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As the first sub-FLIP for DataStream API V2, we'd like to discuss and try to answer some of the most fundamental questions in stream processing:

  1. What kinds of data streams do we have?
  2. How to partition data over the streams?
  3. How to define a processing on the data stream?

The answer to these questions involve three core concepts: DataStream, Partitioning and ProcessFunction. In this FLIP, we will discuss the definitions and related API primitives of these concepts in detail.

Concepts Definition


DataStream is the carrier of data. Data flows on the stream

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As the first sub-FLIP for DataStream API V2, we'd like to discuss and try to answer some of the most fundamental questions in stream processing.

- What kinds of data streams do we have?

- How to partition data over the streams?

- How to define a processing on the data stream?

The answer to these questions involve three core concepts: DataStream, Partitioning and ProcessFunction. In this FLIP, we will discuss the definitions and related API primitives of these concepts in detail.

Concepts Definition


DataStream is the carrier of data. Data flows on the stream and may be divided into multiple partitions. According to how the data is partitioned on the stream, we divide it into the following categories:


Above we defined the stream and how it is partitioned. The next topic to discuss is how to convert between different partition types. We call these transformations partitioning. For example non-keyed partition stream can be transformed to keyed partition stream via a `keyby` `KeyBy` partitioning.

Overall, we have the following four partitioning:

  • Keyby: Let all data be repartitioned according to specified keyKeyBy: Let all data be repartitioned according to specified key.

  • Shuffle: Repartition and shuffle all data.

  • Global: Merge all partitions into one.

  • Broadcast: Force partitions broadcast data to downstream.

The specific transformation relationship is shown in the following table:























(A crossed box indicates that it is not supported or not required)

One thing to note is: broadcast can only be used as side-input of other Inputs and cannot be directly converted to other streamsOne thing to note is: broadcast can only be used in conjunction with other inputs and cannot be directly converted to other streams.



Once we have the data stream, we can apply operations on it. The operations that can be performed over DataStream are collectively called Process Function. It is the only entrypoint for defining all kinds of processings on the data streams.

Classification of ProcessFunction

According to the number of input / output, they are classified as follows.

According to the number of input / output, they are classified as follows:

Process Function

number of inputs

number of outputs
















process functions that support more inputs and outputs can be achieved by combining them, but this implementation might be inefficient. If the call for this becomes louder, we will consider supporting as many output edges as we want through a mechanism like OutputTag. But this loses the explicit generic type information that comes with using ProcessFunction.

The case of two input is relatively special, and we have divided it into two categories:

  1. TwoInputNonBroadcastStreamProcessFunction: Neither of its inputs is a BroadcastStream, so processing only applied to the single partition.
  2. TwoInputBroadcastStreamProcessFunction: One of its inputs is the BroadcastStream, so the processing of this input is applied to all partitions. While the other side is Keyed/Non-Keyed Stream, it's processing applied to single partition.

Advantages of ProcessFunction

Compared with DataStream V1, It has the following benefits:

  • Clearer definition: From the DataStream's perspective, it only needs to understand the semantics of functions. Built-in operations such as map / flatMap / reduce / join can still be supported, but are decoupled from the core framework. That is to


Advantages of ProcessFunction

Compared with DataStream V1, It has the following benefits:

  • Clearer definition: From the DataStream's perspective, it only needs to understand the semantics of functions. Built-in  operations such as map / flatMap / reduce / join can still be supported, but are decoupled from the core framework. That is to say, for DataStream V2, every operation is a process function .

  • Don'

    t expose operators to users: We believe functions with access to proper runtime information and services are good enough for users to define custom data processing logics. Operators on the other hand are more an internal concept of Flink and users should not be allowed to directly use them. Besides, in V1 users are invited to extend  `AbstractStreamOperator` in order to define their custom operators, leading to unnecessary dependencies and unpredictable behaviors. In V2, users should define their custom behaviors by implementing interfaces rather than extending framework classes. 

    t expose operators to users: We believe functions with access to proper runtime information and services are good enough for users to define custom data processing logics. Operators on the other hand are more an internal concept of Flink and users should not be allowed to directly use them. Besides, in V1 users are invited to extend `AbstractStreamOperator` in order to define their custom operators, leading to unnecessary dependencies and unpredictable behaviors. In V2, users should define their custom behaviors by implementing interfaces rather than extending framework classes.

