Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Current state: Accepted

Under Discussion thread: here

Discussion Vote thread: here

JIRA: here 

Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).


With ZK marked deprecated in AK 3.5, only the fix in KRaft is in scope. 

Additional High Watermark advancement requirement

We propose to enforce that High Watermark


can only advance if the ISR size is larger or equal to min.insync.replicas.

To help you understand how we came up with this proposal. A quick A bit recap of some key concepts.

  • High Watermark.

    • In ISR, each server maintains a high watermark, which represents the highest offset of the replicated log known to be committed / durably stored.

    • Also, for consumers, only the message above the High Watermark is visible to them.

  • Ack=0/1/all produce request. It defines when the Kafka server should respond to the produce request.

    • For ack=0 requests, the server will not respond to the message and just put it into the leader's local log.
    • For ack=1 requests, the server should respond when the message is persisted in the leader’s local log.

    • For ack=all requests, the server should respond when the message is persisted in all the ISR members' local log and the size of the ISR member is larger than min ISR.

In order to have a message sent to the server being available for a consumer to fetch, there are 2 main steps. First, the produce request has to be acked by the server. This can be controlled by the produce request's ack requirement. Second, the replication is good enough to advance the HWM above the message. Notably, in the current system, min ISR is a factor only useful when accepting an ack=all request. It has no use in accepting ack=0/1 requests and the HWM advancement. This behavior complicates the durability model in a mixed type of requests workload.

We mostly want to enhance the durability of the ack=all requestsWhile we are seeking a solution to enhance the durability of ack=all messages, we are encountering difficulties in avoiding interference with the ack=1 messages. In the scenario raised in the motivation section, the server may receive both ack=0/1 messages during T1 and advance High Watermark when and ack=all messages during T1. During this period, the server will reject the ack=all requests due to not enough replicas to meet the min ISR, but it accepts the ack=0/1 requests. Also, because the leader is the only one in the ISR. Then, if we elect , it is allowed to advance the HWM to the end of its log. Let's say there is some extra info somewhere to let the controller choose broker 1 as the leader at T4 , though we can guarantee the safety of instead. Then there is no data loss for the ack=all messagesrequests, the High Watermark may move backward which causes further impacts on but the HWM stored on broker 1 is lower than broker 2. This can cause HWM to move backward and impacts the consumers.

To avoid the ack=0/1 message interference, we propose to enforce that High Watermark can only advance if the ISR size is larger or equal to min.insync.replicas. Here have the above additional requirement on the HWM advancement. Here are some clarifications:

  • It applies to the ack=0/1 message replication as well.  Note that the Note that the leader still acknowledges the client requests when the ack=1 messages have persisted in the leader log.

  • The ISR membership refers to the latest ISR membership persisted by the controller, not the "maximal ISR" which is defined by the leader that includes the current ISR members and pending-to-add replicas that have not yet been committed to the controller.

  • Note that, if If maximal ISR > ISR, the message should be replicated to the maximal ISR before covering the message under HWM. The proposal does not change this behaviorISR refers to the ISR committed by the controller.

As a side effect of the new requirement:


With the proposal, the ack=0/1 requests will all be acknowledged by the server with the above config, however, no messages can be visible to the clients. For backward compatibility, the effective min.insync.replicas will be min(min.insync.replicas, replication factor).


  • The ISR will still continue to serve its replication function. The High Watermark forwarding still requires a quorum within the ISRthe replication of the full ISR. This ensures that replication between brokers remains unchanged. 

  • To handle leader elections, we will introduce a concept called Eligible Leader Replicas (ELR). In addition to the ISR members, replicas in ELR are also eligible for leader election during a clean election process.


Here is an example that demonstrates most of the above ELR behaviors. The setup is 4 brokers with min ISR 3.

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A common question is whether we could advance HWM when we have an ELR member (not replicating from leader), thus violating the invariant that every ELR member has data at least up to HWM. Consider the following example of a 3 replicas partition with min ISR=2:


  1. Change of the ELR does not require a leader epoch bump. In most cases, the ELR updates along with the ISR changes. The only case of the ELR changes alone is when an ELR broker registers after an unclean shutdown. In this case, no need to bump the leader epoch.

  2. When updating the config min.insync.replicas, if the new min ISR <= current ISR, the ELR will be removed.

  3. A new metric of Electable leaders will be added. It reflects the count of (ISR + ELR).

  4. The AlterPartitionReassignments will not change the ELR. The leader updates the ISR implicitly later with AlterPartition requests.  

  5. Have a new admin API  DescribeTopicRequest for showing the topic details. We don't want to embed the ELR info in the Metadata API. The ELR is not some necessary details to be exposed to user clients.

  6. We also record the last-known ELR members.

    1. It basically means when an ELR member has an unclean shutdown, it will be removed from ELR and added to the LastKnownELR. The LastKnownELR will be cleaned when ISR reaches the min ISR.

    2. LastKnownELR is stored in the metadata log.

    3. LastKnownELR will be useful in the Unclean Recovery section.

Leader election

As the proposal changes a lot in our behaviors about the ISR, the leader election behavior will be described in detail in the Unclean Recovery section.

Detection of an unclean shutdown

The current log system will create a CleanShutdownFile after the log has flushed and right before shutdown. Then if the broker comes up again and finds this CleanShutdownFile, the broker can assume the log is complete after the reboot.

Based on CleanShutdownFile, we propose the following new behaviors.

  1. During the shutdown, write the current broker epoch in the CleanShutdownFile.

  2. During the start, the broker will try to read the broker epoch from the CleanShutdownFile. Then put this broker epoch in the broker registration request.

