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Comment: CachedStore documentation


This document applies only to the Metastore in Hive 3.0 and later releases.  For Hive 0, 1, and 2 releases please see the Metastore Administration document.


The definition of Hive objects such as databases, tables,   and functions are stored in the Metastore.  Depending on how the system is configured, statistics and authorization records may also be stored there.  Hive, and other execution engines, can then use this data at runtime to determine how to parse, authorize, and efficiently execute user queries.  


Beginning in Hive 3.0, the Metastore can be run without the rest of Hive being installed.  It is provided as a separate release in order to allow non-Hive systems to easily integrate with it.  (It is, however, still included in the Hive release for convenience.)  Making the Metastore a standalone service involved changing a number of configuration parameter names and tool names.  All of the old configuration parameters and tools still work  work, in order to maximize backwards compatibility.  This document will cover both the old and new names.  As new functionality is added it will only old, Hive style names will not be added to the new names.

For details on using the Metastore without Hive, see Running the Metastore Without Hive below.


Configuration values specific to running the Metastore with various RDBMSs, embedded or as a service, and without Hive are discussed in the relevant sections.  The following configuration values apply to the Metastore regardless of how it is being run.  This table covers only commonly customized configuration values.  For less commonly changed configuration values see Less Commonly Changed Configuration Parameters.


ParameterHive 2 .0 ParameterDefault ValueDescription
metastore.warehouse.dirhive.metastore.warehouse.dir URI of the default location for tables in the default catalog and database.

Auto creates the necessary schema in the RDBMS at startup if one does not exist. Set this to false after creating it once. To enable auto create also set hive.metastore.schema.verification=false. Auto creation is not recommended in production; run schematool instead.


Enforce metastore schema version consistency. When set to true: verify that version information stored in the RDBMS is compatible with the version of the Metastore jar. Also disable automatic schema migration. Users are required to manually migrate the schema after upgrade, which ensures proper schema migration. This setting is strongly recommended in production.
When set to false: warn if the version information stored in Metastore RDBMS doesn't match the version of the Metastore jar and allow auto schema migration.

metastore.hmshandler.retry.attemptshive.hmshandler.retry.attempts10The number of times to retry a call to the meastore when there is a connection error.
metastore.hmshandler.retry.intervalhive.hmshandler.retry.interval2 secTime between retry attempts.
metastore.log4j.filehive.log4j.filenoneLog4j configuration file. If unset will look for in $METASTORE_HOME/conf
metastore.stats.autogatherhive.stats.autogathertrueWhether to automatically gather basic statistics during insert commands.


Configuration ParameterComment


Connection URL for the JDBC driver
javax.jdo.option.ConnectionDriverNameJDBC driver class
javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserNameUser name to connect to the RDBMS with, often 'hive' is used
javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPasswordPassword to connect to the RDBMS with. The Metastore uses Hadoop's CredentialProvider API so this does not have to be stored in clear text in your configuration file.


Except in the case of HiveServer2, using this mode does raise raises a few concerns.  First, having many clients will put a burden on the backing RDBMS since each client will have its own set of connections.  

Security Considerations


Metastore Server


JDBC connection string for the data store which contains metadata


JDBC Driver class name for the data store which contains metadata



Starting and Stopping the Service

Remember to discuss command line options like defining a configuration value

High Availability

Securing the Service

  Second, every client must have read/write access to the RDBMS.  This makes it hard to properly secure the RDBMS.  Therefore embedded mode is not recommended in production with the exception of HiveServer2.

Metastore Server

To run the Metastore as a service, you must first configure it with a URL.

Configured OnParameterHive 2 ParameterFormatDefault ValueComment
Clientmetastore.thrift.urishive.metastore.uristhrift://<HOST>:<PORT>[, thrift://<HOST>:<PORT>...]noneHOST = hostname, PORT = should be set to match metastore.thrift.port on the server (which defaults to 9083. You can provide multiple servers in a comma separate list.
Servermetastore.thrift.porthive.metastore.portinteger9083Port Thrift will listen on.

Once you have configured your clients, you can start the Metastore on a server using the start-metastore utility.  See the -help option of that utility for available options.  There is no stop-metastore script.  You must locate the process id for the metastore and kill that process.

High Availability

The Metastore service is stateless.  This allows you to start multiple instances of the service to provide for high availability.  It also allows you to configure some clients to embed the metastore (e.g. HiveServer2) while still running a Metastore service for other clients.  If you are running multiple Metastore services you can put all their URIs into your client's metastore.thrift.uris value and then set metastore.thrift.uri.selection ( in Hive 2 hive.metastore.uri.selection) to RANDOM or SEQUENTIALRANDOM will cause your client to randomly select one of the servers in the list, while SEQUENTIAL will cause it to start at the beginning of the list and attempt to connect to each server in order.

Securing the Service

TODO: Need to fill in details for setting up with Kerberos, SSL, etc.


Running the Metastore Without Hive

Beginning in Hive 3.0, the Metastore is released as a separate package and can be run without the rest of Hive. 



This is referred to as standalone mode. 

By default the Metastore is configured for use with Hive, so a few configuration parameters have to be changed in this configuration.

Configuration ParameterSet to for Standalone Mode,org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.MaterializationsCacheCleanerTask

Currently the following features have not been tested or are known not to work with the Metastore in standalone mode:

  • The compactor (for use with ACID tables) cannot be run without Hive.  ACID tables can be read and written to, but they cannot compacted.
  • Replication has not been tested outside of Hive.

Performance Optimizations


Prior to Hive 3.0 there was only a single implementation of the MetaStore API (called ObjectStore). HIVE-16520 introduced a second implementation that can cache objects from the database in memory. This can save a significant amount of time for round trips to the database. It can be used by changing the parameter metastore.rawstore.impl to org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.cache.CachedStore.

The cache is automatically updated with new data when changes are made through this MetaStore. In a scenario where there are multiple MetaStore servers the caches can be out of date on some of them. To prevent this the CachedStore automatically refreshes the cache in a configurable frequency (default: 1 minute).

Details about all properties for the CachedStore can be found on Configuration Properties (Prefix: metastore.cached). 

Less Commonly Changed Configuration Parameters
