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Wiki Markup_*\[NOT YET SUBMITTED\]*_


  • Added new committer: Adam Wojtuniak.
  • Updated front web page to highlight Felix subprojects.
  • Apache Felix/OSGi Track at ApacheCon US was a success.
  • Devoxx OSGi at Apache Birds Of A Feather session was well received.
  • GlassFish v3 using the Apache Felix framework and a handful of other Felix subprojects goes final December 10th.


  • Recent contributions:
    • OSGi User Admin specification implementation contributed contribution accepted from Adam Wojtuniak.
    • OSGi IO Connector specification implementation contributed from Adam Wojtuniak.
  • Recent subproject releases:
    • Karaf File Install (12.0.0, 1. 2.0)SCR (
    • Framework (2.0.1, 2.0.2)Main
    • Gogo (2.0.1, 2.0.2)Web Console
    • HTTP Service (2.0.02, 2.0.4)
    • iPOJO Ant Task (1.4.2)
    • iPOJO Online Manipulator (1.4.2)
    • iPOJO Web Console Plugin (1.4.4)
    • Karaf (1.File Install (2.0.0,
    • Http Service (Main (2.0.1, 2.0.2)
    • Maven Bundle Plugin (2.0.1)
    • Preferences Maven iPOJO Plugin (1.04.42)
    • Maven SCR Plugin (1.4.0)iPOJO
    • Web Console Plugin Preferences (1.40.4)
    • iPOJO Online Manipulator SCR (1.42.20)
    • Maven iPOJO Plugin (1.4.2)
    • iPOJO Ant Task (1.4Web Console (2.0.0, 2.0.2)

Licensing and other issues
