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Comment: fixed link to dnsbl-block anchor in FAQ

Table of Contents


Installing a Local Caching Nameserver


SpamAssassin will perform many DNS lookups for NetworkTests to significantly improve scoring of messages primarily by DNSBlocklists like Spamhaus, SORBS, etc. This information needs to be cached locally to improve performance and limit the number of external DNS queries since some DNSBlockLists have limits on free usage.

NOTE: A local DNS caching server should not forward to another other DNS server servers to ensure your queries are not combined with others. Forwarding to other DNS servers usually often results in URIBL_BLOCKED or similar rule hit hits meaning you have gone over their free usage limit. More info about this can be found in FAQ.

Wikipedia DNS Server feature matrix

Dnsmasq DNSmasq should not be used by SpamAssassin since it can only forward to other DNS servers.


An advanced setup is possible atleast with Unbound and BIND, where queries are forwarded by default to another DNS servers, but exceptions like Spamhaus can be made to go direct. Using global forwarders like Cloudflare ( or Google ( can actually improve performance, since their huge caches help with all the common stuff like DKIM, SPF, PTR/MX lookups etc.


Packaging varies slightly between distributions so refer Internet articles for details and current information for your OS version. The default configuration files should give us a desired caching non-forwarding DNS server listening locally only.


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apt-get update
apt-get install unbound
systemctl enable unbound
systemctl start unbound


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yum install unbound
chkconfig unbound on
service unbound start


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dnf install unbound
systemctl enable unbound
systemctl start unbound


Default PowerDNS Recursor installs should be the desired non-forwarding caching only DNS server listening only on localhost. Refer to other online articles for details about the config files and settings specific to your OS version.


No Format

apt-get install pdns-recursor
systemctl enable pdns-recursor
systemctl startupdate
apt-get install pdns-recursor


No Format
# EPEL repository required
yum install epel-release
yum install pdns-recursor
chkconfig pdns-recursor on
service pdns-recursor start


No Format

dnf install pdns-recursor
systemctl enable pdns-recursor
systemctl start pdns-recursor


This section describes installing BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) in a caching configuration on the system. BIND is the standard nameserver in use on the Internet today. More internet servers run BIND than any other nameserver daemon. Several alternative DNS nameservers in common use are described in their own sections below.





The Debian system uses APT (Advanced Package Tool) to manage the system. The following commands will install BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Daemon) version 9 on the system.


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apt-get update
apt-get install bind9

The default configuration for the Debian package is install a caching nameserver suitable for Internet use. After installation the daemon will be configured and running.

Red Hat and Fedora GNU/Linux

On Red Hat and Fedora systems the BIND software is in the "bind" rpm package. The "caching-nameserver" rpm package contains a caching nameserver configuration suitable for Internet use. Locate those packages from your vendor and install them. The rpm search site is very useful for locating rpms for your system.

On Red Hat the following commands will install BIND and a caching nameserver configuration on the system. The version numbers used in the following example are purely for example. Use the current package version for your system release. This example shows a typical installation on RH9.

After installation the daemon will need to be configured and started. The following commands will configure the BIND name daemon to be started at system boot time and then will start the daemon.

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rpm -Uvh bind-9.2.1-16.i386.rpm
rpm -Uvh caching-nameserver-7.2-7.i386.rpm
chkconfig named on
service named start

If you have yum installed, you can use the following commands to install and enable the latest caching nameserver package. yum will take care of installing any dependencies (including the BIND named package) required.

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yum install caching-nameserver
chkconfig named on
service named start

BIND Resources



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yum install bind bind-utils
chkconfig named on
service named start


No Format
dnf install bind bind-utils
systemctl enable named
systemctl start named


Rbldnsd is not a recursive caching DNS server. It is an authoritative DNS server primarily used to host private/internal zones from feeds like Spamhaus, Invaluement, SORBS, etc. Typically rbldnsd will listen on an alternate port then the primary DNS server setup above would forward specific zones to rbldnsd.

Rbldnsd is a little tricky to get setup but once you do it is rock solid. You simply wget, curl, rsync the feed files and rbldnsd can detect changes then automatically reload them.