  3. The controller will verify the broker epoch in the request with its registration record. If it is the same, it is a clean shutdown.

Unclean recovery

As the new proposal allows the ISR to be empty, the leader election strategy has to be reviewed.

  • unclean.leader.election.enable=true, the controller will randomly elect a leader if the last ISR member gets fenced.

  • unclean.leader.election.enable=false, the controller will only elect the last ISR member when it gets unfenced again.

The above “Last Leader” behavior can’t be maintained with an empty ISR and it should be removed. Also, randomly electing a leader is definitely worth improving. As a result, we decide to enhance the unclean leader election and update the unclean leader election config to an intent-based config.

unclean.recovery.strategy has the following 3 options.

Proactive. It represents the intent of recovering the availability as fast as possible.
Balanced. Auto recovery on potential data loss case, wait as needed for a better result.
Manual. Stop the partition on potential data loss.

With the new config, the leader election decision will be made in the following order when the current leader is fenced:

  1. If there are other ISR members, choose an ISR member.

  2. If there are unfenced ELR members, choose an ELR member.

  3. If there are fenced ELR members

    1. If the unclean.recovery.strategy=Proactive, then an unclean recovery will happen.

    2. Otherwise, we will wait for the fenced ELR members to be unfenced.

  4. If there are no ELR members.

    1. If the unclean.recovery.strategy=balanced, the controller will do the unclean recovery.

    2. Otherwise, unclean.recovery.strategy=Manual, the controller will not attempt to elect a leader. Waiting for the user operations.

Note that, the unclean.recovery.strategy will be a topic-level config.

In order to support the unclean recovery, introduce a new component in the controller called Unclean Recovery Manager.

Unclean Recovery Manager(URM)

  1. The controller will make sure than upon completion, the ELR only contains replicas in the final replica set. Additionally, in order to improve the durability of the reassignment

    1. The current behavior, when completing the reassignment, all the adding replicas should be in ISR. This behavior can result in 1 replica in ISR. Also, ELR may not help here because the removing ISR replicas can not stay in ELR when completed. So we propose to enforce that the reassignment can only be completed if the ISR size is larger or equal to min ISR.
    2. This min ISR requirement is also enforced when the reassignment is canceled.
  2. Have a new admin API  DescribeTopicsRequest for showing the topic details. We don't want to embed the ELR info in the Metadata API. The ELR is not some necessary details to be exposed to user clients.

    1. More public facing details will be discussed in the DescribeTopicsRequest section.
  3. We also record the last-known ELR members.

    1. It basically means when an ELR member has an unclean shutdown, it will be removed from ELR and added to the LastKnownELR. The LastKnownELR will be cleaned when ISR reaches the min ISR.

    2. LastKnownELR is stored in the metadata log.

    3. LastKnownELR will be also useful in the Unclean Recovery section.

  4. The last known leader will be tracked.
    1. This can be used if the Unclean recovery is not enabled. More details will be discussed in the Deliver Plan.
    2. The controller will record the last ISR member(the leader) when it is fenced.
    3. It will be cleaned when a new leader is elected.

Leader election

As the proposal changes a lot in our behaviors about the ISR, the leader election behavior will be described in detail in the Unclean Recovery section.

Detection of an unclean shutdown

The current log system will create a CleanShutdownFile after the log has flushed and right before shutdown. Then if the broker comes up again and finds this CleanShutdownFile, the broker can assume the log is complete after the reboot.

Based on CleanShutdownFile, we propose the following new behaviors.

  1. During the shutdown, write the current broker epoch in the CleanShutdownFile.

  2. During the start, the broker will try to read the broker epoch from the CleanShutdownFile. Then put this broker epoch in the broker registration request.

  3. The controller will verify the broker epoch in the request with its registration record. If it is the same, it is a clean shutdown.

  4. if the broker shuts down before it receives the broker epoch, it will write -1.

Note, the CleanShutdownFile is removed after the log manager is initialized. It will be created and written when the log manager is shutting down.

Unclean recovery

As the new proposal allows the ISR to be empty, the leader election strategy has to be reviewed.

  • unclean.leader.election.enable=true, the controller will randomly elect a leader if the last ISR member gets fenced.

  • unclean.leader.election.enable=false, the controller will only elect the last ISR member when it gets unfenced again.

Randomly electing a leader is definitely worth improving. As a result, we decide to replace the random election with the Unclean Recovery.

The Unclean Recovery uses a deterministic way to elect the leader persisted the most data. On a high level, once the unclean recovery is triggered, the controller will use a new API GetReplicaLogInfo to query the log end offset and the leader The URM manages the recovery process for a leaderless partition. This new unclean recovery process takes the place of the unclean leader election. Instead of electing a random unfenced replica as the leader, the URM will query the log end offset and the leader epoch from each replica. The one with the highest leader epoch and plus the longest log end offset will be the new leader.

The controller will trigger the unclean recovery when the leader is fenced and there is no other good candidate.


The URM takes the partition info to initiate an unclean recovery task. The fields used in the recovery:

  • Topic and partition id

  • Replica IDs

Next, the URM will initiate the log query requests with a new component BrokerRequestSender(BRS) which handles the RPC request asynchronously. Then the query requests will be sent in a new GetReplicaLogInfo API. The response should include the following information for each partition:

  • Topic and partition id

  • Log end offset

  • Partition leader epoch in the log

  • Broker epoch

  • Current partition leader epoch in the metadata cache.

Once the GetReplicaLogInfo is received, the response will not be directly passed back to the URM, instead, BRS will parse the response as a controller event and put it in the event queue. Later URM can consume the events. This behavior minimizes the change to the controller's single-threaded structure.

