Versions Compared


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Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:

Code Block

	<!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->


The URI scheme for this component is as follows

Code Block


To expose a web service mapping-type needs to be set to any of the following:

Wiki Markup
{div:class=confluenceTableSmall} || Mapping type || Description || | {{rootqname}} | Offers the option to map web service requests based on the qualified name of the root element contained in the message. | | {{soapaction}} | Used to map web service requests based on the SOAP action specified in the header of the message. | | {{uri}} | In order to map web service requests that target a specific URI. | | {{xpathresult}} | Used to map web service requests based on the evaluation of an XPath {{expression}} against the incoming message. The result of the evaluation should match the XPath result specified in the endpoint URI. | | {{beanname}} | Allows you to reference an {{

Mapping type



Offers the option to map web service requests based on the qualified name of the root element contained in the message.


Used to map web service requests based on the SOAP action specified in the header of the message.


In order to map web service requests that target a specific URI.


Used to map web service requests based on the evaluation of an XPath expression against the incoming message. The result of the evaluation should match the XPath result specified in the endpoint URI.


Allows you to reference an










[ mappings|] like {{PayloadRootQNameEndpointMapping}}, {{SoapActionEndpointMapping}}, etc | {div}

mappings like PayloadRootQNameEndpointMapping, SoapActionEndpointMapping, etc

As As a consumer the address should contain a value relevant to the specified mapping-type (e.g. a SOAP action, XPath expression). As a producer the address should be set to the URI of the web service your calling upon.

You can append query options to the URI in the following format, ?option=value&option=value&...


Wiki Markup
|| Name || Required? || Description ||
| {{soapAction}} | No | SOAP action to include inside a SOAP request when accessing remote web services |
| {{wsAddressingAction}} | No | WS-Addressing 1.0 action header to include when accessing web services. The {{To}} header is set to the _address_ of the web service as specified in the endpoint URI (default Spring-WS behavior). |
| {{expression}} | Only when _mapping-type_ is {{xpathresult}} | XPath expression to use in the process of mapping web service requests, should match the result specified by {{xpathresult}} |
| {{timeout}} | No | *Camel 2.10:* Sets the socket read timeout (in milliseconds) while invoking a webservice using the producer, see [URLConnection.setReadTimeout()|] and [CommonsHttpMessageSender.setReadTimeout()|]. &nbsp;This option works when using the built-in message sender implementations:&nbsp;_CommonsHttpMessageSender_&nbsp;and&nbsp;_HttpUrlConnectionMessageSender_. &nbsp;One of these implementations will be used by default for HTTP based services unless you customize the Spring WS configuration options supplied to the component. &nbsp;If you are using a non-standard sender, it is assumed that you will handle your own timeout configuration.\\
*Camel 2.12:*&nbsp;The built-in message sender&nbsp;_HttpComponentsMessageSender_&nbsp;is considered *instead of*&nbsp;_CommonsHttpMessageSender_&nbsp;which has been deprecated, see [HttpComponentsMessageSender.setReadTimeout()|]. |
| {{sslContextParameters}} | No | *Camel 2.10:*&nbsp;Reference to an&nbsp;{{org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters}} in&nbsp;the&nbsp;[Registry|]. &nbsp;See&nbsp;[Using the JSSE Configuration Utility|]. &nbsp;This option works when using the built-in message sender implementations:&nbsp;_CommonsHttpMessageSender_&nbsp;and&nbsp;_HttpUrlConnectionMessageSender_. &nbsp;One of these implementations will be used by default for HTTP based services unless you customize the Spring WS configuration options supplied to the component. &nbsp;If you are using a non-standard sender, it is assumed that you will handle your own TLS configuration.\\
*Camel 2.12:*&nbsp;The built-in message sender&nbsp;_HttpComponentsMessageSender_&nbsp;is considered *instead of*&nbsp;_CommonsHttpMessageSender_&nbsp;which has been deprecated. |

Registry based options

The following options can be specified in the registry (most likely a Spring ApplicationContext) and referenced from the endpoint URI using the # notation.

Wiki Markup
|| Name || Required? || Description ||
| {{webServiceTemplate}} | No | Option to provide a custom [WebServiceTemplate|]. This allows for full control over  client-side web services handling; like adding a custom interceptor or specifying a fault resolver, message sender or message factory. |
| {{messageSender}} | No | Option to provide a custom [WebServiceMessageSender|]. For example to perform authentication or use alternative transports |
| {{messageFactory}} | No | Option to provide a custom [WebServiceMessageFactory|]. For example when you want Apache Axiom to handle web service messages instead of SAAJ |
| {{transformerFactory}} | No | Option to override default TransformerFactory. The provided transformer factory must be of type {{javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory}} |
| {{endpointMapping}} | Only when _mapping-type_ is {{rootqname}}, {{soapaction}}, {{uri}} or {{xpathresult}} | Reference to an instance of {{}} in the Registry/ApplicationContext. Only one bean is required in the registry to serve all Camel/Spring-WS endpoints. This bean is auto-discovered by the [MessageDispatcher|] and used to map requests to Camel endpoints based on characteristics specified on the endpoint (like root QName, SOAP action, etc) |
| {{messageFilter}} | No | Option to provide a custom MessageFilter since 2.10.3. For example when you want to process your headers or attachments by your own. |


Message headers







SOAP action to include inside a SOAP request when accessing remote web services



WS-Addressing 1.0 action header to include when accessing web services. The To header is set to the address of the web service as specified in the endpoint URI (default Spring-WS behavior).