Requirements for input and output streams


For OneInputStreamProcessFunction:

Input Stream

Output Stream




Keyed / Non-Keyed




Not Supported

When KeyedPartitionStream is used as input, the output can be either a KeyedPartitionStream or NonKeyedPartitionStream. For general data processing logic, how to partition data is uncertain, we can only expect a NonKeyedPartitionStream. If we do need a deterministic partition, we can follow it with a keyby partitioning. However, there are times when we know for sure that the partition of records will not change before and after processing, shuffle cost due to the extra partitioning can be avoided. To be safe, in this case we ask for a KeySelector for the output data, and the framework checks at runtime to see if this invariant is broken. The same is true for two output and two input counterparts. For a more detailed explanation, see the API definition of KeyedPartitionStream in the Proposed Changes section below.

For TwoOutputStreamProcessFunction:

When KeyedPartitionStream is used as input, the output can be either a KeyedPartitionStream or NonKeyedPartitionStream. For general data processing logic, how to partition data is uncertain, we can only expect a NonKeyedPartitionStream. If we do need a deterministic partition, we can follow it with a KeyBy partitioning. However, there are times when we know for sure that the partition of records will not change before and after processing, shuffle cost due to the extra partitioning can be avoided. To be safe, in this case we ask for a KeySelector for the output data, and the framework checks at runtime to see if this invariant is broken. The same is true for two output and two input counterparts. For a more detailed explanation, see the API definition of KeyedPartitionStream in the Proposed Changes section below.

For TwoOutputStreamProcessFunction:

Input Stream

Output Stream



Input Stream

Output Stream



+ Global


Keyed + Keyed / Non-Keyed + Non-Keyed


NonKeyed + NonKeyed


Not Supported

There are two points to note here:

  1. Broadcast stream cannot be used as a single input.


  1. Generally speaking, when a keyed stream as input, its output should be non-keyed stream, because the original partition maybe change during processing. But if we provide an specific KeySelector, its output can be keyed partitioned.

Things with two inputs is a little more complicated. The following table lists which streams are compatible with each other and the types of streams they output. 

A cross(❎) indicates not supported.











Non-Keyed / Keyed

Non-Keyed / Keyed





Non-Keyed / Keyed


  1. The reason why the connection between Global Stream and Non-Global Stream is not supported is that the number of partitions of GlobalStream is forced to be 1, but it is generally not 1 for Non-Global Stream, which will cause conflicts when determining the number of partitions of the output stream. If necessary, they should be transformed into mutually compatible streams


  1. and then connected.
  2. Connecting two broadcast streams doesn't really make sense, because each parallelism would have exactly same input data from both streams and any process would be duplicated. 
  3. The reason why the output of two keyed partition streams can be keyed or non-keyed is the same as we mentioned above in the case of single input.
  4. When we connect two KeyedPartitionStream, they must have the same key type, otherwise we can't decide how to merge the partitions of the two streams. At the same time, things like access state and register timer are also restricted to the partition itself, cross-partition interaction is not meaningful.

  5. The reasons why the connection between KeyedPartitionStream and NonKeyedPartitionStream is not supported are as follows:
    1. The data on KeyedStream is deterministic, but on NonKeyed is not. It is difficult to think of a scenario where the two need to be connected.
    2. This will complicate the state declaration and access rules. A more detailed discussion can be seen in the subsequent state-related sub-FLIP.
    3. If we see that most people have clear demands for this, we can support it in the future.

Lifecycle of Process Function

A Process Function goes through the following phases:

  • Open: The preparation phase before process function starts processing data. It corresponds to the open phase of the underlying operator.

  • Process: The process function is already processing data and will continuously execute the corresponding data processing logic.

  • EndInput:  An input of the process function no longer sends new data. For functions with multiple inputs, this life cycle will go through multiple times until all inputs no longer generate data.

  • Close: The process function no longer processes any data and corresponds to the close phase of the underlying operator.

For each life cycle, process function will provide corresponding hooks to execute user-defined callback logic. We will elaborate on these life-cycle hooks in the following proposed changes section.

