Versions Compared


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License Type: public domain (it's tiny!)

Status: active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2005-01-15


License Type: Public Domain

Status: Active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2005-01-15


License Type: public domainStatus: active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2005-01-15


License Type: public domain

Status: active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2005-01-15


License Type: Public Domain

Status: active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2005-01-18



Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::LDAPfilter provides LDAP-based blacklist and whitelist filtering capabilities to SpamAssassin 3.x installs. Standard elements from the SMTP session and the RFC822 message are parsed out and searches are submitted to an LDAP server, and scorable responses are returend for any matches. For example, if a message contains a parseable domain name, the domain name will be used as a search key against the LDAP filters, and if a match is found the plugin will return a scorable marker, which could either be positive (blacklist) or negative (whitelist).

Created by: Eric A. Hall

iXhash is based on the procmail-based project 'NiXSpam', created and maintained by Bert Ungerer, editor with the German IT-magazin 'iX' ( Basically redundant information is removed from the body of a mail, then a MD5 hash is computed from the rest and compared to a given database of known spam. The actual comparison is realised via DNS. See code for more info. Read up at for even more.

No further development, usage discouraged. .

Created by: Dirk Bonengel

Contact: dirk.bonengel@login-solutions.deContact:

License Type: Same as SpamAssassin

Status: currently stable and also undergoing ongoing no further development

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2005-0507-24 02

Available at:


Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::iXhash is based on the procmail-based project 'NiXSpam', created and maintained by Bert Ungerer, editor with the German IT-magazin 'iX' ( Basically redundant information is removed from the body of a mail, then a MD5 hash is computed from the rest and compared to a given database of known spam. The actual comparison is realised via DNS. See code for more info. Read up at for even more.

No further development, usage discouraged. .

Created by: Dirk Bonengel


License Type: Same as SpamAssassin

Status: no further development


Note: Please read the POD too



This plugin provides meta data for scoring URIs based on the country in which they are hosted enabling easy creation of rules for any country

Created by: Derek Harding

Contact: derek_sa at atuin dot net

License Type: Same as SpamAssassin

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2005-08-09

Available at: URICountryPlugin



Utilizes an access.db style hash file to extend the SpamAssassin trusted_networks to 'POPAuth' or 'POP-before-SMTP' hosts by dynamically adding and removing the hosts or networks found in the specified database to SpamAssassin's trusted_networks configuration.

Created by: Daryl C. W. O'Shea

Contact: spamassassin at dostech dot ca

License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2005-0710-02 11

Available at: iXhash

Note: Please read the POD too


This plugin provides meta data for scoring URIs based on the country in which they are hosted enabling easy creation of rules for any country

Created by: Derek Harding

Contact: derek_sa at atuin dot net

License Type: Same as SpamAssassin




This SpamAssassin plugin module allows users to specify a value that will be added to the message header, for all messages, specifying what value/score it is safe to delete the message. Obviously, you need some other process that looks at this header and performs the action, since SpamAssassin only filters and does not delete.

Created by: Michael Parker

Contact: parkerm at pobox dot com

License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0Status: active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2005-0812-09 14

Available at: URICountryPlugin CustomDeleteTag


SAGrey is a two-phased greylist tool for use inside spamassassin. It first looks to see if the score of the current message exceeds the current "spam" threshold value, and if so then it looks to see if the message sender's email and IP address tuple are already known to the auto-whitelist (AWL) repository. If the message exceeds the spam score and the sender is unknown to spamassassin, SAGrey assumes that this is one-time spam from a throwaway or zombie account, and fires accordingly.

This is badly named, as it does not actually do greylisting.

Created by: Eric A. Hall


License Type: Same as SpamAssassin

Status: seemingly-functional initial release; ongoing development


Persistent Database Plugin

This plugin module provides persistent database connections. It uses the DBI interface in much the same way that Apache::DBI does, in fact a large portion of the inspiration comes from that module.

To use, all you need to do is load the plugin module, via loadplugin, and it will automatically step in and handle your database connections.

Requires SpamAssassin 3.1+

Created by: Michael Parker

Contact: parkerm at pobox dot com

License Type: Artistic License

Maintained as Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2005-0812-21 14

Available at:


Utilizes an access.db style hash file to extend the SpamAssassin trusted_networks to 'POPAuth' or 'POP-before-SMTP' hosts by dynamically adding and removing the hosts or networks found in the specified database to SpamAssassin's trusted_networks configuration.




Fetches web pages linked to in messages and provides their contents in a pseudo-header that can be used in custom header rules.

