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When working with a binding that does not use special wrappers, such as the Artix ESB XML binding, payload mode and message mode provide the same results.


DataSource objects provide a mechanism for working with MIME typed data from a variety of sources including URLs, files, and byte arrays.

Implementing a Provider Object


The Provider interface is relatively easy to implement. It only has one method, invoke(), that needs to be implemented. In addition it has three simple requirements:

  • An implementation must have the @WebServiceProvider annotation.
  • An implementation must have a default public constructor.
  • An implementation must implement a typed version of the Provider interface.
    In other words, you cannot implement a Provider<T> interface. You must implement a version of the interface that uses a concrete data type. For example, you can implement an instance of a Provider<SAXSource>.

The complexity of implementing the Provider interface surrounds handling the request messages and building the proper responses.

Working with messages

Unlike the higher-level SEI based service implementations, Provider implementations receive requests as raw XML data and must send responses as raw XML data. This requires that the developer has intimate knowledge of the messages used by the service being implemented. These details can typically be found in the WSDL document describing the service.

WS-I Basic Profile provides guidelines about the messages used by services including:

  • The root element of a request is based in the value of the name attribute of the wsdl:operation element that corresponds to the operation being invoked.

    If the service uses doc/literal bare messages, the root element of the request will be based on the value of name attribute of the wsdl:part element referred to by the wsdl:operation element.

  • The root element of all messages will be namespace qualified.
  • If the service uses rpc/literal messages, the top-level elements in the messages will not be namespace qualified.

    The children of top-level elements may be namespace qualified. To be certain you will need to check their schema definitions.

  • If the service uses rpc/literal messages, none of the top-level elements can be null.
  • If the service uses doc/literal messages, the schema definition of the message determines if any of the elements are namespace qualified.

Implementing the invoke() method

The Provider interface has only one method, invoke(), that needs to be implemented. invoke() receives the incoming request packaged into the type of object declared by the type of Provider interface being implemented and returns the response message packaged into the same type of object. For example, an implementation of a Provider<SOAPMessage> interface would receive the request as a SOAPMessage object and return the response as a SOAPMessage object.

The messaging mode used by the Provider implementation determines the amount of binding specific information the request and response messages contain. Implementation using message mode receive all of the binding specific wrappers and headers along with the request. They must also add all of the binding specific wrappers and headers to the response message. Implementations using payload mode only receive the body of the request. The XML document returned by an implementation using payload mode will be placed into the body of the request message.


The following shows a Provider implementation that works with SOAPMessage objects in message mode.

Code Block


public class  stockQuoteReporterProvider 
    implements Provider<SOAPMessage> 
  public stockQuoteReporterProvider() 

  public SOAPMessage invoke(SOAPMessage request) 
    SOAPBody requestBody = request.getSOAPBody();
      MessageFactory mf = MessageFactory.newInstance();
      SOAPFactory sf = SOAPFactory.newInstance();

      SOAPMessage response = mf.createMessage();
      SOAPBody respBody = response.getSOAPBody();
      Name bodyName = sf.createName("getStockPriceResponse");
      SOAPElement respContent = respBody.addChildElement("price");
      return response;

The code does the following:

  1. Specifies that the following class implements a Provider object that implements the service whose wsdl:service element is named stockQuoteReporter and whose wsdl:port element is named stockQuoteReporterPort.
  2. Specifies that this Provider implementation uses message mode.
  3. Provides the required default public constructor.
  4. Provides an implementation of the invoke() method that takes a SOAPMessage object and returns a SOAPMessage object.
  5. Extracts the request message from the body of the incoming SOAP message.
  6. Checks the root element of the request message to determine how to process the request.
  7. Creates the factories needed for building the response.
  8. Builds the SOAP message for the response.
  9. Returns the response as a SOAPMessage object.

The following shows an example of a Provider implementation using DOMSource objects in payload mode.

Code Block


public class  stockQuoteReporterProvider implements Provider<DOMSource>
  public stockQuoteReporterProvider()

  public DOMSource invoke(DOMSource request)
    DOMSource response = new DOMSource();
    return response;

The code does the following:

  1. Specifies that the class implements a Provider object that implements the service whose wsdl:service element is named stockQuoteReporter and whose wsdl:port element is named stockQuoteReporterPort.
  2. Specifies that this Provider implementation uses payload mode.
  3. Provides the required default public constructor.
  4. Provides an implementation of the invoke() method that takes a DOMSource object and returns a DOMSource object.