Proposed Changes

Before introducing the specific changes, let's first look at what the simplest job(increase every record by one) developed with the new API looks like:

Code Block
// create environment
ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
// create a stream from source
    // map every element x to x + 1. This is just to show the API as comprehensively as possible. In fact, we can use lambda expressions instead.
    .process(new OneInputStreamProcessFunction<Integer, Integer>() {
                    public void processRecord(
                            Integer x,
                            Collector<Integer> output)
                            throws Exception {
                        output.collect(x + 1);
    // If the sink does not support concurrent writes, we can force the stream to one partition
    // sink the stream to some sink 
// execute the job
env.execute()// create environment

It can be seen that in addition to the three core concepts mentioned earlier, we also need some additional work: such as creating and executing the job, and adding source and sink.


ExecutionEnvironment is the start and stop point of user application. It provides methods to create and execute job.

For DataStream API V1, It directly creates the underlying implementation class of execution environment once user want to get it, which makes jobs must depend on non-APIs part. In DataStream API V2, we hope that user jobs only depend on a pure API module. Therefore, we create the specific implementation of environment through reflection.

Code Block
 * The ExecutionEnvironment is the context in which a program is executed.
 * <p>The environment provides methods to create a DataStream and control the job execution.
public interface ExecutionEnvironment {
     * Get the execution environment instance.
     * @return A {@link ExecutionEnvironment} instance.
    static ExecutionEnvironment getExecutionEnvironment() throws ReflectiveOperationException {
          // return the enviroment instance by reflection.

     * Create and attach a data stream with the specific source to this environment.
     * @param source of the data stream.
     * @param watermarkStrategy of this source.
     * @param sourceName, the name of this source.
     * @return A data stream with the specific source.
    <OUT> NonKeyedPartitionStream<OUT> fromSource(
      Source<OUT, ?, ?> source,
      WatermarkStrategy<OUT> watermarkStrategy,
      String sourceName

    /** Execute and submit the job attached to this environment. */
    void execute() throws Exception;

Currently, we only support adding FLIP-27 based source. The stream returned from `fromSource` method is Non-KeyedPartitionStream by default. If there is a clear key selecting strategy, the keyBy partitioning can be followed later. The connector part will be explained in more detail in future FLIP.


Process function is used to describe the processing logic of data. It is the key part for users to implement their job. Overall, we have a base interface for all user defined process functions that contains some life cycle methods, such as open and close. In addition, it also contains some common methods related to state and watermark, but we omit these methods here for simplicity, and we will introduce it in the corresponding sub-FLIPs.

Code Block
/** This is the base class for all user defined process functions. */
public interface ProcessFunction extends Function {
     * Initialization method for the function. It is called before the actual working methods (like
     * processRecord) and thus suitable for one time setup work.
     * <p>By default, this method does nothing.
     * @throws Exception Implementations may forward exceptions, which are caught by the runtime.
     *     When the runtime catches an exception, it aborts the task and lets the fail-over logic
     *     decide whether to retry the task execution.
    default void open() throws Exception {}

     * Tear-down method for the user code. It is called after the last call to the main working
     * methods (e.g. processRecord).
     * <p>This method can be used for clean up work.
     * @throws Exception Implementations may forward exceptions, which are caught by the runtime.
     *     When the runtime catches an exception, it aborts the task and lets the fail-over logic
     *     decide whether to retry the task execution.
    default void close() throws Exception {}

    // Omit some methods related to state and watermark here.


Before introducing the specific process function, we need to introduce the Collector interface first, which is responsible for collecting processed data.

Code Block
/** This class take response for collecting data to output stream. */
public interface Collector<OUT> {
     * Collect record to output stream.
     * @param record to be collected.
    void collect(OUT record);      
     * Overwrite the timestamp of this record and collect it to output stream.
     * @param record to be collected.
     * @param timestamp of the processed data.
    void collectAndOverwriteTimestamp(OUT record, long timestamp); 


Sometimes it is not possible to decide on the current partition in the context of the processing. For example, when processing the input records from the broadcast edge. Therefore, we introduce a mechanism to process all partitions.

Note: RuntimeContext contains information about the context in which process functions are executed. It is currently just an empty interface but will be expanded later, such as supporting access to state, registering timers, etc. This part will be elaborated in the subsequent sub-FLIPs.

