Versions Compared


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  • If connector.version  is present then the runtime will try to initialise with the given version and fail otherwise. 
  • If connector.version  is absent or set to latest the runtime will use the latest version of the connector available. This preserves existing behaviour. The comparison of version is based on maven artefact versioning. For more details refer here. 

The connector-plugins endpoint that retrieves the config of a connector, /{plugin-name}/config  will be updated to include a version query parameter which will default to latest. This API returns the set of configurations for a given connector. Since between versions the configurations can change its allow a user given version to return the correct configs. The version is added as a query parameter, for example -`/S3SinkConnector/config?version=v1.1.1`

Proposed Changes

Running multiple versions requires two primary capabilities to be present in the runtime.


Fortunately both of these are already present in the connect runtime.

Plugin Loading Isolation

Plugin loading isolation introduced in KIP-146 - Classloading Isolation in Connect uses a different classloader for each plugin listed under the plugin path. The plugin loading mechanism identifies each subdirectory under the plugins.path  directory listing as a separate plugin. Any connector jars and associated dependencies under the subdirectory are isolated from other connector and dependencies. This mechanism is generic and considers the same connector under two different plugin directory as two different plugins. This extends to all classes and dependencies provided along with the connector jar (including custom transformation that some connectors have). This feature allows two versions of the same connector to be loaded in isolation given that they are under two different plugin locations, which is by default the recommended installation process. Indeed, even now, multiple versions of a connector are recognised and identified by the runtime, however only the latest version is ever loaded during connector initialisation. This will be updated to allow the other recognised connector plugins to be loaded based on the version. 

Connector Versioning

The connect API defines the Connector abstract class as implementing a Versioned interface. Each connector implementation can override the inherited versioned method to provide a version in code to the runtime. The exact version of the connector could be statically defined by directly overriding the method or could be injected in the connector jar with java build tools during artefact creation. The runtime already uses the value provided here to order connector plugins and determine the latest version of a connector. No updates will be required to this module. The comparison of version is based on maven artefact versioning. It is a generic versioning scheme that supports semantic, alphabetical and combinations with support additional modifiers (like alpha, beta, release and snapshot build versions). The javadoc here has more details on the implementation. 

Summarising the versioning feature below.

  • mixing of '-' (hyphen) and '.' (dot) separators,
  • transition between characters and digits also constitutes a separator: 1.0alpha1 => [1, 0, alpha, 1]
  • unlimited number of version components,
  • version components in the text can be digits or strings,
  • strings are checked for well-known qualifiers and the qualifier ordering is used for version ordering. Well-known qualifiers (case insensitive) are:
    • alpha or a
    • beta or b
    • milestone or m
    • rc or cr
    • snapshot
    • (the empty string) or ga or final
    • sp
    Unknown qualifiers are considered after known qualifiers, with lexical order (always case insensitive),
  • a hyphen usually precedes a qualifier, and is always less important than something preceded with a dot.

The work here is augmentative, primarily to the plugin loading mechanism. The set of changes is more or less laid out in this draft PR I did as a POC. 

The existing connector-plugins  endpoint lists all the versions of a connector. A user can easily identify which version of a connector is currently running through this, when not directly present in the configs, as then it is always the latest version in the listing

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan
