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The IronMQ component provides integration with IronMQ an  a elastic and durable hosted message queue as a service.


clientcommonnullio.iron.ironmq.ClientReference to a io.iron.ironmq.Client in the Registry.


IronMq Cloud url.

See http

Urls for public clusters: https://

dev (US), https:/

mq/reference/clouds/ for valid options

/ (EU)


Should message headers be preserved when publishing messages.

This will add the Camel headers to the Iron MQ message as a json payload with a header list, and a message body.

This is useful Useful when Camel is both consumer and producer.

projectIdcommonnullStringThe IronMQ project Id
tokencommonnullStringThe IronMQ token
batchDeleteconsumerfalsebooleanShould messages be deleted in one batch. This will limit the number of api requests since messages are deleted in one request, instead of one pr. exchange. If enabled care should be taken that the consumer is idempotent when processing exchanges.
concurrentConsumersconsumer1IntegerintThe number of concurrent consumers.
maxMessagesPerPollconsumer1intNumber of messages to poll pr. call. Maximum is 100.
timeoutconsumer60intAfter timeout (in seconds), item will be placed back onto the queue.
waitconsumer0intTime in seconds to wait for a message to become available. This enables long polling. Default is 0 (does not wait), maximum is 30.
visibilityDelayproducer0intThe item will not be available on the queue until this many seconds have passed. Default is 0 seconds.

Producer headers

CamelIronMQOperationStringIf value set to CamelIronMQClearQueue the queue is cleared of unconsumed messages.
CamelIronMQMessageIdString or io.iron.ironmq.IdsThe id of the IronMQ message as a String when sending a single message, or a Ids object when sending a array of strings.



See message body

Consumer headers

CamelIronMQMessageIdStringThe id of the message.
CamelIronMQReservationIdStringThe reservation id of the message.
CamelIronMQReservedCountStringThe number of times this message has been reserved.

Message body when producing

Should be either a String or a array of Strings.

In the latter case the batch of strings will be send to IronMQ as one request, creating one message pr. element in the array.

Consumer example

Consume 50 messages pr. poll from the queue 'testqueue' on aws eu, and save the messages to files.

Code Block

Producer example

Dequeue from activemq jms and enqueue the messages on IronMQ.

Code Block