Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

It is a good idea to run the Ozone Acceptance and Unit tests before committing your patch. The whole process takes around 20 minutes, including the time taken to build the Ozone tarball.


Build an Ozone tarball and docker images with (see Try out Ozone for details):

Code Block
mvn clean install -Phdds -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -DskipShade -Pdist,docker-build –Dtar


Smoke Tests. This will launch docker containers, run tests, and create a report named report.html in the directory hadoop-ozone/dist/target/ozone-<<version>>. Here <<version>> denotes the ozone version. This will execute all the tests in all the available environments. Open the report file in a browser and if the page background is green, we are good.

Code Block
cd hadoop-ozone/dist/target/ozone-<<version>>/smoketest
bash ./
open report.html

Fault Injection Tests. This test suite is designed to inject network latency, disk corruptions into Ozone cluster for verifying the cluster can perform correctly in some extreme conditions.

Code Block
cd hadoop-ozone/fault-injection-test
mvn verify -Pit

HDDS Unit Tests.

Code Block
cd hadoop-hdds
mvn test

Ozone Unit Tests.

Code Block
cd hadoop-ozone
mvn test

Look at the results and then commit the patch.


If the acceptance tests fail, retry the above steps running on a clean branch (without your changes). If they continue to fail then it is likely that docker containers did not start correctly. You should see error messages on the terminal.

Also try out the following:

  1. Ensure that the directory ./hadoop-dist/target/compose/ozone/ exists in your source tree after the build completes.
  2. Go to ./hadoop-dist/target/compose/ozone/ and run 'docker-compose up'.
  3. Ensure that Ozone services start up correctly in the docker containers.
  4. If this step fails, check that the file .env exists and has a line like the following (the exact version may be different).

These steps were originally compiled by Anu Engineer (Apache ID aengineer).Moved to Running Ozone Smoke Tests and Unit Tests