Two eval tests are also provided to report links that return an HTTP status of either 403 (Forbidden) or 404 (Not Found).

Limited decoding of data contained in pages is also attempted. The decoded data is provided in an additional pseudo-header that is made available to custom header rules.

Created Created by: Daryl C. W. O'Shea

Contact: spamassassin at dostech dot ca

License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0Status: active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2005-1012-11 15

Available at: POPAuthPlugin WebRedirectPlugin



Stats Plugin

Keeps real-time statistics inside of a MySQL database. Statistics are rotated on a daily basis and contain user totals for that day; including total ham, spam, and messages processed. A "$TOTALS" field provides the complete summary of messages processed by the system for the dayThis SpamAssassin plugin module allows users to specify a value that will be added to the message header, for all messages, specifying what value/score it is safe to delete the message. Obviously, you need some other process that looks at this header and performs the action, since SpamAssassin only filters and does not delete.

Created by: Michael Parker James Keating

Contact: parkerm jamesk at pobox okeating dot com net

License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0

Status: active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2005-12-14 17

Available at: CustomDeleteTag StatsPlugin


Persistent Database OCR Plugin

This plugin module provides persistent database connections. It uses the DBI interface in much the same way that Apache::DBI does, in fact a large portion of the inspiration comes from that module.

To use, all you need to do is load the plugin module, via loadplugin, and it will automatically step in and handle your database connections.

Requires SpamAssassin 3.1+

Created by: Michael Parker

Contact: parkerm at pobox dot com

License Type: Artistic License

Status: active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2005-12-14

Available at: DBIPlugin


Fetches web pages linked to in messages and provides their contents in a pseudo-header that can be used in custom header rules.

Two eval tests are also provided to report links that return an HTTP status of either 403 (Forbidden) or 404 (Not Found).

Limited decoding of data contained in pages is also attempted. The decoded data is provided in an additional pseudo-header that is made available to custom header rules.

Created by: Daryl C. W. O'Shea

Contact: spamassassin at dostech dot ca

License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0

Status: active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2005-12-15

Available at: WebRedirectPlugin

Stats Plugin

Keeps real-time statistics inside of a MySQL database. Statistics are rotated on a daily basis and contain user totals for that day; including total ham, spam, and messages processed. A "$TOTALS" field provides the complete summary of messages processed by the system for the day.

Created by: James Keating

Contact: jamesk at okeating dot net

License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0

Status: active

Checks for specific keywords in image/gif attachments, using gocr. This can be used to detect spam that puts all the real contect in an attached image, accompanied with random text and html (no URL's, etc).

Created by: Maarten de Boer

Contact: mdeboer at iua dot upf dot edu

License Type: Same as SpamAssassin

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2006-03-27

Available at: OcrPlugin

Note: this is my first SA plugin, so any feedback is welcome. Please test and send reports.


OCR scanner and image validator SA-plugin

Checks for specific keywords in gif/jpg/png attachments, using gocr. This can be used to detect spam that puts all the real contect in an attached image, accompanied with random text and html (no URL's, etc). There are also various rules to validate attached images and detect forged content types or broken images. This plugin needs SpamAssassin 3.1.1 or later. The version 2.0 is able to defeat recent gif animations which use gif tricks to avoid OCR.

Created by: Martin Blapp


License Type: BSD

Added: 2006-04-09

Maintained as of: Old

Available at:

Note: Feedback and new sample images are welcome. Please test and send reports.


Fuzzy OCR Plugin

Derived from OcrPlugin (see above), but has many feature enhancements, including an approximate matching algorithm to compensate recognition errors and obfuscation, support for broken gifs, jpeg and png, dynamic scoring, automatic content-type independant format detection and many more.

Created by: Christian Holler

Contact: decoder_at_own-hero_dot_net

License Type: Same as SpamAssassin

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 20052006-1208-17 08

Available at: StatsPlugin

OCR Plugin

Checks for specific keywords in image/gif attachments, using gocr. This can be used to detect spam that puts all the real contect in an attached image, accompanied with random text and html (no URL's, etc).

Created by: Maarten de Boer

Contact: mdeboer at iua dot upf dot edu

License Type: Same as SpamAssassin

Status: active


Note: Feedback and new sample images are welcome. Please test and send reports.


Relayed By Dialup

This plugin tries to find out if the delivering host has its IP coded in the DNS-record. it doesn't lookup the IPs itself, but takes the data from the Received-Headers.

Created by: Lars Uffmann, converted to a Module: Cord Beermann

Contact: lu at,

License Type: same as Spamassassin

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 20062007-0302-27 14

Available at: OcrPlugin RelayedByDialup

Note: this is my first SA plugin, so any feedback is welcome. Please test and send reports.