The URM will verify the GetReplicaLogInfo response in the following ways:

  1. Reject the response if the broker epoch mismatch. This can avoid electing a broker that has rebooted after it makes the response.

  2. Reject the response if the partition leader epoch in the metadata cache mismatches with the partition leader epoch on the controller side. This fences stale GetReplicaLogInfo responses.

  3. Note if the response is rejected and the leader has not been elected, URM will initiate the log query again.

After the verification, the URM will trigger the election when


In Balance mode, all the LastKnownELR members have replied.

To help explain when and how the Unclean Recovery is performed, let's first introduce some config changes.

The new unclean.recovery.strategy has the following 3 options.

Aggressive. It represents the intent of recovering the availability as fast as possible.
Balanced. Auto recovery on potential data loss case, wait as needed for a better result.
None. Stop the partition on potential data loss.

With the new config, the leader election decision will be made in the following order when the ISR and ELR meet the requirements:

  1. If there are other ISR members, choose an ISR member.

  2. If there are unfenced ELR members, choose an ELR member.

  3. If there are fenced ELR members

    1. If the unclean.recovery.strategy=Aggressive, then an unclean recovery will happen.

    2. Otherwise, we will wait for the fenced ELR members to be unfenced.

  4. If there are no ELR members.

    1. If the unclean.recovery.strategy=Aggressive, the controller will do the unclean recovery.

    2. If the unclean.recovery.strategy=Balanced, the controller will do the unclean recovery when all the LastKnownELR are unfenced. See the following section for the explanations.
    3. Otherwise, unclean.recovery.strategy=None, the controller will not attempt to elect a leader. Waiting for the user operations.

The controller will initiate the Unclean Recovery once a partition meets the above conditions. As mentioned above, the controller collects the log info from the replicas. Apart from the Log end offset and the partition leader epoch in the log, the replica also returns the following for verification:

  • Replica's broker epoch. This can avoid electing a broker that has rebooted after it made the response.
  • The current partition leader epoch in the replica's metadata cache. This is to fence stale GetReplicaLogInfo responses.

The controller can start an election when:

  • In Balance mode, all the LastKnownELR members have replied, plus the replicas replied within the timeout. Due to this requirement, the controller will only start the recovery if the LastKnownELR members are all unfenced.
  • In Aggressive mode, any replicas replied within


  • a fixed amount of time OR the first response received after the timeout.


The behaviors in the failover:

Then during the election, URM first filters the replicas with the highest partition leader epoch, then it elects the one with the longest log end offset as the new leader.

An ideal workflow

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  • Broker failover.

    • If the replica fails before it receives the GetReplicaLogInfo request, it can just send the log info along with its current broker epoch.

    • If the replica fails after it responds to the GetReplicaLogInfo request

      • If the controller received receives the new broker registration, the URM controller can reject the response because the broker epoch in the request mismatches with the broker registration.

      • Otherwise, the replica may become the leader but will be fenced later when it registers.

  • Controller failover.

    • The URM controller does not store anything in the metadata log, every controller failover will result in a new unclean recovery.


  1. Only the unfenced replicas can be counted into the quorum. So when a replica gets unfenced, URM should check if it can be elected.

  2. The URM will query all the replicas including the fenced replicas.

  3. In case of any unforeseen failures that the URM stops the retry to recover or the task hangs for a long time, the controller will trigger the recovery again when handling heartbeats.

Broker Request Sender

This component is also a part of the controller. It mainly handles the RPC requests concurrently. It should have limited access to the controller components to avoid adding concurrent handling to the controller.

It will accept to-broker requests and requires a callback function to parse the responses to a controller event. The event will be put in the controller event queue.

In order to batch requests, the BRS maintains per-broker request queues. BRS can merge the requests in the queue and send them in one request.


  1. If the retry timeout is reached or there are any network issues between the controller and the broker, the BRS will parse the Error into the controller event to let the URM triggers the next round.

  2. The BRS will use separate threads from the controller.


  1. The tool will be upgraded to allow manual leader election.

    1. It can directly select a leader.

    2. It can trigger an unclean recovery for the replica with the longest log in either Proactive or Balance mode.

Public Interfaces



  1. The tool will be upgraded to allow manual leader election.

    1. It can directly select a leader.

    2. It can trigger an unclean recovery for the replica with the longest log in either Aggressive or Balance mode.

  2. Configs to update. Please refer to the Config Changes section
  3. For compatibility, the original unclean.leader.election.enable options True/False will be mapped to unclean.recovery.strategy options.
    1. unclean.leader.election.enable.false -> unclean.recovery.strategy.Balanced
    2. unclean.leader.election.enable.true -> unclean.recovery.strategy.Aggressive

Public Interfaces

We will deliver the KIP in phases, so the API changes are also marked coming with either ELR or Unclean Recovery.

PartitionChangeRecord (coming with ELR)

  "apiKey": 5,
  "type": "metadata",
  "name": "PartitionChangeRecord",
  "apiKey": 5,
  "type": "metadata",
  "name": "PartitionChangeRecord",
  "validVersions": "0-1",
  "flexibleVersions": "0+",
  "fields": [
// New fields begin.
    { "name": "PartitionIdEligibleLeaderReplicas", "type": "[]int32", "versionsdefault": "0+null", "defaultentityType": "-1brokerId",
      "aboutversions": "The partition id." },
    { "name1+", "nullableVersions": "TopicId1+", "typetaggedVersions": "uuid1+", "versionstag": "0+"6,
      "about": "The unique ID of this topicnull if the ELR didn't change; the new eligible leader replicas otherwise." },
        { "name": "IsrLastKnownELR", "type":  "[]int32", "default": "null", "entityType": "brokerId",
      "versions": "01+", "nullableVersions": "01+", "taggedVersions": "01+", "tag": 07,
      "about": "null if the ISRLastKnownELR didn't change; the last known neweligible in-syncleader replicas otherwise." },
{ "name": "LeaderLastKnownLeader", "type": "int32", "default": "-2null", "entityType": "brokerId",       "versions": "0"1+", "nullableVersions": "1+", "taggedVersions": "01+", "tag": 18,       "about": "-1 ifmeans thereno islast now noknown leader; -2needs ifto thebe leader didn't change; the new leader otherwise." },     { "name": "Replicas"tracked." }
// New fields end.   ] }

