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  • upon receipt of <activate-config, M’, leader(M’)> in configuration M’
    • start serving operations in M’ the first operation should clean up any incomplete reconfig request from M’forward the message to members(M')
    • send <activate-config-ack> to leader(M) and to leader(M')
    • A non-leader server can start processing client operations in M’
  • upon receipt of <activate-config, M’, leader(M’)> from leader(M) and <activate-config-ack> from quorum of members(M'), leader(M') does the following:
    • commit all operations sent by leader(M) to members(M') during phase-1.
    • start processing client operations in M’
  • upon receipt of <retire, version(M)>
    • garbage-collect M


  • State transfer starts when members(M’) connect to leader(M), before reconfig(M’) is invoked. However, some suffix of operations might not have been transferred to M’ before the reconfiguration began. Since no new operations can be committed in M’ before this state-transfer completes, we’d like to minimize this tail. A possible way to do that is to require that at most w operations scheduled before the reconfiguration are unknown to the connected quorum of M’ as a prerequisite (line 1).
  • When line 8 completes we know that operations scheduled before the reconfiguration are committed in M’.
  • Even if the current leader remains the leader of M’ we cannot allow operations to be executed in M’ before phase 1 ends, otherwise, if the leader fails, we have a spilt brain (some operations execute in M’ and then when a new leader recovers new ops will be executed in M).
  • To prevent a violation of Global Primary Order, we can't have leader(M) committing operations in M', but it can propose the operations and leader(M') can then commit these operations.
  • Operations arriving to leader(M) during phase-1 are sent to both M and M'. Because leader(M) can fail during phase-1, we must ensure that either a quorum of M got the operation or (a quorum of M' got it AND M' was activated). Completion of phase-2 indicates the latter. Having said that, acking the client is problematic after phase-2: currently, ZOOKEEPER only allows a server to be connected to one leader and those servers in M that also belong to M' will no longer be listening to messages from leader(M) after receiving the phase-2 message. ZOOKEEPER-22 currently prevents clients from finding out the status of their operations submitted in M by connecting to M'. We should discuss how to resolve this pointInstead of lines (2b) and (3b) the leader of M can redirect further operations to leader(M’) (whether leader(M') is equal to leader(M) or not). Leader(M') will buffer them until M’ is activated.
  • If phase 1 is done using a normal ZAB proposal, explicitly making sure that there are no incomplete reconfiguration requests that remain in the system after a recovery might not be necessary.
  • phase-3 is not needed for correctness, however, if executed, it is important to execute it after phase-2 completes, since we want to make sure that M' is active before M goes away (otherwise the system can get stuck).

4.2. Recovery from leader failure


  • Instead of line 1, try to connect to M’ and transfer state, so that a quorum of M’ is connected and up-to-date. If unsuccessful, skip the reconfiguration.
  • If a quorum of M’ indicate that they’ve already activated M’ then skip to phase 3
  • Otherwise, if next(M) = M’ was returned by a quorum of M, skip to phase 2

The server s that submitted the reconfig operation to the leader should check what's the current configuration after a new leader is established. If it is still the old one it can re-submit the reconfig. If s fails, the client can re-submit the reconfig to another server. Recall that version(M) is included by the client in the request so a server receiving it should first check that the configuration is still M (using local state) before submitting it to the leader, and the leader should also make this check (since it has the latest state).

4.3. Reconfiguration API

A choice that has to be made is what kind of operations to support – incremental changes like “add server A” or “remove server B” (e.g., as in survey on reconfiguration of R/W objects , #DynaStore) or full membership specification, as in “reconfigure so that the membership becomes is A, B, C” (e.g., survey on reconfiguration with virtual synchrony , #Rambo).


The idea of an “off-line” strategy for reconfiguration (survey on reconfiguration with with virtual synchrony , survey on reconfiguring state-machine replication ) is to stop operations in the old configuration, transfer the state to the new configuration and then enable operations – in the new configuration. In contrast, an online reconfiguration approach (#RAMBO, #DynaStore) never stops the service while reconfiguring.
One of the complexities arising in the online approach is that a normal operation can be executing concurrently with a reconfiguration, however the state still must be transferred correctly to the next configuration. The easy case is when the operation occurs in the old configuration and the reconfiguration transfers the state. It is possible, however, that the reconfiguration misses the operation when it transfers the state and completes. In this case, existing online reconfiguration solutions (#RAMBO, #DynaStore) continue the operation and execute it in the new configuration.
Unfortunately this may In Zookeeper, we must be careful not to violate the global primary order in Zookeeper - operations issued in the new configuration (potentially by a different primary) may have already completed, in which case global primary order does not allow operations issued by an old primary to be applied.
We therefore choose the offline reconfiguration strategy, however we try to minimize the period of unavailability by pre-transferring the state to the new configuration before the reconfig - a situation where a new primary commits operations and only then the old primary's commit arrives is not allowed in ZAB. The algorithm avoids that by having leader(M') commit operations proposed by leader(M) during the reconfiguration,
and it does so before committing any other operations that it itself proposed in M'.

4.7. Other issues

4.7.1. Bootstrapping the cluster

We should be able to bootstrap ZOOKEEPER using reconfig API instead of configuration files as it is currently done.

4.7.2. Formal Liveness Specification

Should be similar to the one in survey on reconfiguration with with virtual synchrony and #DynaStore.

4.7.3. Informing clients and servers about new configuration

We should probably have a DNS-like solution as a fall-back for clients that were not around during the reconfiguration (suppose that all of the servers
that the client knew are already down). For normal operation we should also have a push-base solution to notify clients about the configuration change.
Some preliminary thoughts:

  1. It is preferable to move clients from the old configuration to the new one gradually so that we don't need to set up hundreds of new connections simultaneously.
  2. one possibility could be transferring client list as part of state to M' and having leader(M') inform them
  3. Its probably good to include the version of the current config in all client operation requests. This way if the server knows about a later config (which is active) it can let the client know.

For servers in M', should the server periodically broadcast the new configuration (or its id), to try to makes sure that all servers in M' know about M' ?

4.6. Bibliography


Ken Birman, Dahlia Malkhi, and Robbert Van Renesse, Virtually Synchronous Methodology for Dynamic Service Replication, no. MSR-TR-2010-151, November 2010 paper
Leslie Lamport, Dahlia Malkhi and Lidong Zhou, Reconfiguring a State Machine. In SIGACT News 41(1), SIGACT News 41(1): 63-73 (2010) paper
Marcos K. Aguilera, Idit Keidar, Dahlia Malkhi, Jean-Philippe Martin, Alexander Shraer:
Reconfiguring Replicated Atomic Storage: A Tutorial. In the Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science 102, pages 84-108, Distributed Computing Column, October 2010. paper
