokerThrottledRateOptions autoRemoveThrottle(boolean autoRemoveThrottle) { ... }

public class AlterInterbrokerThrottledRateResult {
    // package-access ctor

    public Map<Integer, KafkaFuture<Void>> values() { ... }

    public KafkaFuture<Void> all() { ... }


Code Block
 * Set the partitions and brokers subject to the
 * {@linkplain #alterInterbrokerThrottledRate(Map)
 * interbroker throttled rate}.
 * The brokers specified as the {@link ThrottledReplicas#leaders()} corresponding to a
 * topic partition given in {@code replicas} will be subject to the leader throttled rate
 * when acting as the leader for that partition.
 * The brokers specified as the {@link ThrottledReplicas#followers()} corresponding to a
 * topic partition given in {@code repicas} will be subject to the follower throttled rate
 * when acting as the follower for that partition.
 * If the given {@code replicas} is null then the throttle will apply to all topic partitions on all brokers.
 * TODO No! It should depend on the current reassignment
 * *
 * The throttle will be automatically removed at the end of the current reassignment,
 * unless overridden in the given options.
 * The current throttled replicas can be obtained via {@link #describeConfigs(Collection)} with a
 * ConfigResource with type {@link ConfigResource.Type#TOPIC TOPIC} and name "leader.replication.throttled.replicas"
 * or "follower.replication.throttled.replicas".
public abstract AlterInterbrokerThrottledReplicasResult alterInterbrokerThrottledReplicas(
        Map<TopicPartition, ThrottledReplicas> replicas,
        AlterInterbrokerThrottledReplicasOptions options);


Code Block
public class ThrottledReplicas {

    public public ThrottledReplicas(Collection<Integer> leaders, Collection<Integer> followers) { ... }

     * The brokers which should be throttled when acting as leader. A null value indicates all brokers in the cluster.
    public Collection<Integer> leaders() { .. }

     * The brokers which should be throttled when acting as follower. A null value indicates all brokers in the cluster.
    public Collection<Integer> followers() { ... }


public class AlterInterbrokerThrottledReplicasOptions extends AbstractOptions<AlterInterbrokerThrottledReplicasOptions> {

    public boolean autoRemoveThrottle() { ... }

     * True to automatically remove the throttle at the end of the current reassignment.
    public AlterInterbrokerThrottledReplicasOptions autoRemoveThrottle(boolean autoRemoveThrottle) { ... }

public class AlterInterbrokerThrottledReplicasResult {
    // package-access ctor
    public Map<TopicPartition, KafkaFuture<Void>> values() { ... }
    public KafkaFuture<Void> all() { ... }