PartitionRecord (coming with ELR)

  "apiKey": 3,
 , "type": "[]int32metadata",
  "defaultname": "nullPartitionRecord",
  "entityTypevalidVersions": "brokerId0-1",
        "versionsflexibleVersions": "0+",
  "nullableVersionsfields": "0+", "taggedVersions[
// New fields begin.
    { "name": "0+EligibleLeaderReplicas", "tag": 2,
      "about": "null if the replicas didn't change; the new replicas otherwise." },
    { "name": "RemovingReplicas", "type": "[]int32", "default": "null", "entityType": "brokerId",
      "versions": "01+", "nullableVersions": "01+", "taggedVersions": "01+", "tag": 3,
    "about": "nullThe ifeligible the removingleader replicas didn't change; the new removing replicas otherwise." },     of this partition." } { "name": "AddingReplicasLastKnownELR", "type": "[]int32", "default": "null", "entityType": "brokerId",       "versions": "01+", "nullableVersions": "01+", "taggedVersions": "01+", "tag": 4,       2,
     "about": "nullThe last ifknown theeligible addingleader replicas didn't change; the new adding replicas otherwise." },     of this partition." }
{ "name": "LeaderRecoveryStateLastKnownLeader", "type": "int8int32", "default": "null", "entityType": "brokerId",       "versions": "-1+", "versionsnullableVersions": "01+", "taggedVersions": "01+", "tag": 58,       "about": "-1 ifmeans itno didn't change; 0 if the leader was elected from the ISR or recovered from an unclean election; 1 if the leader that was elected using unclean leader election and it is still recovering." }, // New fields begin.     { "name": "EligibleLeaderReplicas", last known leader needs to be tracked." }
// New fields end. ] }

BrokerRegistration API (coming with ELR)

  "type": "[]int32request", 
  "defaultlisteners": ["nullcontroller"], 
  "entityTypename": "brokerIdBrokerRegistrationRequest",
        "versionsvalidVersions": "1+0-2", 
  "nullableVersionsflexibleVersions": "10+", 
  "taggedVersionsfields": "1+", "tag": 6,
      "about": "null if the ELR didn't change; the new eligible leader replicas otherwise." }
// New fields begin.
    { "name": "LastKnownELRPreviousBrokerEpoch", "type": "[]int32int64", "defaultversions": "null2+", "entityTypedefault": "brokerId-1",
      "versionsabout": "1+", "nullableVersions": "1+", "taggedVersions": "1+", "tag": 7,
      "about": "null if the LastKnownELR didn't change; the last known eligible leader replicas otherwise." }
// New fields The epoch before a clean shutdown." }
// New fields end.

BrokerRegistration API

DescribeTopicPartitionsRequest (Coming with ELR)

Should be issued by admin clients. More admin client related details please refer to the Admin API/Client changes

ACL: Describe Topic

The caller can list the topics interested or keep the field empty if requests all of the topics.


This is a new behavior introduced. The caller can specify the maximum number of partitions to be included in the response.

If there are more partitions than the limit, these partitions and their topics will not be sent back. In this case, the Cursor field will be populated. The caller can include this cursor in the next request. 


  • There is also a server-side config to control the maximum number of partitions to return. max.request.partition.size.limit
  • There is no consistency guarantee between requests.
  • It is an admin client facing API, so there is no topic id supported.
  "apiKey": 74,
  "type": "request",
  "listeners": ["broker"],
  "name": "DescribeTopicPartitionsRequest",
  "validVersions": "0",
  "flexibleVersions": "0+",
  "fields": [
    {   "apiKey":62,   "type": "request",   "listeners": ["controller"],   "name": "BrokerRegistrationRequest",   "validVersions": "0-2",   "flexibleVersions": "0+",   "fields": [     { "name": "BrokerId", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "brokerId",       "about": "The broker ID." },     { "name": "ClusterIdTopics", "type": "string[]TopicRequest", "versions": "0+",       
      "about": "The topics clusterto fetch id of the broker process." },     details for.",
      "fields": [
        { "name": "IncarnationIdName", "type": "uuidstring", "versions": "0+",       
          "about": "The incarnationtopic id of the broker process." },     name", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "topicName"}
    { "name": "ListenersResponsePartitionLimit", "type": "[]Listener",       "about": "The listeners of this broker", int32", "versions": "0+", "fieldsdefault": [       { "name2000": "Name", "type": "string", "versions
      "about": "0+", "mapKey": true,         "about": "The name of the endpointThe maximum number of partitions included in the response." },       
    { "name": "HostCursor", "type": "stringCursor", "versions": "0+",          "aboutnullableVersions": "The hostname." },       {0+", "namedefault": "Portnull",
      "typeabout": "uint16The first topic and partition index to fetch details for.", "versionsfields": "0+",         "about": "The port." },       [
      { "name": "SecurityProtocolTopicName", "type": "int16string", "versions": "0+",         "about": "The security protocol." }     ]     },     { "name
        "about": "Features", "type": "[]Feature",       "about": "The features on this brokerThe name for the first topic to process", "versions": "0+", "fieldsentityType": [       "topicName"},
      { "name": "NamePartitionIndex", "type": "stringint32", "versions": "0+", "mapKey": true,         "about": "The feature name." },       { "namepartition index to start with"}