OCR scanner and image validator SA-plugin

Checks for specific keywords in gif/jpg/png attachments, using gocr. This can be used to detect spam that puts all the real contect in an attached image, accompanied with random text and html (no URL's, etc). There are also various rules to validate attached images and detect forged content types or broken images. This plugin needs SpamAssassin 3.1.1 or later. The version 2.0 is able to defeat recent gif animations which use gif tricks to avoid OCR.

Created by: Martin Blapp


License Type: BSD

Status: active

Added: 2006-04-09

Maintained as of: Old

Sample Results: on my setup hits of this test are 97% spam, the rest is ham



This provides a way to automatically give a negative score to all addresses in an addressbook, which may be updated dynamically. It's not the same as whitelisting all addresses because spammers may know about some of them, so we don't want to whitelist, only give a small negative score. It's not the same as autowhitelist (AWL), which is an unlabeled learner, i.e. it just smooths scores per sender over time, but doesn't help senders who have consistently high scores.

Created by: Karl Chen

Contact: < >

License Type: Public domain

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2007-03-26

Available at: http://antispamgit.impcubewano.chorg/patchesgit/ocrtext-3.2.tgz

Note: Feedback and new sample images are welcome. Please test and send reports.

Fuzzy OCR Plugin

Derived from OcrPlugin (see above), but has many feature enhancements, including an approximate matching algorithm to compensate recognition errors and obfuscation, support for broken gifs, jpeg and png, dynamic scoring, automatic content-type independant format detection and many more.

Created by: Christian Holler

Contact: decoder_at_own-hero_dot_net

License Type: Same as SpamAssassin

Status: active




Validates OpenPGP-signed emails; requires Mail::GPG

Created by: Dave Brondsema

Contact: konfidi-devel at

License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 20062007-0804-08 03

Available at: FuzzyOcrPlugin

Note: Feedback and new sample images are welcome. Please test and send reports.

Relayed By Dialup

This plugin tries to find out if the delivering host has its IP coded in the DNS-record. it doesn't lookup the IPs itself, but takes the data from the Received-Headers.

Created by: Lars Uffmann, converted to a Module: Cord Beermann

Contact: lu at,

License Type: same as Spamassassin

Status: active

SVN: (in clients/spamassassin-openpgp/trunk)



If you want to build your own rbldns System and reuse the Filtering results of Spamassassin this package could be the sollution. It is a UDP based client-server application which reports all spamming IP's to one Server. A worker thread (cronjob) creates the IP list to block. This sollution take use of the rbldns server included in the djbdns distribution.

The package includes three components. The sa2dnsblc Plugin for Spamassassin, the sa2dnsbld Server and finally the sa2dnsblw Worker. Installation instructions are included in

Created by: Frank Blechschmitt, FBIS


License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2007-0207-14 21

Available at: RelayedByDialup

Sample Results: on my setup hits of this test are 97% spam, the rest is ham


This provides a way to automatically give a negative score to all addresses in an addressbook, which may be updated dynamically. It's not the same as whitelisting all addresses because spammers may know about some of them, so we don't want to whitelist, only give a small negative score. It's not the same as autowhitelist (AWL), which is an unlabeled learner, i.e. it just smooths scores per sender over time, but doesn't help senders who have consistently high scores.

Created by: Karl Chen

Contact: < >

License Type: Public domain

Status: active



A plugin which scans PDF attachments, exports text from PDF files and uses OCR to extract image spam embeded in PDF files. Helpful to catch Spam messages been sent as PDF files, uses the gocr and pdftotext utilities as a dependency

Created by: Ben Duncan

Contact: info at calacode dot com

License Type: Same as SpamAssassin

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2007-0307-26 23

Available at:


Validates OpenPGP-signed emails; requires Mail::GPG

Created by: Dave Brondsema

Contact: konfidi-devel at

License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0


Note: First release, proof of concept


Cloudmark Authority

8 different fingerprinting algorithms for spam, phishing, and virus. Authority offers significant performance and accuracy improvements with automatic rules and configuration updates every minute. Brought to you by the makers of Razor.

Created by: Cloudmark

Contact: satrial at cloudmark dot com

License Type: Commercial annual subscriptionStatus: Active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2007-0407-03 27

Available at:

SVN: (in clients/spamassassin-openpgp/trunk)


If you want to build your own rbldns System and reuse the Filtering results of Spamassassin this package could be the sollution. It is a UDP based client-server application which reports all spamming IP's to one Server. A worker thread (cronjob) creates the IP list to block. This sollution take use of the rbldns server included in the djbdns distribution.