Search the Internet for current articles for your specific OS. Here's the basic setup on a systemctl-based OS taken from CentOS 7:

  1. Rsync the feed files into /var/lib/rbldnsd
  2. List the feed files in /etc/systemd/system/rbldnsd-dsbl.service

    No Format
    .include /etc/systemd/rbldnsd.conf
    Description=DNSBL (rbldnsd) dsbl instance
    ExecStart=/sbin/rbldnsd -n -f -r /var/lib/rbldnsd -b

  3. Enable and start the service

    No Format
    systemctl enable rbldnsd-dsbl
    systemctl start rbldnsd-dsbl

  4. rbldnsd should now be listening on port 530

    No Format
    # netstat -tunlap | grep rbldns
    udp        0      0 *                           901/rbldnsd

  5. Setup your main DNS caching server to forward to rbldnsd. This is an example for PowerDNS recursor:
    • /etc/pdns-recursor/recursor.conf

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    • /etc/pdns-recursor/forward-zones

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Gentoo Linux

On Gentoo the dnsmasq package is called "net-dns/dnsmasq".

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emerge net-dns/dnsmasq
rc-update add add dnsmasq default

The daemon can be configured with the files /etc/conf.d/dnsmasq and /etc/dnsmasq.conf.


djbdns/tinydns is D. J. Bernstein's DNS daemon.

If you have a good guide to the commands required to install this on a typical system, please edit this page and fill out this section.

Debian GNU/Linux

To install djbdns on Debian you need to fetch (with apt for example) the packages "daemontools-installer" and "djbdns-installer". What this packages will do is fetch the source code, compile it, and create Debian packages both for daemontools and djbdns. After installing those packages, you can issue the commands "build-daemontools" and "build-djbdns" which will create the final debian packages and prompt for installation. Example:

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apt-get update
apt-get install djbdns-installer daemontools-installer

Note that you may keep and reuse (just not redistribute) the debian packages created with the installer packages.

After installing djdbs, you need to create the "dnscache" instance under /service. Suposing you want the cache to listen on the loopback device, you would do:

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dnscache-conf dnscache dnslog /service/dnscache


rbldnsd is a small and fast DNS daemon written by Michael Tokarev which is especially made to serve DNSBL zones. This daemon was inspired by Dan J. Bernstein's rbldns program found in the djbdns package. The SURBL links page under "Mirroring RBL zone files locally" references several How-Tos for setting up rbldnsd and rsnyc in different environments including FreeBSD, Solaris, etc. NJABL also has a document about setting up rbldnsd and rsync for use with RBLs.

rbldnsd uses far less memory and CPU, and is much quicker in responding to queries than BIND. Those are reasons why rbldnsd is widely used for public and private mirroring of RBL zone files. A common rule of thumb is that the overhead of doing rbldnsd and rsync becomes worthwhile for mail systems that process more than 100,000 messages per day. Some RBLs impose a minimum daily message count before allowing rsync access for local mirroring of their zone files. Some RBLs charge a subscription fee for access. Others don't. Please check with the RBL operators as appropriate.

If you have a good guide to the commands required to install this on a typical system, please edit this page and fill out this section.

Using the Local Caching Nameserver


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dns_available yes


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NOTE: Make sure DHCP is not changing the nameserver setting in If something like NetworkManager is reverting your changes in /etc/resolv.conf or you don't have permission to update the /etc/resolv.conf away from , you may specify a DNS server in the

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Use dig to test DNS queries. If you don't get a response then the local DNS server could:

  1. not have proper connectivity outbound to the Internet - a firewall could be blocking UDP/TCP 53
  2. have reached the free usage limit of the DNSBlockList - remove the "+short" to see more detail in the ANSWER section
  3. may not be configured correctly - search for articles on how to setup your specific DNS caching server on your specific OS

Spamhaus Zen:

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dig +short


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# dig +short


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dig txt +short
"permanent testpoint"

If you don't get the permanent testpoint response above, then you are most likely also hitting the URIBL_BLOCKED rule. Check your mail logs. If you are a major mail filtering provider with high volume, then you may have to disable the following rules in the or you might just get an email from them with pricing information:

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score URIBL_GREY 0
score URIBL_RED 0