  "apiKey": 74,
  "type": "MinSupportedVersionresponse",
  "typename": "int16DescribeTopicPartitionsResponse",
  "versionsvalidVersions": "0+",         "about
  "flexibleVersions": "The minimum supported feature level." },       0+",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "MaxSupportedVersionThrottleTimeMs", "type": "int16int32", "versions": "0+",          "ignorable": true,
      "about": "The maximum supported feature level duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota." }     ]     },     ,
    { "name": "RackTopics", "type": "string[]DescribeTopicPartitionsResponseTopic", "versions": "0+", "nullableVersions": "0+",       "
      "about": "TheEach racktopic whichin this broker is inthe response." },     , "fields": [
      { "name": "IsMigratingZkBrokerErrorCode", "type": "boolint16", "versions": "10+", "default": "false",       "
        "about": "IfThe thetopic requirederror, configurationsor for0 ZKif migrationthere arewas present, this value is set to trueno error." }, // New fields begin.     
      { "name": "BrokerEpochName", "type": "int64string", "versions": "20+", "default"mapKey": true, "entityType": "-1topicName",        "aboutnullableVersions": "The broker's assigned epoch or the epoch before a clean shutdown." } // New fields end.   ] }


        "about": "The topic name." },
      { "name": "TopicId", "type": "requestuuid",    "listenersversions": ["zkBroker0+", "brokerignorable": true, "about": "controller"],   The topic id." },
      { "name": "DescribeTopicRequestIsInternal",    "validVersionstype": "0bool",    "flexibleVersionsversions": "0+",    "fieldsdefault": [     { "namefalse": "Topics", "typeignorable": "[]DescribeTopicResponseTopic", "versions": "0+",       true,
        "about": "TheTrue topicsif tothe fetchtopic detailsis forinternal." }, "fields": [       
      { "name": "TopicIdPartitions", "type": "uuid[]DescribeTopicPartitionsResponsePartition", "versions": "0+",
        "ignorableabout": true"Each partition in the topic.", "aboutfields": "The topic id." },       [
        { "name": "NameErrorCode", "type": "stringint16", "versions": "0+",
  "entityType        "about": "topicName"The partition error, "nullableVersions":or "0+",         "about": "The topic name0 if there was no error." }     ]} ] }


  "type": "request",
        { "name": "DescribeTopicResponsePartitionIndex",    "validVersionstype": "0int32",    "flexibleVersionsversions": "0+",   "fields": [     { "name
          "about": "Topics", "type": "[]MetadataResponseTopic", "versions": "0+",       "about": "Each topic in the response.", "fields": [       The partition index." },
        { "name": "ErrorCodeLeaderId", "type": "int16int32", "versions": "0+",          "aboutentityType": "The topic error, or 0 if there was no error"brokerId",
          "about": "The ID of the leader broker." },       
        { "name": "NameLeaderEpoch", "type": "stringint32", "versions": "0+", "mapKeydefault": true, "entityType": "topicName"-1", "nullableVersionsignorable": "0+",         true,
          "about": "The topic nameleader epoch of this partition." },       
        { "name": "TopicIdReplicaNodes", "type": "uuid[]int32", "versions": "0+", "ignorableentityType": true, "brokerId",
          "about": "The topic id set of all nodes that host this partition." },       
        { "name": "IsInternalIsrNodes", "type": "bool[]int32", "versions": "0+", "defaultentityType": "falsebrokerId", "ignorable": true,         
          "about": "True if the topic is internalThe set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition." },       
        { "name": "EligibleLeaderReplicas", "type": "[]int32", "default": "null", "entityType": "brokerId",         
          "versions": "0+", "nullableVersions": "0+",         
          "about": "null if the ELR didn't change; the The new eligible leader replicas otherwise." },
        { "name": "LastKnownLeaderLastKnownELR", "type": "[]int32", "default": "null", "entityType": "brokerId",
          "versions": "0+", "nullableVersions": "0+",
          "about": "The last leader before the partition becomes leaderlessknown ELR." },
        { "name": "PartitionsOfflineReplicas", "type": "[]MetadataResponsePartitionint32", "versions": "0+",          "aboutignorable": "Each partition in the topic."true, "fieldsentityType": [         { "namebrokerId": "ErrorCode", "type": "int16", "versions": "0+",           ,
          "about": "The partitionset error,of oroffline 0replicas ifof there was no errorthis partition." },         ]},
      { "name": "PartitionIndexTopicAuthorizedOperations", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",            "aboutdefault": "The partition index." },         { "name": "LeaderId", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "brokerId",           "about": "The ID of the leader broker." },         -2147483648",
        "about": "32-bit bitfield to represent authorized operations for this topic." }]
    { "name": "LeaderEpochNextTopicPartition", "type": "int32Cursor", "versions": "0+", "defaultnullableVersions": "-10+", "ignorabledefault": true,           "null",
      "about": "The leadernext epoch of this partition." },         topic and partition index to fetch details for.", "fields": [
      { "name": "ReplicaNodesTopicName", "type": "[]int32string", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "brokerId",           
        "about": "The name setfor the offirst alltopic nodesto that host this partition." },         process", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "topicName"},
      { "name": "IsrNodesPartitionIndex", "type": "[]int32", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "brokerId",           "about": "The setpartition ofindex nodesto that are in sync with the leader for this partition." },         { "name": "OfflineReplicas", "type": "[]int32", "versions": "0+", "ignorable": true, "entityType": "brokerId",           "about": "The set of offline replicas of this partition." }       ]} ] }


{ "BrokerEpoch":"xxx"}


start with"}

CleanShutdownFile (Coming with ELR)

It will be a JSON file.

