Versions Compared


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Table of Contents



CXF 2.7.x and CXF 3.0.0 depending on 2.0-m10 and 2.0 final versions of JAX-RS 2.0 API. 

Project setup and configuration


Check the specification or ask at the users list for more details. 

Maven dependencies

CXF 3.





The cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs dependency is required:

Code Block

This will in turn pull other CXF modules such cxf-core and cxf-rt-transports-http, check the pom for more information. dependency provides JAX-RS 2.0 1 Final API.

javax.annotation/javax.annotation-api/1.2 dependency is needed if custom JAX-RS 2.0 filters or interceptors use a javax.annotation.Priority annotation.

Existing JAX-RS 1.1 applications can run in CXF 3.1.x and CXF 3.0.x.

CXF JAX-RS bundle

Note CXF JAX-RS bundle has been removed in CXF 3.0.0. Prefer depending on the JAX-RS frontend directly. In CXF 3.0.0 a complete CXF all-inclusive bundle can still be used if really needed.

Only in CXF 2.7.x or earlier:
A standalone JAX-RS bundle is available which may be of interest to users doing the JAX-RS work only.

Please note that this bundle has a transitive Maven dependency on the Jetty server modules. If you are using Maven and working with other servlet containers such as Tomcat then please add the following exclusion:

CXF 3.1.x

The cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs dependency is required:

Code Block

This will in turn pull other CXF modules such cxf-core and cxf-rt-transports-http, check the pom for more information. dependency provides JAX-RS 2.0 Final API.

javax.annotation/javax.annotation-api/1.2 dependency is needed if custom JAX-RS 2.0 filters or interceptors use a javax.annotation.Priority annotation.

Existing JAX-RS 1.1 applications can run in CXF 3.1.x and CXF 3.0.x.

CXF JAX-RS bundle

Note CXF JAX-RS bundle has been removed in CXF 3.0.0. Prefer depending on the JAX-RS frontend directly. In CXF 3.0.0 a complete CXF all-inclusive bundle can still be used if really needed.

Only in CXF 2.7.x or earlier:
A standalone JAX-RS bundle is available which may be of interest to users doing the JAX-RS work only.

Please note that this bundle has a transitive Maven dependency on the Jetty server modules. If you are using Maven and working with other servlet containers such as Tomcat then please add the following exclusion:

Code Block
Code Block




{{ > GET /resource?_type=xml}}xml}}

CXF also supports overriding request methods. However note that by default this is not allowed (since CXF 3.3.4) for a CXF service. To enable HTTP method overriding, specify the "org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.allow.http.method.override" endpoint property as "true".

Two options of overriding HTTP request methods are available - via a query parameterOverriding a request method is also easy:

> GET /resource?_method=POST


Code Block
<beans xmlns:cxf="" 

Please make sure the namespace is in scope.

Starting from CXF 2.3.0 it is also possible to convert log events into Atom entries and either push them to receivers or make them available for polling.

Please see the Debugging and Logging page for more information.

Advanced Features



Please make sure the namespace is in scope.

Starting from CXF 2.3.0 it is also possible to convert log events into Atom entries and either push them to receivers or make them available for polling.

Please see the Debugging and Logging page for more information.

Advanced Features


Multiparts can be handled in a number of ways. The CXF core runtime provides advanced support for handling attachments which CXF JAX-RS builds upon.

Please see the JAX-RS Multiparts page for more information.

Secure JAX-RS services

Transport level HTTPS security can be used to protect messages exchanged between CXF JAX-RS endpoints and providers.

Authentication and authorization can be enforced in a number of ways.

Please see the Secure JAX-RS Services page for more information.

Please also check JAX-RS XML Security, JAX-RS SAML, JAX-RS Token Authorization and JAX-RS OAuth2 pages for more information about the advanced security topics.

Failover and Load Distribution Features

Starting from CXF 2.4.1, CXF JAX-RS proxy and WebClient consumers can be backed up by failover and load distribution featuresMultiparts can be handled in a number of ways. The CXF core runtime provides advanced support for handling attachments which CXF JAX-RS builds upon.
Please see the JAX-RS MultipartsFailover page for more information.

Secure JAX-RS services

Transport level HTTPS security can be used to protect messages exchanged between CXF JAX-RS endpoints and providers.


Starting from CXF 2.2.5 it is possible to redirect the request or response call to other servlet resources by configuring CXFServlet or using CXF JAX-RS RequestDispatcherProviderAuthentication and authorization can be enforced in a number of ways.

Please see the Secure JAX-RS ServicesRedirection page for more information.

Please also check JAX-RS XML Security, JAX-RS SAML and JAX-RS OAuth2 pages for more information about the advanced security topics.

Failover and Load Distribution Features

XSLT and XPath

XSLT and XPath are promoted and treated as first-class citizens in CXF JAX-RS. These technologies can be very powerful when generating complex data or retrieving data of interest out of complex XML fragmentsStarting from CXF 2.4.1, CXF JAX-RS proxy and WebClient consumers can be backed up by failover and load distribution features.

