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Current state: Under Discussion


Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).


With replication services data can be replicated across independent Kafka clusters in multiple data centers. In addition, many customers need "stretch clusters" - a single Kafka cluster that spans across multiple data centers. This architecture has the following useful characteristics:

  • Data is natively replicated into all data centers by Kafka topic replication.
  • No data is lost when 1 DC is lost and no configuration change is required - design is implicitly relying on native Kafka replication.
  • From an operational point of view, it is much easier to configure and operate such a topology than a replication scenario via MM2.
  • Currently Kafka has a single partition assignment strategy and if users want to override that, they can only do it via manually assigning brokers to replicas on topic creation. This could be done via 

Multi-level rack awareness

Additionally, stretch clusters are implemented using the rack awareness feature, where each DC is represented as a rack. This ensures that replicas are spread across DCs evenly. Unfortunately, there are cases where this is too limiting - in case there are actual racks inside the DCs, we cannot specify those. Consider having 3 DCs with 2 racks each.


In a very simple case the result would look like this:

Public Interfaces

We propose a number of changes to various interfaces of Kafka. The core change is to transform the rack assignment into a configurable algorithm. This would involve a number of public interface changes:


These will be detailed under proposed changes.

Proposed Changes

Pluggable Partition Assignment Strategy

We will introduce a new broker config called broker.replica.assignorplacer that makes would make it possible for users to specify their custom implementation of replica assignorplacers. Its default value will be the current rack aware replica assignment strategy, we will just make that compatible with this new interface that we'll detail below. We will also allow any plugins to fall back to the original algorithm if needed or return an error if they can't come up with a suitable solution.


A new interface would be created in a new Equivalents of these proposed interfaces currently exist in the metadata component under org.apache.kafka.replica package that’d allow new implementations to be added. We’d provide 2 implementations, one would be the current default and the other would be the .placement. We'd like to improve these interfaces slightly with some naming improvements and added/changed fields to better fit a general algorithm. We would also like to provide a new, multi-level rack aware implementation discussed in this KIP. The current algorithm would stay as it is, just slightly refactored to fit well under the new interface.

Code Block
 * This interface provides an API for implementing replica assignment strategies. Both rack aware and unaware
 * strategies are supported by this interface. If needed it can defer assignment to Kafka's default rack unaware
 * replicas assignment strategy.
public interface BrokerReplicaAssignorReplicaPlacer {

     * Creates an assignment of a topic given the racks, number of partitions and the replication factor.
     * @param clusterView is the necessary information about the cluster (such as current assignment, rack information)
     *                    that is needed to be able to decide replica assignments.
     * @param numPartitionsplacement is the numberassignment ofparameters, partitionssuch ofas the assigned topic replication factor and number of partitions.
     * @param replicationFactorbrokerIds is thean replicationoptional factorlist of the assigned topicbrokerIDs that is used to generate an assignment. If null is specified,
     *                  then all brokers are used.
     * @return
     * <ul>
     *     <li><code>null</code> to defer the assignment to Kafka, that uses its rack unaware assignment strategy.</li>
     *     <li>the assignment in the form of (partition) -> (arrayzero based list of brokerlists IDs)where mapping where the sizeouter list ofspecifies the map
     *     equals to the number ofpartition partitionsindex and the sizeinner oflist values inspecifies the mapassigned equals to the replication factorbroker ids.</li>
     * </ul>
 @throws org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidReplicaAssignmentException if theList<List<Integer>> algorithm can't assign replicas
     * based on the specified parameters and can't defer it to Kafka's default rack unaware assignment strategy.
     * @throws org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidReplicationFactorException if the number of replicas is greater
     * than what the assignment strategy accepts as a maximum value.
    Map<Integer, Integer[]> assignReplicasToTopic(ClusterView clusterView, int numPartitions, short replicationFactor);

place(PlacementSpec placement, ClusterView clusterView, List<Integer> brokerIds);

The ClusterView class would be the improved version of ClusterDescriber. We would like to add the current list of partition assignments.