"version": 0

ElectLeadersRequest (Coming with Unclean Recovery)


Limit: 1000 partitions per request. If more than 1000 partitions are included, only the first 1000 will be served. Others will be returned with REQUEST_LIMIT_REACHED.

  "apiKey": 43,
  "type": "{
  "apiKey": 43,
  "type": "request",
  "listeners": ["zkBroker", "broker", "controller"],
  "name": "ElectLeadersRequest",
  "validVersions": "0-3",
  "flexibleVersions": "2+",
  "fields": [
  { "name": "ElectionTypeTopicPartitions", "type": "int8[]TopicPartitions", "versions": "10+", "nullableVersions": "0+",
    "about": "TypeThe oftopic electionspartitions to conduct for the partition. A value of '0' elects the preferred replica. A value of '1' elects the desired replicas.
    A value of '2' elects the replica with the longest log among the last known ELRs. A value of '3' elects the replica with the longest log among all the replicas that can reply within a fixed time."elect leaders.",
    "fields": [

// New fields begin. The same level with the Partitions
     { "name": "DesiredLeaders", "type": "[]int32", "versions": "3+", "nullableVersions": "3+",
      "about": "The desired leaders. The entry should match with the entry in Partitions by the index." }, }, // New fields end. ] }, { "name": "TopicPartitionsTimeoutMs", "type": "[]TopicPartitionsint32", "versions": "0+", "nullableVersionsdefault": "0+60000", "about": "The topictime in partitionsms to elect leaders.", "fields": [ { "name": "Topic",wait for the election to complete." } ] }

GetReplicaLogInfo Request (Coming with Unclean Recovery)


Limit: 2000 partitions per request. If more than 1000 partitions are included, only the first 1000 will be served. Others will be returned with REQUEST_LIMIT_REACHED.

  "type": "stringrequest",
  "versionslisteners": ["0+broker"],
  "entityTypename": "topicNameGetReplicaLogInfoRequest",
  "mapKeyvalidVersions": true"0",
    "aboutflexibleVersions": "The name of a topic." }0+",
  { ""fields": [
    { "name": "PartitionsBrokerId", "type": "[]int32", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "brokerId", 
        "about": "The partitionsID of this topic whose leader should be electedthe broker." },

// New fields begin.
  { "name": "DesiredLeadersTopicPartitions", "type": "[]int32TopicPartitions", "versions": "30+",
 "nullableVersions": "0+",
    "about": "The desiredtopic leaders.partitions Theto entry should matches with query the entry in Partitions by the indexlog info." },
// New "fields": end.[

   ] },
  { "name": "TimeoutMsTopicId", "type": "int32uuid", "versions": "0+", "ignorable": true, "about": "The unique topic ID"},
      { "name": "Partitions", "type": "[]int32", "defaultversions": "600000+",
        "about": "The timepartitions inof msthis totopic waitwhose forleader theshould electionbe to completeelected." },




  "type": "requestresponse",
  "listeners": ["broker"],
  "name": "GetReplicaLogInfoRequestGetReplicaLogInfoResponse",
  "validVersions": "0",
  "flexibleVersions": "0+",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "BrokerIdBrokerEpoch", "type": "int32int64", "versions": "0+", "entityType": "brokerId", 
        "about": "The IDepoch offor the broker." },
    { "name": "TopicPartitionsTopicPartitionLogInfoList", "type": "[]TopicPartitionsTopicPartitionLogInfo", "versions": "0+", "nullableVersions": "0+",
    "about": "The topiclist partitionsof tothe electlog leadersinfo.",
    "fields": [
      { "name": "TopicId", "type": "uuid", "versions": "0+", "ignorable": true, "about": "The unique topic ID."},

{ "name": "PartitionsPartitionLogInfo", "type": "[]int32PartitionLogInfo", "versions": "0+", "about": "The partitionslog info of this topic whose leader should be elected." }, ]} ] }

GetReplicaLogInfo Response

  "type": "response",
  "name": "GetReplicaLogInfoResponse",
  "validVersionsa partition.", 
"fields": [
     { "name": "Partition", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+", "flexibleVersionsabout": "0+"The id for the partition." }, "fields": [ { "name": "BrokerEpochLastWrittenLeaderEpoch", "type": "int64int32", "versions": "0+", "about": "The last written leader epoch forin the brokerlog." }, { "name": "LogInfoListCurrentLeaderEpoch", "type": "[]LogInfoint32", "versions": "0+", "about": "The list ofcurrent leader epoch for the partition log info.", "fields": [from the broker point of view." }, { "name": "TopicIdLogEndOffset", "type": "uuidint64", "versions": "0+", "ignorable": true, "about": "The uniquelog topic ID."}, { "name": "Partition", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+", "about": "The id end offset for the partition." },
    { "name": "LastWrittenLeaderEpochErrorCode", "type": "int32int16", "versions": "0+", "about": "The result error, lastor writtenzero leaderif epochthere inwas theno logerror." },
{ "name": "CurrentLeaderEpochErrorMessage", "type": "int32string", "versions": "0+", "nullableVersions": "0+", "about": "The currentresult leadermessage, epochor fornull theif partitionthere fromwas the broker point of view." no error."} ]}, ]} ] { "name": "LogEndOffset", "type": "int64", "versions": "0+", "about": "The log end offset for the partition." } ]} ] }

} (Coming with Unclean Recovery)

