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This article shows you how to configure a DB2 datasource in Apache Geronimo v2.0. Since the release of Geronimo v1.1 you can now select multiple drivers from the creation pool wizard on the Geronimo Administration Console.


These files are available in the <sqllib_home>\java directory. For additional information on the DB2 JDBC drivers and licenses visit the DB2 Information Center available at the following URL: Removed

In order to use these files in Geronimo you will need to rename (copy and rename) as described in the following table.


At this point you are ready to add those files to the Geronimo repository, to do that you have two alternatives. You can either use any graphical or command line tool to copy the files and create the necessary directories or you use the Geronimo Administration Console and add the driver and licenses to the common libraries. Next we will cover both alternatives.

Using command line

You will need to create the following directory structures under the <geronimo_home>\repository directory and copy the appropriate files to the respective directories.

  • com/ibm/db2/db2jcc/8.1.8
    and copy the db2jcc-8.1.8.jar into that directory.
  • com/ibm/db2/db2jcc_license_cisuz/8.1.8
    and copy the db2jcc_license_cisuz-8.1.8.jar into that directory.
  • com/ibm/db2/db2jcc_license_cu/8.1.8
    and copy the db2jcc_license_cisuz-8.1.8.jar into that directory.

Using the Geronimo Administration Console

In order to use the console Apache Geronimo must be running. Access the Geronimo Administration Console by pointing your browser to the following URL:


  • Enter the system as the user and manager as the password and click Login.
  • Click on Common Libs to access the Repository viewer portlet.
  • Click on Browse and select the first file to install. In this case we will first install db2jcc-8.1.8.jar.
  • A set of values will be proposed by default, set the Group: to, leave the rest by default and click Install.
  • Repeat the previous two steps for db2jcc_license_cisuz-8.1.8.jar and db2jcc_license_cisuz-8.1.8.jar

With the drivers and license files installed you can now create a new database connection pool.

Create a database connection pool using the wizard from the Geronimo Administration Console

From the Geronimo Administration Console select Database Pools and create a new pool by clicking on Using the Geronimo database pool wizard.

On Step 1 of the create database pool wizard enter the pool name and database type as illustrated in the following figure and then click Next.

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On Step 2 leave the JDBC Driver Class: field by default ( If you click on the Driver JAR: pull-down menu you should now see the three jars you copied in the repository. Since Geronimo v1.1 only allow you to select ONE jar file from this menu select the first jar on the list, which is the driver itself. You will add manually the license jars in the next steps.

Enter the remaining connection information as shown in the following figure. For this example the default db2admin user and password was used and a SAMPLE database was created via the DB2 Control Center.

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Click Next.

Leave the options on Step 3 by default, you should see the message Driver Status: Loaded Successfully.

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Click on Test Connection, you should see a confirmation message that you are connected to DB2.

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Click on Deploy. You should now have DB2_ds listed in the Database Pools portlet.

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Deploy a database connection pool using the command line

As an alternatively to the wizard you could create a deployment plan manually and deploy it using the command line based deployer tool. To use this option create a db2-plan.xml file and copy the content of the following example.


Let's analyze this plan now. Take a look at the <dep:environment> section, there you can find the moduleId which identify the resource or component being deployed; in the Administration Console the moduleId is displayed in the Component Name column on the Database Pools portlet.

Right after the moduleId comes the definition of the dependencies. In this particular case you can find three <dep:dependency> blocks pertaining to the DB2 JDBC driver and the two lincese jars. The last "big" block in this plan is the <resourceadapter> where the connection paramenters such as driver, user and password, connection URL, etc. are defined.

Deploy the datasource

To the deploy the DB2 datasource you just created run the following command from the <geronimo_home>\bin directory.

deploy --user system --password manager deploy <dep_plan_home>\db2-plan.xml ..\repository\org\tranql\tranql-connector-ra\1.3\tranql-connector-ra-1.3.rar

You should receive the following message:

#000000solid D:\geronimo-tomcat6-jee5-2.0\bin>deploy --user system --password manager deploy \tmp\db2-plan.xml ..\repository\org\tranql\tranql-connector-ra\1.3\tranql-connector-ra-1.3.rar Using GERONIMO_BASE: D:\geronimo-tomcat6-jee5-2.0 Using GERONIMO_HOME: D:\geronimo-tomcat6-jee5-2.0 Using GERONIMO_TMPDIR: D:\geronimo-tomcat6-jee5-2.0\var\temp Using JRE_HOME: C:\Java\jdk1.5.0_06\\jre Deployed console.dbpool/DB2_ds/1.0/rar

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