Code Block
 * This class defines a view of a cluster that the partition placer can see, such as the current assignment
 * or broker -> rack mappings.
public class ClusterView {

    private final Map<TopicPartition, List<Integer>> partitionAssignments;
    private final Iterator<UsableBroker> usableBrokers;

    public ClusterView(Map<TopicPartition, List<Integer>> partitionAssignments, List<BrokerInfo> brokerInfos) {
        this.partitionAssignments = partitionAssignments;
        this.brokerInfos = brokerInfos;

    public Map<TopicPartition, List<Integer>> topicAssignments() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(partitionAssignments);
Code Block
 * This class defines a view of a cluster that the partition assignor can see, such as the current assignment
 * or broker -> rack mappings.
public class ClusterView {

    private final Map<TopicPartition, List<Integer>> partitionAssignments;
    private final List<BrokerInfo> brokerInfos;

    public ClusterView(Map<TopicPartition, List<Integer>> partitionAssignments, List<BrokerInfo> brokerInfos() {
        return this.partitionAssignments = partitionAssignments;
        this.brokerInfos = brokerInfosCollections.unmodifiableList(brokerInfos);

    public Map<TopicPartition, List<Integer>> topicAssignments() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(partitionAssignments);

    public List<BrokerInfo> brokerInfos() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(brokerInfos);
Code Block
 * Contains any information about the broker that replica assignment strategies may need to consider.
public class BrokerInfo {

    private final int brokerId;
    private final String rackId;

    public BrokerInfo(int brokerId, String rackId) {
        this.brokerId = brokerId;
        this.rackId = rackId;

    public int getBrokerId() {
        return brokerId;

    public Optional<String> getRackId() {
        return Optional.of(rackId);

Admin API

We would like to add a new Admin API method that enables commands like the reassignment command to generate an assignment that is suggested by the broker based on what’s configured there. This would eliminate the need to pass down the corresponding assignor configuration to the client which may or may not be aware of what’s configured on the brokers and also allows the active controller to be the single source to assign replicas.


Admin API

We would like to add a new Admin API method that enables commands like the reassignment command to generate an assignment that is suggested by the broker based on what’s configured there. This would eliminate the need to pass down the corresponding assignor configuration to the client which may or may not be aware of what’s configured on the brokers and also allows the active controller to be the single source to assign replicas.

Code Block
     * Create a partitions assignment according to the partition assignment strategy set in the cluster. It will use the
     * brokers and racks available to the cluster to create an assignment given the number of partitions and the
     * replication factor.
     * @param numPartitions is the number of partitions of the topic to act on
Code Block
     * Create@param a partitions assignment according to replicationFactor is the partitionreplication assignment strategy set infactor of the cluster.topic It will use thein action
     * brokers@return anda racksresult availableobject tocontaining the cluster to create an assignment given the number of partitions and theassignment.
     * replication factor.CreateReplicaPlacementResult createReplicaPlacement(int numPartitions, short replicationFactor);

 * @param numPartitions is the* numberCreate ofa partitions ofassignment the topicaccording to actthe on
partition placement strategy set in * @param replicationFactor is the replication factor of the topic in action
     * @return a result object containing the partition -> brokerId[] mapping.the cluster. It will use the
     * brokers and racks available to the cluster to create an assignment given the number of partitions and the
    CreateReplicaAssignmentResult createReplicaAssignment(int numPartitions, short replicationFactor);

    /** replication factor. In an extra options parameter we can define a starting partition and replication factor.
     * Create@param anumPartitions partitions assignment according to is the partitionnumber assignmentof strategypartitions set inof the cluster.topic Itto willact use theon
     * brokers@param andreplicationFactor racksis available to the cluster to create an assignment given the numberreplication factor of partitionsthe topic andin theaction
     * @param options replicationis factor.the Inparameter anwhere extra options parameter we can definebe aset startingto partitionfurther andcontrol replicationreplica factorplacement.
     * @param@return numPartitionsa isresult theobject numbercontaining ofthe partitionspartition of the topic to act on-> brokerId[] mapping.
 @param replicationFactor is theCreateReplicaPlacementResult replication factor of the topic in action
  createReplicaPlacement(int numPartitions, short replicationFactor,
   * @param options is the parameter where extra options like starting partition number or replication factor can be set.
     * @return a result object containing the partition -> brokerId[] mapping.
    CreateReplicaAssignmentResult createReplicaAssignment(int numPartitions, short replicationFactor,
        CreateReplicaPlacementOptions options);

Code Block
public class CreateReplicaPlacementResult {

    private KafkaFuture<List<List<Integer>>> future;

    CreateReplicaPlacementResult(KafkaFuture<List<List<Integer>>> future) {
        this.future = future;

    public KafkaFuture<List<List<Integer>>> placements() {
        return future;
    CreateReplicaAssignmentOptions options);}

Code Block
public class CreateReplicaPlacementOptions extends CreateReplicaAssignmentResultAbstractOptions<CreateReplicaPlacementOptions> {

    private KafkaFuture<Map<Integer, Integer[]>> future boolean forceSimplePlacement;
    private List<Integer> brokerIds;

