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We Are Hiring!

  • Experienced Java developer
  • Science gateway consultant and developer: Ph. D. level experience

Goals of the Tutorial

  • Hands-on Experiences in experiences in using and building gateways

Tutorial Modules


Module 1Introductions & Warmup1pm 1.00 pm to 1.3pm 30 pm
    1. Presentation: Introduction - 5 minutes - Marlon Pierce
      1. Logistics - Tutorial Site, Handouts, Slides, Notes Document
      2. What to expect rest of the afternoon
    2. Discussion: Audience introductions & expectations (10min) - Suresh Marru
      1. Google Docs Notes - Sharable notes link editable by audience
    3. Presentation: Big Picture - Anatomy of a typical Gateway (15 min) - Suresh Marru
    1. View file

Module 2 Test-Drive Airavata1.30 pm to 2.30pm
    1. Exercise: Create Accounts on Test-Drive Gateway -
    2. Exercise: Test-Drive End User demo
      1. Execute your favorite available (pre-registered) application on XSEDE Resources, monitor progress, view outputs.
      2. Use provided sample input files, or try your own input configurations and data.
      3. Clone, Cancel an experiment.
      4. Test-Drive Slides
    3. Exercise: Gateway administrative dashboard
      1. Manage gateway preferences, users, administrators
      2. Manage computational resource information, application descriptions
      3. Monitor, Diagnose experiment status (e.g: failures)
    4. Advanced - Demo: Deploying a new non-trivial application
      View file

      1. Nek5000/Abinit  to demonstrate end-to-end deployment and submit a job
      2. Application specific expertise in play
      3. Suggestions from participants? Talk to us during the break.
Module 3 Under the Hood Technical Details2.30 pm to 3.00 pm
    1. Presentation & Discussion: Airavata Community & Technical

      1. Technical overArchitecture Airavata Architecture & API of Apache Airavata

      2. Adding new campus compute resources

      3. Airavata community

      1. Developers, Users, Contributors, Issue Tracking

    2. Airavata Road Map

Conference Break - 3pm to 3.30 pm
Module 4Build your own Gateway3.30 pm to 3:45 pm
    1. Demo:  Create take home Gateway Clone’s based on Audience's Request

      1. User Management Solutions

      2. Managing gateway administrators, end users, user roles

      3. API Security

Module 5Interactive Notebooks (Jupyter) + Airavata3.45pm to 4.15pm
    1. Demo: Interactive scripting of Airavata API

      1. Script Airavata for detailed data analysis
    2. Demo: Plot Scientific Data Outputs

    3. Example Notebook walkthrough

Module 6Data Organization, Sharing, Discovery34.45pm 15pm to 4.15pm45pm
    1. Exercise: Discovery, Metadata Extraction

    2. Discussion:

    3. Exercise: Sharing Projects and Experiments

Module 6Interactive Web Notebooks + Airavata4.15pm to 4.45pm
    1. Demo: Interactive scripting of Airavata API

    2. Demo: Plot Scientific Data Outputs

    1. Presentation Slides

Module 7Conclude & Getting support4.45 to 5pm
    1. XSEDE ECSS Support

      1. Assistance with gateway integration of XSEDE resources.

    2. Science Gateway Community Institute

      1. Support with

    3. ECSS for XSEDE integration

    4. SGCI for
      1. campus integration, front-end design, incubation advice

      , etc.
    5. Slides: XSEDE16-SciGaP-Closing.pptx


Target Attendees

  • Campus Champions 

  • Gateway Developers

  • XSEDE ECSS Staff

Background Papers

  •  Airavata Design Directions - SEAGrid 