Signifies the value for the response WS-Addressing Action header that is provided by the method. 


Signifies the value for the faultAction response WS-Addressing Fault Action header that is provided by the method.

faultToNoSignifies the value for the faultAction response WS-Addressing FaultTo header that is provided by the method.

Signifies the value for the replyTo response WS-Addressing ReplyTo header that is provided by the method.


Only when mapping-type is xpathresult

XPath expression to use in the process of mapping web service requests, should match the result specified by xpathresult



Camel 2.10: Sets the socket read timeout (in milliseconds) while invoking a webservice using the producer, see URLConnection.setReadTimeout() and CommonsHttpMessageSender.setReadTimeout().  This option works when using the built-in message sender implementations: CommonsHttpMessageSender and HttpUrlConnectionMessageSender.  One of these implementations will be used by default for HTTP based services unless you customize the Spring WS configuration options supplied to the component.  If you are using a non-standard sender, it is assumed that you will handle your own timeout configuration.
Camel 2.12: The built-in message sender HttpComponentsMessageSender is considered instead of CommonsHttpMessageSender which has been deprecated, see HttpComponentsMessageSender.setReadTimeout().



Camel 2.10: Reference to an org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters in the Registry.  See Using the JSSE Configuration Utility.  This option works when using the built-in message sender implementations: CommonsHttpMessageSender and HttpUrlConnectionMessageSender.  One of these implementations will be used by default for HTTP based services unless you customize the Spring WS configuration options supplied to the component.  If you are using a non-standard sender, it is assumed that you will handle your own TLS configuration.
Camel 2.12: The built-in message sender HttpComponentsMessageSender is considered instead of CommonsHttpMessageSender which has been deprecated.



Option to provide a custom WebServiceTemplate. This allows for full control over client-side web services handling; like adding a custom interceptor or specifying a fault resolver, message sender or message factory.



Option to provide a custom WebServiceMessageSender. For example to perform authentication or use alternative transports



Option to provide a custom WebServiceMessageFactory. For example when you want Apache Axiom to handle web service messages instead of SAAJ

endpointMappingKeyNoReference to an instance of


Only when mapping-type is rootqname, soapaction, uri or xpathresult

Reference to an instance of in the Registry/ApplicationContext. Only one bean is required in the registry to serve all Camel/Spring-WS endpoints. This bean is auto-discovered by the MessageDispatcher and used to map requests to Camel endpoints based on characteristics specified on the endpoint (like root QName, SOAP action, etc)

endpointDispatcherNo Spring {@link} for dispatching messages received by Spring-WS to a Camel endpoint, to integrate with existing (legacy) endpoint mappings like PayloadRootQNameEndpointMapping, SoapActionEndpointMapping, etc.



Camel 2.10.3 Option to provide a custom MessageFilter. For example when you want to process your headers or attachments by your own.

messageIdStrategyNoA custom MessageIdStrategy to control generation of unique message ids
webServiceEndpointUriNoThe default Web Service endpoint uri to use for the producer

Message headers







URI of the web service your accessing as a client, overrides address part of the endpoint URI



Header to specify the SOAP action of the message, overrides soapAction option if present


SourceCamel 2.11.1: Use this header to specify/access the SOAP headers of the message.



Use this header to specify the WS-Addressing action of the message, overrides wsAddressingAction option if present


URIUse this header to specify the  WS-Addressing FaultTo , overrides faultTo option if present


URIUse this header to specify the  WS-Addressing ReplyTo , overrides replyTo option if present


URIUse this header to specify the WS-Addressing Action , overrides outputAction option if present



Use this header to specify the WS-Addressing Fault Action , overrides faultAction option if present

Wiki Markup
{div:class=confluenceTableSmall} || Name || Type || Description || | {{CamelSpringWebserviceEndpointUri}} | String | URI of the web service your accessing as a client, overrides _address_ part of the endpoint URI | | {{CamelSpringWebserviceSoapAction}} | String | Header to specify the SOAP action of the message, overrides {{soapAction}} option if present | | {{CamelSpringWebserviceAddressingAction}} | URI | Use this header to specify the WS-Addressing action of the message, overrides {{wsAddressingAction}} option if present | | {{CamelSpringWebserviceSoapHeader}} | Source | *Camel 2.11.1:* Use this header to specify/access the SOAP headers of the message. | {div}