The package includes three components. The sa2dnsblc Plugin for Spamassassin, the sa2dnsbld Server and finally the sa2dnsblw Worker. Installation instructions are included in


Note: Razor plug-in with local signature cache


Log Scanned Messages

This plugin will write a copy of every mail scanned to the C</tmp/spamassassin_scanned_msgs> directory (creating that dir if it doesn't already exist). This may be very useful when attempting to debug certain error conditions that only manifest with certain input messages.

Created by: Justin MasonCreated by: Frank Blechschmitt, FBIS

Contact: http://wwwjmason.fbis.chorg

License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0

Status: Active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2007-08-07-21

Available at:


A plugin which scans PDF attachments, exports text from PDF files and uses OCR to extract image spam embeded in PDF files. Helpful to catch Spam messages been sent as PDF files, uses the gocr and pdftotext utilities as a dependency

Created by: Ben Duncan

Contact: info at calacode dot com

License Type: Same as SpamAssassin



For authenticated messages, queries the Konfidi ( trust network for a computed inferred trust value of the sender.

Note: as of Jan '08 only Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::OpenPGP is supported for auth; SPF and DKIM are planned. Created by: Dave Brondsema

Contact: konfidi-devel at

License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0Status: active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 20072008-0701-23 27

Available at: http://blogsearch.atmailcpan.comorg/?p=61

Note: First release, proof of concept

Cloudmark Authority


SVN: (in clients/spamassassin/trunk)



Checks if message is sent from a "freemail" account. Also checks a specific spam sign, if a message has Reply-To or email mentioned in body pointing to a different freemail account8 different fingerprinting algorithms for spam, phishing, and virus. Authority offers significant performance and accuracy improvements with automatic rules and configuration updates every minute. Brought to you by the makers of Razor.

Created by: Cloudmark Henrik Krohns

Contact: satrial at cloudmark dot com sa at

License Type: Commercial annual subscription

Status: active

Apache License, Version 2.0

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 20072008-0703-27 21

Available at: Integrated in SpamAssassin 3.3 (see links http://wwwsa.cloudmarkhege.comli/spamassassin

Note: Razor plug-in with local signature cache

Log Scanned Messages




Collects tokens from bayes in a SQL database, making it possible to see what tokens the bayes database containsThis plugin will write a copy of every mail scanned to the C</tmp/spamassassin_scanned_msgs> directory (creating that dir if it doesn't already exist). This may be very useful when attempting to debug certain error conditions that only manifest with certain input messages.

Created by: Justin Mason Jonas Eckerman


License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0

Status: Active

Public Domain

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 20072008-0805-07 29

Available at:



For authenticated messages, queries the Konfidi ( trust network for a computed inferred trust value of the sender.

Note: as of Jan '08 only Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::OpenPGP is supported for auth; SPF and DKIM are planned. Created by: Dave Brondsema

Contact: konfidi-devel at

License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0

Status: Active

Maintained as of: Old


Fetches the OS info from a database populated from p0f and inserts it in a header for use in scores and bayes. The database can reside on and/or be populated from a different system (such as a firewall or router).

Created by: Jonas Eckerman


License Type: Public Domain

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2008-05-29Added: 2008-01-27

Available at:

Note: To use you also need the scripts (from the same place as the plugin) and the p0f OS fingerprinting application.



SVN: (in clients/spamassassin/trunk)


Checks if message is sent from a "freemail" account. Also checks a specific spam sign, if a message has Reply-To or email mentioned in body pointing to a different freemail account.

Created by: Henrik Krohns

Contact: sa at

License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0

Status: Active


Checks for mismatches between a parts MIME type and its actual content.

Created by: Jonas Eckerman


License Type: Public Domain

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2008-05-29

Available at:

Note: Some mismatches really aren't, so the plugin can have a map between types that are considered equal.



Counts messages using iXhash/NixSpam like hashes.

Created by: Jonas Eckerman


License Type: Public Domain

Maintained Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2008-0306-21 16

Available at: Integrated in SpamAssassin 3.3 (see links org/



Copies the (decoded) content of specified headers to the decoded/rendered body of a the message objectCollects tokens from bayes in a SQL database, making it possible to see what tokens the bayes database contains.

Created by: Jonas Eckerman


License Type: Public Domain

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2008-06-16



Compares 'From:' and 'Reply-To:' headers.

Created by: Ronnie Mose

Contact: rm at travelaccommodation dot eu

License Type: Public DomainStatus: active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2008-0507-29 07

Available at: FromNotReplyTo



Fetches the OS info from a database populated from p0f and inserts it in a header for use in scores and bayes. The database can reside on and/or be populated from a different system (such as a firewall or router).