Code Block
 * This interface represents the context associated with all operations must be applied to all
 * partitions.
public interface NonPartitionedContext<OUT> extends RuntimeContext {
     * Apply a function to all partitions. For keyed stream, it will apply to all keys. For
     * non-keyed stream, it will apply to single partition.
    void applyToAllPartitions(ApplyPartitionFunction<OUT> applyPartitionFunction);

/** A function to be applied to all partitions . */
public interface ApplyPartitionFunction<OUT> {
     * The actual method to be applied to each partition.
     * @param collector to output data.
     * @param ctx runtime context in which this function is executed.
    void apply(Collector<OUT> collector, RuntimeContext ctx) throws Exception;

 * This interface represents the context associated with all operations must be applied to all
 * partitions with two outputs.
public interface TwoOutputNonPartitionedContext<OUT1, OUT2> extends RuntimeContext {
     * Apply a function to all partitions. For keyed stream, it will apply to all keys. For
     * non-keyed stream, it will apply to single partition.
    void applyToAllPartitions(TwoOutputNonPartitionedContext<OUT1, OUT2> applyPartitionFunction);

/** A function to be applied to all partitions with two outputs.. */
public interface TwoOutputApplyPartitionFunction<OUT1, OUT2> {
     * The actual method to be applied to each partition.
     * @param firstOutput to emit record to first output.
     * @param secondOutput to emit record to second output.
     * @param ctx runtime context in which this function is executed.
    void apply(Collector<OUT1> firstOutput, Collector<OUT2> secondOutput, RuntimeContext ctx)
            throws Exception;


Code Block
/** This class contains all logical related to process records from single input. */
public interface OneInputStreamProcessFunction<IN, OUT> extends ProcessFunction {
     * Process record and emit data through {@link Collector}.
     * @param record to process.
     * @param output to emit processed records.
     * @param ctx, runtime context in which this function is executed.
    void processRecord(IN record, Collector<OUT> output, RuntimeContext ctx) throws Exception;

     * This is a life-cycle method indicates that this function will no longer receive any input
     * data.
     * @param ctx, the context in which this function is executed.
    default void endInput(NonPartitionedContext<OUT> ctx) {}


Code Block
/** This class contains all logical related to process records from two non-broadcast input. */
public interface TwoInputNonBroadcastStreamProcessFunction<IN1, IN2, OUT> extends ProcessFunction {
     * Process record from first input and emit data through {@link Collector}.
     * @param record to process.
     * @param output to emit processed records.
     * @param ctx, runtime context in which this function is executed.
    void processRecordFromFirstInput(IN1 record, Collector<OUT> output, RuntimeContext ctx)
            throws Exception;

     * Process record from second input and emit data through {@link Collector}.
     * @param record to process.
     * @param output to emit processed records.
     * @param ctx, runtime context in which this function is executed.
    void processRecordFromSecondInput(IN2 record, Collector<OUT> output, RuntimeContext ctx)
            throws Exception;

     * This is a life-cycle method indicates that this function will no longer receive any data from
     * the first input.
     * @param ctx, the context in which this function is executed.
    default void endFirstInput(NonPartitionedContext<OUT> ctx) {}

     * This is a life-cycle method indicates that this function will no longer receive any data from
     * the second input.
     * @param ctx, the context in which this function is executed.
    default void endSecondInput(NonPartitionedContext<OUT> ctx) {}


Code Block
 * This class contains all logical related to process records from a broadcast stream and a
 * non-broadcast stream.
public interface TwoInputBroadcastStreamProcessFunction<IN1, IN2, OUT> extends ProcessFunction {
     * Process record from non-broadcast input and emit data through {@link Collector}.
     * @param record to process.
     * @param output to emit processed records.
     * @param ctx, runtime context in which this function is executed.
    void processRecordFromNonBroadcastInput(IN1 record, Collector<OUT> output, RuntimeContext ctx)
            throws Exception;

     * Process record from broadcast input.In general, the broadcast side is not allowed to
     * manipulate state and output data because it corresponds to all partitions instead of a single
     * partition. But you could use broadcast context to process all the partitions at once.
     * @param record to process.
     * @param ctx, the context in which this function is executed.
    void processRecordFromBroadcastInput(IN2 record, NonPartitionedContext<OUT> ctx) throws Exception;

     * This is a life-cycle method indicates that this function will no longer receive any data from
     * the non-broadcast input.
     * @param ctx, the context in which this function is executed.
    default void endNonBroadcastInput(NonPartitionedContext<OUT> ctx) {}