Accessing web services

To call a web service at simply define a route:

Code Block


And sent a message:

Code Block

template.requestBody("direct:example", "<foobar xmlns=\"\"><msg>test message</msg></foobar>");


When a remote web service requires a SOAP action or use of the WS-Addressing standard you define your route as:

Code Block


Optionally you can override the endpoint options with header values:

Code Block

"<foobar xmlns=\"\"><msg>test message</msg></foobar>",
SpringWebserviceConstants.SPRING_WS_SOAP_ACTION, "");


You can provide the SOAP header(s) as a Camel Message header when sending a message to a spring-ws endpoint, for example given the following SOAP header in a String

Code Block

String body = ...
String soapHeader = "<h:Header xmlns:h=\"http://www.webserviceX.NET/\"><h:MessageID>1234567890</h:MessageID><h:Nested><h:NestedID>1111</h:NestedID></h:Nested></h:Header>";

We can set the body and header on the Camel Message as follows:

Code Block

exchange.getIn().setHeader(SpringWebserviceConstants.SPRING_WS_SOAP_HEADER, soapHeader);


Spring WS Camel supports propagation of the headers and attachments into Spring-WS WebServiceMessage response since version 2.10.3.
The  The endpoint will use so called "hook" the MessageFilter (default implementation is provided by BasicMessageFilter) to propagate the exchange headers and attachments into WebSdrviceMessage WebServiceMessage response.
Now  Now you can use

Code Block

exchange.getIn().addAttachment("myAttachment", new DataHandler(...))

Note: If the exchange header in the pipeline contains text, it generates Qname(key)=value attribute in the soap header.
Recommended is to create a QName class directly and put into any key into header.


The BasicMessageFilter provides all required information for Apache Axiom in order to produce MTOM message. If you want to use Apache Camel Spring WS within Apache Axiom, here is an example:
1. Simply define the messageFactory as is bellow and springSpring-ws WS will use MTOM strategy to populate your SOAP message with optimized attachments.

Code Block

<bean id="axiomMessageFactory"
<property name="payloadCaching" value="false" />
<property name="attachmentCaching" value="true" />
<property name="attachmentCacheThreshold" value="1024" />

2. Add into your pom.xml the following dependencies

Code Block


3. Add your attachment into the pipeline, for example using a Processor implementation.

Code Block

private class Attachement implements Processor {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception
{ exchange.getOut().copyFrom(exchange.getIn()); File file = new File("testAttachment.txt"); exchange.getOut().addAttachment("test", new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(file)));	 }

4. Define endpoint (producer) as ussual, for example like this:

Code Block

.process(new Attachement())


If you need to provide your custome custom processing of either headers or attachments, extend existing BasicMessageFilter and override the approchiate appropriate methods or write a brand new implementation of the MessageFilter interface.
To use your custom filter, add this into your spring context:

You can specify either a global a or a local message filter as follows:
a) the global custome custom filter that provides the global configuration for all springSpring-ws WS endpoints

Code Block
<bean id="messageFilter" class="your.domain.myMessageFiler" scope="singleton" />

b) the local messageFilter directly on the endpoint as follows:

Code Block



If you want to create your own MessageFilter, consider overrideing overriding the following methods in the default implementation of MessageFilter in class BasicMessageFilter:

Code Block

protected void doProcessSoapHeader(Message inOrOut, SoapMessage soapMessage)
{your code /*no need to call super*/ }

protected void doProcessSoapAttachements(Message inOrOut, SoapMessage response)
{ your code /*no need to call super*/ }


A custom message sender or factory in the registry can be referenced like this:

Code Block



The following route will receive all web service requests that have a root element named "GetFoo" within the namespace.

Code Block


The following route will receive web service requests containing the SOAP action.

Code Block


The following route will receive all requests sent to

Code Block


The route below will receive requests that contain the element <foobar>abc</foobar> anywhere inside the message (and the default namespace).

Code Block



An example of a route using beanname:

Code Block

<camelContext xmlns="">
		<from uri="spring-ws:beanname:QuoteEndpointDispatcher" />
		<to uri="mock:example" />

<bean id="legacyEndpointMapping" class="">
    <property name="mappings">
            <prop key="{}GetFuture">FutureEndpointDispatcher</prop>
            <prop key="{}GetQuote">QuoteEndpointDispatcher</prop>

<bean id="QuoteEndpointDispatcher" class="" />
<bean id="FutureEndpointDispatcher" class="" />


When accessing web services you can marshal the request and unmarshal the response message:

Code Block

JaxbDataFormat jaxb = new JaxbDataFormat(false);


Similarly when providing web services, you can unmarshal XML requests to POJO's and marshal the response message back to XML:

Code Block


Include Page
Endpoint See Also
Endpoint See Also