// Updated field starts.
                  --admin.config <String: config file>    Configuration properties files to pass
                        Type of election to attempt. Possible
  election type>          to the admin client
--all-topic-partitions             values are 
Perform election on all of the "preferred" for preferred leader election
eligible topic partitions based on or "unclean" for a random unclean leader election, the type of election (see the -- or "longest_log_agressive"/"longest_log_balanced" to choose the replica
election-type flag). Not allowed if with the longest log
--topic or --path-to-json-file is or "designation" for specified. --bootstrap-server <String: host:port> A hostname and port for the broker to electing the given replica("desiredLeader") to be the leader.
If preferred election is connect toselection, in the form host:port. Multipleelection commais separatedonly URLsperformed canif bethe current given. REQUIRED. // Updated field starts. --election-type <[PREFERRED, LONGEST_LOG_PROACTIVE, LONGEST_LOG_BALANCED, DESIGNATION]:leader is not the preferred leader for the topic partition. If Type of election to attempt. Possible election type> longest_log_agressive/longest_log_balanced/designation values are "preferred" for preferred election is selected, the leader election, or "unclean" for election is only performed if there a random unclean leader election, are no leader for the topic or "longest_log_proactive"/"longest_log_balanced" partition. REQUIRED. to choose the replica --path-to-json-file <String: Path to The JSON file with the list of JSON withfile> the longest log or "designation" for partition for which leader elections electing the given replica. If should be performed. This is an preferred election is selection, the example format. The desiredLeader field election is only performed if the is only required in DESIGNATION election. current leader is not the preferred leader for the topic partition. If {"partitions": longest_log_proactive/longest_log_balanced/designation [{"topic": "foo", "partition": 1, "desiredLeader": 0}, election is selected, the {"topic": "foobar", "partition": 2, "desiredLeader": 1}] election is only performed if there } are no leaderNot forallowed theif --all-topic-partitions partition. REQUIREDor --topic flags are specified. // Updated field ends. --help Print usage information. --partition <Integer: partition id> Partition id for which to perform an election. REQUIRED if --topic is specified. // Updated field starts. --path-to-json-file <String: Path to The JSON file with the list of JSON file> partition for which leader elections should be performed. This is an example format. The desiredLeader field is only required in DESIGNATION election. The minimalReplicas field is only required in LONGEST_LOG election {"partitions": [{"topic": "foo", "partition": 1, "desiredLeader": 0, "minimalReplicas": 2}, {"topic": "foobar", "partition": 2, "desiredLeader": 1, "minimalReplicas": 2}] } Not allowed if --all-topic-partitions or --topic flags are specified. // Updated field ends. --topic <String: topic name> Name of topic for which to perform an election. Not allowed if --path-to- json-file or --all-topic-partitions is specified. --version Display Kafka version.


The following gauge metrics will be added

  • kafka.replication.electable_replicas_count. It will be the sum of (size of ISR + size of ELR).

The following count metrics will be added.

  • kafka.replication.unclean_recovery_partitions_count. It counts the partitions that are under unclean recovery.

  • kafka.replication.paused_partitions_count. It counts the partition that is leaderless and waits for user operations to find the next leader.

Public-Facing Changes

Config changes

The new configs are introduced for ELR

  1. eligible.leader.replicas.enabled. It controls whether the controller will record the ELR-related metadata and whether ISR can be empty. False is the default value. It will turn true in the future.
  2. max.request.partition.size.limit. The maximum number of partitions to return in a API response.

The new configs are introduced for Unclean Recovery.

  1. unclean.recovery.strategy. Described in the above section. Balanced is the default value. 
  2. unclean.recovery.manager.enabled. True for using the unclean recovery manager to perform an unclean recovery. False means the random election will be used in the unclean leader election. False is the default value.
  3. The time limits of waiting for the replicas' response during the Unclean Recovery. 5 min is the default value.

New Errors


As we introduce the request limit for the new APIs, the items sent in the request but over the limit will be returned with REQUEST_LIMIT_REACHED. It is a retriable error.

Admin API/Client changes

The admin client will start to use the DescribeTopicsRequest to describe the topic.

  1. The client will split a large request into proper pieces and send them one after another if the requested topics count reaches the limit.
  2. The client will retry querying the topics if they received the response with Cursor field. 
  3. The output of the topic describe will be updated with the ELR related fields.
  4. TopicPartitionInfo will be updated to include the ELR related fields.


The following metrics will be added for ELR

  • kafka.controller.global_under_min_isr_partition_count. Gauge. It tracks the number of partitions with ISR size smaller than min ISR.

The following metrics will be added for Unclean Recovery

  • kafka.controller.unclean_recovery_partitions_count. Gauge. It tracks the partitions that are under unclean recovery. It will be unset/set to 0 when there is no unclean recovery happening. Note, if in Balance mode, the members in LastKnownELR are not all unfenced, it is also counted as a live recovery.
  • kafka.controller.manual_leader_election_required_partition_count. Gauge. It counts the partition that is leaderless and waits for user operations to find the next leader.
  • kafka.controller.unclean_recovery_finished_count. Counter. It counts how many unclean recovery has been done. It will be set to 0 once the controller restarts.

Public-Facing Changes

  1. min.insync.replicas now applies to the replication of all kinds of messages. The High Watermark will only advance if all the messages below it have been replicated to at least least min.insync.replicas replicasISR members.

  2. The consumer is affected when consuming the ack=1 and ack=0 messages. When there is only 1 replica(min ISR=2), the HWM advance is blocked, so the incoming ack=0/1 messages are not visible to the consumers. Users can avoid the side effect by updating the min.insync.replicas to 1 for their ack=0/1 topics.