     * This is a life-cycle method indicates that this function will no longer receive any data from
     * the broadcast input.
     * @param ctx, the context in which this function is executed.
    default void endBroadcastInput(NonPartitionedContext<OUT> ctx) {}


Code Block
/** This class contains all logical related to process and emit records to two outputs. */
public interface TwoOutputStreamProcessFunction<IN, OUT1, OUT2> extends ProcessFunction {
     * Process and emit record to the first/second output through {@link Collector}s.
     * @param record to process.
     * @param output1 to emit processed records to the first output.
     * @param output2 to emit processed records to the second output.
     * @param ctx, runtime context in which this function is executed.
    void processRecord(
            IN record, Collector<OUT1> output1, Collector<OUT2> output2, RuntimeContext ctx);

     * This is a life-cycle method indicates that this function will no longer receive any input
     * data.
     * @param ctx, the context in which this function is executed.
    default void endInput(TwoOutputNonPartitionedContext<OUT1, OUT2> ctx) {}

We can see that each process function provides the life-cycle hook for endInput. The runtime engine will call back this method after processing all data of this input, providing the final opportunity to send data to downstream. This is crucial for implementing something like full-aggregation window.


In general, we will expose 4 types of DataStream interfaces to users, partitioning and process can be applied to these data streams.


Code Block
 * This class represents a kind of partitioned data stream. For this stream, each parallelism is a
 * partition, and the partition to which the data belongs is random.
public interface NonKeyedPartitionStream<T> {
     * Apply an operation to this {@link NonKeyedPartitionStream};
     * @param processFunction to perform operation.
     * @return new stream with this operation.
    <OUT> NonKeyedPartitionStream<OUT> process(
            OneInputStreamProcessFunction<T, OUT> processFunction);

     * Apply a two output operation to this {@link NonKeyedPartitionStream}.
     * @param processFunction to perform two output operation.
     * @return new stream with this operation.
    <OUT1, OUT2> TwoNonKeyedPartitionStreams<OUT1, OUT2> process(
            TwoOutputStreamProcessFunction<T, OUT1, OUT2> processFunction);

     * Apply to a two input operation on this and other {@link NonKeyedPartitionStream}.
     * @param other {@link NonKeyedPartitionStream} to perform operation with two input.
     * @param processFunction to perform operation.
     * @return new stream with this operation.
    <T_OTHER, OUT> NonKeyedPartitionStream<OUT> connectAndProcess(
            NonKeyedPartitionStream<T_OTHER> other,
            TwoInputNonBroadcastStreamProcessFunction<T, T_OTHER, OUT> processFunction);

     * Apply a two input operation to this and other {@link BroadcastStream}.
     * @param processFunction to perform operation.
     * @return new stream with this operation.
    <T_OTHER, OUT> NonKeyedPartitionStream<OUT> connectAndProcess(
            BroadcastStream<T_OTHER> other,
            TwoInputBroadcastStreamProcessFunction<T, T_OTHER, OUT> processFunction);

     * Coalesce this stream to a {@link GlobalStream}.
     * @return the coalesced global stream.
    GlobalStream<T> global();

     * Transform this stream to a {@link KeyedPartitionStream}.
     * @param keySelector to decide how to map data to partition.
     * @return the transformed stream partitioned by key.
    <K> KeyedPartitionStream<K, T> keyBy(KeySelector<T, K> keySelector);

     * Transform this stream to a new {@link NonKeyedPartitionStream}, data will be shuffled between
     * these two streams.
     * @return the transformed stream after shuffle.
    NonKeyedPartitionStream<T> shuffle();

     * Transform this stream to a new {@link BroadcastStream}.
     * @return the transformed {@link BroadcastStream}.
    BroadcastStream<T> broadcast();

     * Sink data from this stream.
     * @param sink to receive data from this stream.
    void toSink(Sink<T> sink);

     * This class represents a combination of two {@link NonKeyedPartitionStream}. It will be used
     * as the return value of operation with two output.
    interface TwoNonKeyedPartitionStreams<T1, T2> {
        /** Get the first stream. */
        NonKeyedPartitionStream<T1> getFirst();

        /** Get the second stream. */
        NonKeyedPartitionStream<T2> getSecond();