Created by: Jonas Eckerman


License Type: Public Domain

Status: active


DKIM Reputation Plugin

Replacement of the plugin with additional inclusion of reputation data from This aids especially to block known spam accounts at freemailers and spammers sending DKIM signed spam with their own domains. Additionally positive reputation will be used in the future to reduce the false positive problem (positive scoring can be disabled). Currently an appropriate ruleset to distinct between neutral and good reputation is elaborated, feedback is welcome.

Requires SpamAssassin 3.1.2+

Created by: Florian Sager


License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2008-0511-29 23

Available at:

Note: To use you also need the scripts (from the same place as the plugin) and the p0f OS fingerprinting application.


Checks for mismatches between a parts MIME type and its actual content.

Created by: Jonas Eckerman


License Type: Public Domain




Plugin for Micosoft Exchange server that communicates with a local or remote spamd deamon. Processes the mail depending on the spam score and the plugin configuration.

Created by: Robin Aerts


License Type: (licenseStatus: active (experimental)

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 20082009-0501-29 19

Available at: Some mismatches really aren't, so the plugin can have a map between types that are considered



Counts messages using iXhash/NixSpam like hashes.

Created by: Jonas Eckerman


License Type: Public Domain

Status: active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2008-06-16

Available at:


Copies the (decoded) content of specified headers to the decoded/rendered body of a the message object.

Created by: Jonas Eckerman


License Type: Public Domain

Status: active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2008-06-16


Compares 'From:' and 'Reply-To:' headers.

Created by: Ronnie Mose

Contact: rm at travelaccommodation dot eu

License Type: Public Domain

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2008-07-07

Available at: FromNotReplyTo

DKIM Reputation Plugin

Replacement of the plugin with additional inclusion of reputation data from This aids especially to block known spam accounts at freemailers and spammers sending DKIM signed spam with their own domains. Additionally positive reputation will be used in the future to reduce the false positive problem (positive scoring can be disabled). Currently an appropriate ruleset to distinct between neutral and good reputation is elaborated, feedback is welcome.

Requires SpamAssassin 3.1.2+

Created by: Florian Sager


License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0


Follows specified URLs to see if they redirect. If they do redirect, the new location is added to the message meta-data, and redirection depth can be tested with eval test.

Created by: Jonas Eckerman


License Type: Public DomainStatus: active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 20082009-1107-23 10

Available at:


Plugin for Micosoft Exchange server that communicates with a local or remote spamd deamon. Processes the mail depending on the spam score and the plugin configuration.

Created by: Robin Aerts


License Type: (license)





  • Maintained version of this plugin is included in SpamAssassin 4.0.0

Uses plugin extractors and/or external tools to extract text from message parts. Extractor plugins can extract parts that will be fed into the plugin for checking, so for example a an image OCR extractor could get to check images extracted from a PDF by another extractor. How to extract what from what is very configurable. Included are configs for MS Word, RTF, OpenDocument and PDF files, and a very simplistic OpenXML plugin.

Created by: Jonas Eckerman


License Type: Public DomainStatus: active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2009-0107-19 10

Available at:




Follows specified URLs to see if they redirect. If they do redirect, the new location is added to the message meta-data, and redirection depth can be tested with eval test.

Created by: Jonas Eckerman


License Type: Public Domain


  • Maintained version of this plugin is included in SpamAssassin 4.0.0

Dmarc policy check

Created by: Giovanni Bechis

License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0

Status: ActiveStatus: active

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 2009-07-10

Available at:


Available at:



Uses plugin extractors and/or external tools to extract text from message parts. Extractor plugins can extract parts that will be fed into the plugin for checking, so for example a an image OCR extractor could get to check images extracted from a PDF by another extractor. How to extract what from what is very configurable. Included are configs for MS Word, RTF, OpenDocument and PDF files, and a very simplistic OpenXML plugin.

Created by: Jonas Eckerman


License Type: Public Domain

Status: active


  • Maintained version of this plugin is included in SpamAssassin 4.0.0

Decodes shortened URLs via HTTP HEAD request to the shortening service and adds the decoded URL into the list of URIs extracted by SpamAssassin for other plugins to find (e.g. URIDNSBL).

Created by: Steve Freegard

Contact: steve.freegard at

License Type: Apache

Maintained as of: Old

Added: 20092010-0709-10 17

Available at: http


CategorySoftware CategorySoftwarecom/smfreegard/DecodeShortURLs