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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


You can retrieve cookies from the WebRequest object, that can be retrieved from the RequestCycle

Quick hint:  RequestCycle can be obtained by calling Component#getRequestCycle() or anywhere on the thread, that is responding to a web-request by calling RequestCycle.get().

Code Block
WebRequest webRequest = (WebRequest)RequestCycle.get().getRequest();
// Variant A: You can ask for specific Get cookie bywith itsspecified name
Cookie cookie = webRequest.getCookie("cookieName");
// Variant B: YouGet can get all cookies at once
List<Cookie> cookiesList = webRequest.getCookies();


You can ask web-browser to store cookies, by adding cookie into the WebResponse object, that can be retrieved from the RequestCycle.

Code Block
//WebResponse Create cookie
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("cookieName", "cookieValue"webResponse = (WebResponse)RequestCycle.get().getResponse();
// AddCreate cookie and add it to the response
WebResponseCookie webResponsecookie = new (WebResponse)RequestCycle.get().getResponse(Cookie("cookieName", "cookieValue");