Code Block
 * This class represents a kind of partitioned data stream. For this stream, Each key group is a
 * partition, and the partition to which the data belongs is determined.
public interface KeyedPartitionStream<K, T> {
     * Apply an operation to this {@link KeyedPartitionStream}.
     * <p>This method is used to avoid shuffle after applying the process function. It is required
     * that for the same record, the new {@link KeySelector} must extract the same key as the
     * original {@link KeySelector} on this {@link KeyedPartitionStream}.
     * @param processFunction to perform operation.
     * @param newKeySelector to select the key after process.
     * @return new {@link KeyedPartitionStream} with this operation.
    <OUT> KeyedPartitionStream<K, OUT> process(
            OneInputStreamProcessFunction<T, OUT> processFunction,
            KeySelector<OUT, K> newKeySelector);

     * Apply an operation to this {@link KeyedPartitionStream};
     * @param processFunction to perform operation.
     * @return new {@link NonKeyedPartitionStream} with this operation.
    <OUT> NonKeyedPartitionStream<OUT> process(
            OneInputStreamProcessFunction<T, OUT> processFunction);

     * Apply a two output operation to this {@link KeyedPartitionStream}.
     * <p>This method is used to avoid shuffle after applying the process function. It is required
     * that for the same record, these new two {@link KeySelector}s must extract the same key as the
     * original {@link KeySelector}s on this {@link KeyedPartitionStream}.
     * @param processFunction to perform two output operation.
     * @param keySelector1 to select the key of first output.
     * @param keySelector2 to select the key of second output.
     * @return new {@link TwoKeyedPartitionStreams} with this operation.
    <OUT1, OUT2> TwoKeyedPartitionStreams<K, OUT1, OUT2> process(
            TwoOutputStreamProcessFunction<T, OUT1, OUT2> processFunction,
            KeySelector<OUT1, K> keySelector1,
            KeySelector<OUT2, K> keySelector2);

     * Apply a two output operation to this {@link KeyedPartitionStream}.
     * @param processFunction to perform two output operation.
     * @return new {@link TwoNonKeyedPartitionStreams} with this operation.
    <OUT1, OUT2> TwoNonKeyedPartitionStreams<OUT1, OUT2> process(
            TwoOutputStreamProcessFunction<T, OUT1, OUT2> processFunction);

     * Apply a two input operation to this and other {@link KeyedPartitionStream}. The two keyed
     * streams must have the same partitions, otherwise it makes no sense to connect them.
     * @param other {@link KeyedPartitionStream} to perform operation with two input.
     * @param processFunction to perform operation.
     * @return new {@link NonKeyedPartitionStream} with this operation.
    <T_OTHER, OUT> NonKeyedPartitionStream<OUT> connectAndProcess(
            KeyedPartitionStream<K, T_OTHER> other,
            TwoInputNonBroadcastStreamProcessFunction<T, T_OTHER, OUT> processFunction);

     * Apply a two input operation to this and other {@link KeyedPartitionStream}.The two keyed
     * streams must have the same partitions, otherwise it makes no sense to connect them.
     * <p>This method is used to avoid shuffle after applying the process function. It is required
     * that for the same record, the new {@link KeySelector} must extract the same key as the
     * original {@link KeySelector}s on these two {@link KeyedPartitionStream}s.
     * @param other {@link KeyedPartitionStream} to perform operation with two input.
     * @param processFunction to perform operation.
     * @param newKeySelector to select the key after process.
     * @return new {@link KeyedPartitionStream} with this operation.
    <T_OTHER, OUT> KeyedPartitionStream<K, OUT> connectAndProcess(
            KeyedPartitionStream<K, T_OTHER> other,
            TwoInputNonBroadcastStreamProcessFunction<T, T_OTHER, OUT> processFunction,
            KeySelector<OUT, K> newKeySelector);

     * Apply a two input operation to this and other {@link BroadcastStream}.
     * @param processFunction to perform operation.
     * @return new stream with this operation.
    <T_OTHER, OUT> NonKeyedPartitionStream<OUT> connectAndProcess(
            BroadcastStream<T_OTHER> other,
            TwoInputBroadcastStreamProcessFunction<T, T_OTHER, OUT> processFunction);