    CreateReplicaAssignmentResult(KafkaFuture<Map<Integer, Integer[]>> futurepublic boolean forceSimplePlacement() {
        this.future = futurereturn forceSimplePlacement;

    public KafkaFuture<Map<Integer, Integer[]>> assignments(CreateReplicaPlacementOptions forceSimplePlacement(boolean forceSimplePlacement) {
        return futurethis.forceSimplePlacement = forceSimplePlacement;
Code Block
public class CreateReplicaAssignmentOptions extends AbstractOptions<CreateReplicaAssignmentOptions>return {this;

    private boolean forceSimpleAssignment;}

    public booleanList<Integer> forceSimpleAssignmentbrokerIds() {
         return forceSimpleAssignmentreturn Collections.unmodifiableList(brokerIds);

    public CreateReplicaAssignmentOptionsCreateReplicaPlacementOptions forceSimpleAssignmentbrokerIds(booleanList<Integer> forceSimpleAssignmentbrokerIds) {
        this.forceSimpleAssignmentbrokerIds = forceSimpleAssignmentbrokerIds;
        return this;

By specifying the forceSimpleAssignmentforceSimplePlacement flag we instruct the brokers to use the default rack unaware algorithm of Kafka. This is needed to maintain compatibility with the –disable-rack-awareness flag in This option will effectively be triggered by specifying that flag and will behave the same way, it will instruct the broker to skip the specified partition assignor and use the default rack unaware algorithm. Note that a rack aware assignor might support a scenario where just part of the brokers have assigned racks.

Some algorithms might work with only a specific subset of brokers as an input to the assignment. In the Admin API we could specify this with the brokerIds list.


For the Admin API described above, we’ll need a new protocol as well. This is defined as follows.

Code Block
  "apiKey": 68,
  "type": "request",
  "listeners": ["zkBroker", "broker", "controller"],
  "name": "CreateReplicaAssignmentRequestCreateReplicaPlacementRequest",
  "validVersions": "0",
  "flexibleVersions": "0+",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "NumPartitions", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The number of partitions of the topic in the assignment." },
    { "name": "ReplicationFactor", "type": "int16", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The number of replicas each of the topic's partitions in the assignment." },
    { "name": "ForceSimpleAssignmentForceSimplePlacement", "type": "bool", "versions": "0+", "default": "false",
      "about": "Forces the default rack unaware partition assignment algorithm of Kafka." },
    { "name": "NodeId", "type": "[]int32", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "brokerId",
      "about": "The broker ID." },
    { "name": "timeoutMs", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+", "default": "60000",
      "about": "How long to wait in milliseconds before timing out the request." }

Code Block
  "apiKey": 68,
  "type": "response",
  "name": "CreateReplicaAssignmentResponseCreateReplicaPlacementResponse",
  "validVersions": "0",
  "flexibleVersions": "0+",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "ReplicaAssignmentReplicaPlacement", "type": "[]ReplicaAssignmentReplicaPlacement", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "A partition to list of broker ID mapping.",
      "fields": [
        { "name": "PartitionId", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+", "mapKey": true },
        { "name": "Replicas", "type": "[]int32", "versions": "0+" }

Multi-level rack assignment

In this section we’ll detail the behavior of the multi-level replica assignment algorithm. Currently the replica assignment happens on the controller which continues to be the case. The controller has the cluster metadata, therefore we know the full state of the cluster.


To increase the replication factor, we basically pick up where the algorithm left the last partition and continue with the above algorithm from the next node that'd be given by the algorithm.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

The change is backward compatible with previous versions as it is an extra addition to Kafka. The current strategy will remain the same but there will be a new one that users can optionally configure if they want to.

Test Plan

No extra tests needed other than the usual: extensive unit testing to make sure that the code works as expected.


Restricted Replica Assignment

I call this restricted because in the current design we don't only call the API when all of the brokers are rack aware but in any case, since someone can implement a rack assignment that places replicas not based on racks but for instance hardware utilization. This would make sense as for instance we may use Cruise Control that can periodically reassign partitions based on the load but we may make its job easier by placing replicas at creation to the right node (one less reassignment needed).

Now at this point all this above might not be needed and we could restrict the scope only to scenarios where all (or at least one) brokers have racks assigned as we simplify the broker side behavior as passing havin no racks would always result in calling the current rack unaware assignment strategy.

Using Cruise Control

Although Cruise Control is mainly used for broker load based partition reassignment, we can easily extend that with another Goal that reorganizes replicas based on the described multi-level algorithm in this KIP. However this still has an initial headwind as replicas are not immediately placed on the right brokers and users would need to force out a rebalance right after topic creation. Secondly, not all Kafka users use Cruise Control, they may use other software for load balancing or none at all.