  3. Compared to the current model, the proposed design has availability trade-offs:

    1. If the network partitioning only affects the heartbeats between a follower and the controller, the controller will kick it out of ISR.  If If losing this replica makes the ISR under min ISR, the HWM advancement will be blocked unnecessarily because we require the ISR to have at least min ISR members. However, it is not a regression compared to the current system at this point. But later when the network partitioning finishes, the current leader will put the follower into the pending ISR(aka "maximum ISR") and continue moving forward while in the proposed world, the leader needs to wait for the controller to ack the ISR change.

    2. Electing a leader from ELR may mean choosing a degraded broker. Degraded means the broker can have a poor performance in replication due to common reasons like networking or disk IO, but it is alive. It can also be the reason why it is alive. It can also be the reason why it fails out of ISR in the first place. This is a trade-off between availability and durability.

  4. The unclean leader election will be replaced by the unclean recovery.

    1. fails out of ISR in the first place. This is a trade-off between availability and durability.

  5. The unclean leader election will be replaced by the unclean recovery.

  6. For fsync users, the ELR can be beneficial to have more choices when the last known leader is fenced. It is worth mentioning what to expect when ISR and ELR are both empty. We assume fsync users adopt the unclean.leader.election.enable as false.
    1. If the KIP has been fully implemented. During the unclean recovery, the controller will elect a leader when all the LastKnownElr members have replied.
    2. If only the ELR is implemented, the LastKnownLeader is preferred when ELR and ISR are both empty.

Ack=0/1 comparison

Comparing the current ISR model with the proposed design


  • min.insync.replicas will no longer be effective to be larger than the replication factor. For existing configs, the min.insync.replicas will be min(min.insync.replicas, replication factor).

  • Cluster admin should update the min.insync.replicas to 1if they want to have the replication going when there is only the leader in the ISRin the ISR.

  • Note that, this new requirement is not guarded by any feature flags/Metadata version.


It will be guarded by a new metadata version and the eligible.leader.replicas.enabled. So it is not enabled during the rolling upgrade.

After the controller picked up the new MV and eligible.leader.replicas.enabled is true,  when it loads the partition states, it will populate the ELR as empty if the PartitionChangeRecord uses an old version. In the next partition update, the controller will record the current ELR. 

MV downgrade: Once the MV version is downgraded, all the ELR related fields will be removed on the next partition change. The controller will also ignore the ELR fields.

Software downgrade: After the MV version is downgraded, a metadata delta will be generated to capture the current status. Then the user can start the software downgradeNote, the leader can only enable empty ISR after the new metadata version.

Clean shutdown

It will be guarded by a new metadata version. Before that, the controller will treat all the registrations with unclean shutdowns.

Unclean recovery

Unclean Recovery is guarded by the feature flag unclean.recovery.manager.enabled

  • For the existing unclean.leader.election.enable
    1. If true, unclean.recovery.strategy will be set to


    1. Aggressive.

    2. If false, unclean.recovery.strategy will be set to Balanced.

  • unclean.


The unclean leader election behavior is kept before the MV upgrade.

  • leader.election.enable will be marked as deprecated.

Delivery plan

The KIP is a large plan, it can be across multiple quarters. So we have to consider how to deliver the project in phases.

As the Unclean Recovery can be developed in parallel with the ELR, let's discuss what would be the expected behavior if only one of them have delivered.


The ELR will be delivered in the first phase. When the Unclean Recover has not shipped or it is disabled:

The main difference is in








and the unclean leader election.

  • If there are other ISR members, elect one of them.
  • If there are other unfenced ELR members, elect one of them.
  • If there are fenced ELR members
    • unclean.leader.election.enable false, then elect the first ELR member to be unfenced.
    • unclean.leader.election.enable true, start an unclean leader election.
  • If there are no ELR members
    • unclean.leader.election.enable true, start an unclean leader election
    behavior is random select an unfenced replica as the leader.
  • Leader election will be different when ISR and ELR are both empty. In this case, we try to maintain the "last known leader" behavior. Basically, when the last leader gets fenced, the LastKnownELR field will be also updated. The last leader will be put at the front of the LastKnownELR list. Then if the last leader can be unfenced, it will be elected as the leader. In this way, if only ELR is delivered, there is no regression in availability.
  • Unclean recovery. 
    • The unclean leader election will be replaced by the unclean recovery.
    • unclean.leader.election.enable will only be replaced by the unclean.recovery.strategy after ELR is delivered.As there is no change to the ISR, the "last known leader" behavior is maintainedfalse, then elect the LastKnownLeader once it is unfenced.

The unclean leader election will be randomly choosing an unfenced replica as it is today.

Test Plan

The typical suite of unit/integration/system tests. The system test will verify the behaviors of different failing scenarios.


It is an option to enhance the ListOffsets API instead of creating a new API. The intention of the new API is to distinguish the admin API and the client API. To be specific, It is necessary to include the broker epoch in the recovery, but this piece of information does not necessarily to be exposed to the clients.


The controller elects the leader when a given number of replicas have replied

In Balance mode, instead of waiting for the last-known ELR members, the URM controller elects when receives a given number of responses. For example, if the replication factor is 3 and min-ISR is 2. If we require at least 2 responses, then URM controller will choose between the first 2 replicas.

However, it does not give enough protection if we don’t require responses from all the replicas. Consider the following case. The ISR starts with [0,1,2]. Broker 2 falls behind and is kicked out of ISR. Then broker 1, and broker 0 suffers unclean shutdowns and broker 1 had a real data loss. Later, broker 2 and broker 1 come online and URM controller will choose between 1 and 2. Either option will have data loss.