     * Apply a two input operation to this and other {@link BroadcastStream}.
     * <p>This method is used to avoid shuffle after applying the process function. It is required
     * that for the record from non-broadcast input, the new {@link KeySelector} must extract the
     * same key as the original {@link KeySelector}s on the {@link KeyedPartitionStream}. For the
     * record from broadcast input, the output key from keyed partition itself instead of new key
     * selector, so it is safe already.
     * @param other {@link BroadcastStream} to perform operation with two input.
     * @param processFunction to perform operation.
     * @param newKeySelector to select the key after process.
     * @return new {@link KeyedPartitionStream} with this operation.
    <T_OTHER, OUT> KeyedPartitionStream<K, OUT> connectAndProcess(
            BroadcastStream<T_OTHER> other,
            TwoInputBroadcastStreamProcessFunction<T, T_OTHER, OUT> processFunction,
            KeySelector<OUT, K> newKeySelector);

     * Coalesce this stream to a {@link GlobalStream}.
     * @return the coalesced global stream.
    GlobalStream<T> global();

     * Transform this stream to a new {@link KeyedPartitionStream}.
     * @param keySelector to decide how to map data to partition.
     * @return the transformed stream partitioned by key.
    <NEW_KEY> KeyedPartitionStream<NEW_KEY, T> keyBy(KeySelector<T, NEW_KEY> keySelector);

     * Transform this stream to a new {@link NonKeyedPartitionStream}, data will be shuffled between
     * these two streams.
     * @return the transformed stream after shuffle.
    NonKeyedPartitionStream<T> shuffle();

     * Transform this stream to a new {@link BroadcastStream}.
     * @return the transformed {@link BroadcastStream}.
    BroadcastStream<T> broadcast();

     * Sink data from this stream.
     * @param sink to receive data from this stream.
    void toSink(Sink<T> sink);

     * This class represents a combination of two {@link KeyedPartitionStream}. It will be used as
     * the return value of operation with two output.
    interface TwoKeyedPartitionStreams<K, T1, T2> {
        /** Get the first stream. */
        KeyedPartitionStream<K, T1> getFirst();

        /** Get the second stream. */
        KeyedPartitionStream<K, T2> getSecond();


Code Block
/** This class represents a stream that force single parallelism. */
public interface GlobalStream<T> {
     * Apply an operation to this {@link GlobalStream};
     * @param processFunction to perform operation.
     * @return new stream with this operation.
    <OUT> GlobalStream<OUT> process(
            OneInputStreamProcessFunction<T, OUT> processFunction);

     * Apply a two output operation to this {@link GlobalStream}.
     * @param processFunction to perform two output operation.
     * @return new stream with this operation.
    <OUT1, OUT2> TwoGlobalStream<OUT1, OUT2> process(
            TwoOutputStreamProcessFunction<T, OUT1, OUT2> processFunction);

     * Apply a two input operation to this and other {@link GlobalStream}.
     * @param other {@link GlobalStream} to perform operation with two input.
     * @param processFunction to perform operation.
     * @return new stream with this operation.
    <T_OTHER, OUT> GlobalStream<OUT> connectAndProcess(
            GlobalStream<T_OTHER> other,
            TwoInputNonBroadcastStreamProcessFunction<T, T_OTHER, OUT> processFunction);

     * Transform this stream to a {@link KeyedPartitionStream}.
     * @param keySelector to decide how to map data to partition.
     * @return the transformed stream partitioned by key.
    <K> KeyedPartitionStream<K, T> keyBy(KeySelector<T, K> keySelector);

     * Transform this stream to a new {@link NonKeyedPartitionStream}, data will be shuffled between
     * these two streams.
     * @return the transformed stream after shuffle.
    NonKeyedPartitionStream<T> shuffle();

     * Transform this stream to a new {@link BroadcastStream}.
     * @return the transformed {@link BroadcastStream}.
    BroadcastStream<T> broadcast();

     * Sink data from this stream.
     * @param sink to receive data from this stream.
    void toSink(Sink<T> sink);

     * This class represents a combination of two {@link GlobalStream}. It will be used as the
     * return value of operation with two output.
    interface TwoGlobalStream<T1, T2> {
        /** Get the first stream. */
        GlobalStream<T1> getFirst();

        /** Get the second stream. */
        GlobalStream<T2> getSecond();