Please see the JAX-RS FailoverAdvanced XML page for more information.


Starting from CXF 2.2.5 it is possible to redirect the request or response call to other servlet resources by configuring CXFServlet or using CXF JAX-RS RequestDispatcherProvider.

Please see the JAX-RS Redirection page for more information.

XSLT and XPath

Complex Search Queries

Using query parameter beans provides a way to capture search requirements that can be expressed by enumerating name/value pairs, for example, a query such as '?name=CXF&version=2.3' can be captured by a bean containing setName and setVersion methods. This 'template' bean can be used in the code to compare it against all available local data.

Versions 2.3 and later of CXF JAXRS support another option for doing advanced search queries using the Feed Item Query Language(FIQL)XSLT and XPath are promoted and treated as first-class citizens in CXF JAX-RS. These technologies can be very powerful when generating complex data or retrieving data of interest out of complex XML fragments.

Please see the JAX-RS Advanced XMLSearch page for more information.

Complex Search Queries

Using query parameter beans provides a way to capture search requirements that can be expressed by enumerating name/value pairs, for example, a query such as '?name=CXF&version=2.3' can be captured by a bean containing setName and setVersion methods. This 'template' bean can be used in the code to compare it against all available local data.

Versions 2.3 and later of CXF JAXRS support another option for doing advanced search queries using the Feed Item Query Language(FIQL).

Please see the JAX-RS Search page for more information.

Model-View-Controller support

Please see the JAX-RS Advanced XML page for more information. on how XSLTJaxbProvider can be used to generate complex (X)HTML views.


With the introduction of RequestDispatcherProvider it is now possible for JAXRS service responses be redirected to JSP pages for further processing. Please see the JAX-RS Redirection page for more information.

Combining JAX-WS and JAX-RS

CXF JAX-RS tries to make it easy for SOAP developers to experiment with JAX-RS and combine both JAX-WS and JAX-RS in the same service bean when needed.

Please see the JAX-RS and JAX-WS page for more information.

Integration with Distributed OSGi

Distributed OSGi RI is a CXF subproject. DOSGi mandates how registered Java interfaces can be exposed
and consumed as remote services. DOSGi single and multi bundle distributions contain all the OSGI bundles required for a CXF endpoint be successfully published.

CXF JAX-RS implementations has been integrated with DOSGi RI 1.1-SNAPSHOT which makes it possible to expose Java interfaces as RESTful services and consume such services using a proxy-based client API.

Model-View-Controller support

Please see the JAX-RS Advanced XML page for more information. on how XSLTJaxbProvider can be used to generate complex (X)HTML views.


With the introduction of RequestDispatcherProvider it is now possible for JAXRS service responses be redirected to JSP pages for further processing. Please see the JAX-RS Redirection page for more information.

Combining JAX-WS and JAX-RS

CXF JAX-RS tries to make it easy for SOAP developers to experiment with JAX-RS and combine both JAX-WS and JAX-RS in the same service bean when needed.

Please see the JAX-RS and JAX-WS page for more information.

Integration with Distributed OSGi

Distributed OSGi RI is a CXF subproject. DOSGi mandates how registered Java interfaces can be exposed
and consumed as remote services. DOSGi single and multi bundle distributions contain all the OSGI bundles required for a CXF endpoint be successfully published.

CXF JAX-RS implementations has been integrated with DOSGi RI 1.1-SNAPSHOT which makes it possible to expose Java interfaces as RESTful services and consume such services using a proxy-based client API.

Please see the DOSGI Reference page ('' properties) and a greeter_rest sample for more information. Note that this demo can be run exactly as a SOAP-based greeter demo as it registers and consumes a similar (but) JAX-RS annotated GreeterService. In addition, this demo shows how one can register and consume a given interface (GreeterService2) without using explicit JAX-RS annotations but providing an out-of-band user model description.

OData Support

CXF JAX-RS endpoints can support OData in two ways by relying on Apache Olingo.

First, the OData "$filter" query is supported by the Search extension where an endpoint with the application specific API can respond to the filter queries, for example, return a collection of books matching the fillter search criteria.

Second, CXF JAX-RS can be used to interpose over the Olingo, as is demoed here. Effectively such a CXF endpoint becomes an OData server: all it does it delegates to Olingo. The idea is to be able to add CXF specific features and interceptors in front of OlingoPlease see the DOSGI Reference page ('' properties) and a greeter_rest sample for more information. Note that this demo can be run exactly as a SOAP-based greeter demo as it registers and consumes a similar (but) JAX-RS annotated GreeterService. In addition, this demo shows how one can register and consume a given interface (GreeterService2) without using explicit JAX-RS annotations but providing an out-of-band user model description.

Other Advanced Features

CXF JAX-RS provides a number of advanced extensions such as the support for the JMS transport, one-way invocations (HTTP and JMS), suspended invocations (HTTP and JMS), making existing code REST-aware by applying external user models, etc.
