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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

YTEX is in the current cTAKES trunk (as of 1-May-2014) ( and will be included in cTAKES 3.2.  This This document describes additional installation steps required to take advantage of the following YTEX features:


If you want to install the UMLS in your SQL Server, you may want to use a different database/schema from the YTEX database. If that is the case, you need permissions on the UMLS database/schema as well.


0) Build cTAKES Trunk

All of ytex has been moved into ctakes, it is currently in trunk ( You must build a ctakes distribution (that includes ytex).




Code Block
rmdir /s /q ctakes
svn co ctakes
cd ctakes
mvn clean install -DskipTests




Install ctakes


'as usual'

Go through the standard ctakes installation for the distribution you just created: See For the rest of this document, we assume ctakes is installed in CTAKES_HOME

1.5) Patch YTEX Distro (YTEX 3.2.0 only)

Not needed for YTEX 3.2.1.  Some of the install scripts need to be patched (fixed in trunk). Download and unzip 'over' your installation.  

Linux users: set the shell scripts to executable:

Code Block
chmod ug+x ant ctakes.profile *.sh

2) Unzip YTEX Libraries

Download and unzip 'over' your installation. This contains non-APACHE 2.0 license compliant libraries:


You can always create concept graphs for WSD from your UMLS installation. If you have the UMLS in your DB, YTEX will create a dictionary lookup table from the UMLS during the installation.



For production use, we suggest that you install UMLS in your database.

  • If you have not done so already, obtain a UMLS License and create a UMLS Technology Services (UTS) Account, available free of charge:


) Edit environment batch/shell script

Fix the path references to match your environment.

  • windows - no changes necessary; see CTAKES_HOME\bin\setenv.cmd
  • linux -
    • move CTAKES_HOME/bin/ctakes.profile to ${HOME}/ctakes.profile
    • edit the CTAKES_HOME environment variable
    • make executable - chmod u+x ${HOME}/ctakes.profile


5) Create CTAKES_HOME\resources\org\apache\ctakes\ytex\

In this file, you specify the database connection parameters. Use CTAKESYou will find templates in CTAKES_HOME\resources\lib\ctakes-ytex-res-[version].jar, under org\apache\ctakes\ytex\<db type>.example as a templateexample. If you have UMLS installed on your database, specify the umls.schema and umls.catalog properties (see the properties file for an explanation of what these are).

7) Install UMLS in MSSQL (Optional)


Code Block
titleWindows: extract and edit
cd %CTAKES_HOME%\resources
mkdir org\apache\ctakes\ytex
@REM extract the mysql example.  change mysql to mssql (for MS SQL Server) or orcl (for Oracle)
jar xf ..\lib\ctakes-ytex-res-*.jar org/apache/ctakes/ytex/
copy org\apache\ctakes\ytex\ org\apache\ctakes\ytex\
@REM edit the properties file
notepad org\apache\ctakes\ytex\



Code Block
titleLinux: extract and edit
cd $CTAKES_HOME/resources
mkdir -p org/apache/ctakes/ytex
# extract the mysql example.  change mysql to mssql (for MS SQL Server) or orcl (for Oracle)
jar xf ../lib/ctakes-ytex-res-*.jar org/apache/ctakes/ytex/
cp org/apache/ctakes/ytex/ org/apache/ctakes/ytex/
# edit the properties file
vi org\apache\ctakes\ytex\

6) Install the UMLS in your database (Optional)

We strongly suggest that you install UMLS in your database.


7) Execute the setup script

windows: Open a command prompt, navigate to CTAKES_HOME, and execute setup script:

Code Block
cd /d c:\java\apache-ctakes-3.1.2-SNAPSHOT\%CTAKES_HOME%\bin\ctakes-ytex\scripts
..\..\ant.bat -f build-setup.xml all > setup.out 2>&1


The installation executes SQL scripts located in the CTAKES_HOME\bin\scripts\ctakes-ytex\data directory. All YTEX database objects will be dropped and recreated. If this is the initial installation, ignore the errors about objects not existing when they are being dropped. If you have installed the UMLS in your database and configured YTEX to use it, YTEX will create a dictionary lookup table with all concepts from the UMLS. The setup speed is dependent on the latency between the machine you are installing on and the database server. This  Creating the dictionary lookup table from the UMLS can take several hours.