Code Block
/** This class represents a stream that each parallel task processes the same data. */
public interface BroadcastStream<T> {
     * Apply a two input operation to this and other {@link KeyedPartitionStream}.
     * @param other {@link KeyedPartitionStream} to perform operation with two input.
     * @param processFunction to perform operation.
     * @return new stream with this operation.
    <K, T_OTHER, OUT> NonKeyedPartitionStream<OUT> connectAndProcess(
            KeyedPartitionStream<K, T_OTHER> other,
            TwoInputBroadcastStreamProcessFunction<T, T_OTHER, OUT> processFunction);

     * Apply a two input operation to this and other {@link NonKeyedPartitionStream}.
     * @param other {@link NonKeyedPartitionStream} to perform operation with two input.
     * @param processFunction to perform operation.
     * @return new stream with this operation.
    <T_OTHER, OUT> NonKeyedPartitionStream<OUT> connectAndProcess(
            NonKeyedPartitionStream<T_OTHER> other,
            TwoInputBroadcastStreamProcessFunction<T, T_OTHER, OUT> processFunction);

     * Apply a two input operation to this and other {@link KeyedPartitionStream}.
     * <p>This method is used to avoid shuffle after applying the process function. It is required
     * that for the record from non-broadcast input, the new {@link KeySelector} must extract the
     * same key as the original {@link KeySelector}s on the {@link KeyedPartitionStream}. For the
     * record from broadcast input, the output key from keyed partition itself instead of new key
     * selector, so it is safe already.
     * @param other {@link KeyedPartitionStream} to perform operation with two input.
     * @param processFunction to perform operation.
     * @param newKeySelector to select the key after process.
     * @return new {@link KeyedPartitionStream} with this operation.
    <K, T_OTHER, OUT> KeyedPartitionStream<K, OUT> connectAndProcess(
            KeyedPartitionStream<K, T_OTHER> other,
            TwoInputBroadcastStreamProcessFunction<T, T_OTHER, OUT> processFunction,
            KeySelector<OUT, K> newKeySelector); 

Similarly to source, we only supports sinkV2 based sink.

The FLIP needs to move the following classes from flink-core into flink-core-api module:

Class Full Path


Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

The proposed new DataStream API and the old API are incompatible.
The deprecation and migration plan are discussed in the umbrella FLIP.

Test Plan

Comprehensive unit tests and integration tests will be added to ensure the correctness. In addition, some old API based jobs will be selected and rewritten for verification.


Connecting two broadcast streams doesn't really make sense, because each parallelism would have exactly same input data from both streams and any process would be duplicated. 


The reason why the output of two keyed partition streams can be keyed or non-keyed is the same as we mentioned above in the case of single input.


When we connect two KeyedPartitioinStream, they must have the same key type, otherwise we can't decide how to merge the partitions of the two streams. At the same time, things like access state and register timer are also restricted to the partition itself, cross-partition interaction is not meaningful.


The reasons why the connection between KeyedPartitionStream and NonKeyedPartitionStream is not supported are as follows:

  • The data on KeyedStream is deterministic, but on NonKeyed is not. It is difficult to think of a scenario where the two need to be connected.

  • This will complicate the state declaration and access rules. A more detailed discussion can be seen in the subsequent state-related sub-FLIP.

  • If we see that most people have clear demands for this, we can support it in the future.

Lifecycle of Process Function

A Process Function goes through the following phases:

  • Open: The preparation phase before process function starts processing data. It corresponds to the open phase of the underlying operator.

  • Process: The process function is already processing data and will continuously execute the corresponding data processing logic.

  • EndInput:  An input of the process function no longer sends new data. For functions with multiple inputs, this life cycle will go through multiple times until all inputs no longer generate data.

  • Close: The process function no longer processes any data and corresponds to the close phase of the underlying operator.

For each life cycle, process function will provide corresponding hooks to execute user-defined callback logic. We will elaborate on these life-cycle hooks in the following proposed changes section.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

  • What impact (if any) will there be on existing users?
  • If we are changing behavior how will we phase out the older behavior?
  • If we need special migration tools, describe them here.
  • When will we remove the existing behavior?

Test Plan

Describe in few sentences how the FLIP will be tested. We are mostly interested in system tests (since unit-tests are specific to implementation details). How will we know that the implementation works as expected? How will we know nothing broke?