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Authors: Jens Deppe

Status: Draft  Draft | Discussion | Active | Dropped | Superseded


In its initial implementation, the Geode compatibility with Redis API provides a hybrid clustering mode whereby clients can connect to any node and interact as with a standalone Redis server. This, however, does not provide true clustering as it does not expose the functionality for existing cluster-capable clients to make use of data sharding and high availability. This proposal aims to provide that support. In addition, the current approach is not very performant as any given key access may require multiple network hops.


We will not provide the ability to operate in either a pure cluster mode or hybrid mode. Cluster mode will be the only mode. (This would not preclude non-cluster clients capable of interpreting MOVED responses from working).


Redis enables data sharding by partitioning data into 16384 slots. Keys are hashed using a well defined hashing algorithm (CRC16/XMODEM) the result of which is then modded with 16384 to determine the slot. Each primary server is responsible for hosting a non-overlapping set of slots. Various cluster commands provide information on slot-to-server allocation. Thus, given a key, a client is able to determine which server is hosting that data and direct the command to the correct server. See also Redis Cluster Specification.


In addition, at least the following cluster-specifc commands will be implemented in order to enable clients to take advantage of clustering.

  • CLUSTER NODES - this command produces a list identifying each member of the cluster, indicating whether it is a primary or secondary replica and listing the slots which it hosts Since Geode members host both primary and replica buckets, each member can only be designated as a primary. Below is an example of the proposed output using the literals required by the Redis API.

    No Format
    07c37dfeb235213a872192d90877d0cd55635b91 slavemaster e7d1eecce10fd6bb5eb35b9f99a514335d9ba9ca- 0 1426238317239 4 connected 7500-10922
    67ed2db8d677e59ec4a4cefb06858cf2a1a89fa1 master - 0 1426238316232 2 connected 5461-109227499
    292f8b365bb7edb5e285caf0b7e6ddc7265d2f4f master - 0 1426238318243 3 connected 10923-1638312999
    6ec23923021cf3ffec47632106199cb7f496ce01 slavemaster 67ed2db8d677e59ec4a4cefb06858cf2a1a89fa1- 0 1426238316232 5 connected 13000-16383
    824fe116063bc5fcf9f4ffd895bc17aee7731ac3 slavemaster 292f8b365bb7edb5e285caf0b7e6ddc7265d2f4f- 0 1426238317741 6 connected 2500-5460
    e7d1eecce10fd6bb5eb35b9f99a514335d9ba9ca myself,master - 0 0 1 connected 0-5460
    Since Geode members host both primary and secondary buckets, each member can be designated as a primary, (specifically as 'master' in terms of the above output), and no members will be designated as 'slave'.

  • CLUSTER SLOTS - this command produces structured array output with slot information similar to CLUSTER NODES:, including only the primary nodes. 

    No Format
    1) 1) (integer) 0
       2) (integer) 54602499
       3) 1) ""
          2) (integer) 30001
    2) 1) (integer) 2500
       42) (integer) 5460
       3) 1) ""
          2) (integer) 30006
    23) 1) (integer) 5461
       2) (integer) 109227499
       3) 1) ""
          2) (integer) 30002
    4) 1)  4(integer) 7500
       2) (integer) 10922
       3) 1) ""
          2) (integer) 30004
    35) 1) (integer) 10923
       2) (integer) 1638312999
       3) 1) ""
          2) (integer) 30003
    6) 1) (integer) 13000
       42) (integer) 16383
       3) 1) ""
          2) (integer) 30005

  • -MOVEDIf a client makes a request to a server that is not hosting the given key, the server will need to respond with a -MOVED error indicating which server is hosting the key. The current implementation avoids this by using a function call to route the request to the member hosting the key. With this proposal, the need for this layer of indirection will be removed and will improve performance.

Although not currently implemented, this change will greatly ease the ability to develop transactional support using Redis' MULTI/EXEC commands. Redis transactions require all keys, participating in a transaction, to be colocated in the same slot. The current implementation would require a much more complicated locking scheme allowing multiple keys to be locked across multiple members.

Additional CLUSTER commands may also be implemented in the future - for example CLUSTER REPLICAS and CLUSTER INFO .

Changes and Additions to Public Interfaces
