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Version : 0.5.0

August 2015


1.General Features

1.1 Login to the System

1.2 Log out to the system

2. Service Manager (Access Manager)

2.1 Add Service

2.2 Edit Service

2.3 Delete Service

3. Ranger Policies

3.1 HDFS

3.2 HIVE


3.4 KNOX


3.6 YARN

3.7 SOLR



4.1 Users

4.2 Groups

4.2.2 Edit Groups

5. Reports

6. Audit

6.1 Access

6.2 Admin

6.3 Logging Session

6.4 Plugins


7.1 Permissions Module

7.2 Add/Edit Permission


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Version : 0.5.0

September 2015

Table of Contents

About this document

  • This user guide is for Ranger Policy Admin. The URL information can be found in the install guide or from your system administrator. Reach out to your SE support contact for more information.

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Getting started 

General Features

 Login to the system:

  • You can Login to the system by providing your username and password. For simplicity, your username is also displayed on your home page. Be aware that the website login is case sensitive.You must use capital letters,numbers where appropriate in your username and password.

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Log out to the system:

  • Your username is also displayed on your homepage, on top right. Option to Logout logout is provided under the drop list herethere.

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Service Manager (Access Manager)

  • The Access Manager is accessible from the top


    menu bar. The top


    menu bar shows a list of


    modules supported by

    Ranger’s solution

    Ranger Admin. 

  • The Access Manager

    adds and administers the services.
  • Delegated Admin 

When a policy is assigned to a user or a group of users those users becomes the delegated admin.The delegated admin can update,delete the policies.It can also create child policies based on the original policy(base policy).

  • Enable/disable


  • module helps in adding and administering various supported Services and Policies under those services.

    Add Service

  • You can add a service by clicking on the plus icon next to each column on the Service Manager page. Details of the service and other config properties can be added in this step. The added service will be listed as show shown below.
  • Step 1 : Click on the Plus button to add a service

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  • Step 2 : Add a Service screen


  •  Fill all the properties related to the service type on the "Create Service" screen shown below


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Service name

Name of the service, you will need to specify the service name in the agent config


Give any service description for reference

Active Status

You can choose this option to enable or disable the service

User name

Specify the end system username that can be used for connection


Add the password for username above

Namenode URL


Authorization Enabled

Authorization involves restricting access to resources. If enableenabled, user need authorization credentialcredentials.

Authentication Type

Specify the authentication type (Simple, Kerberos)

It should be taken from hadoop configuration file, core-site.xml; Mapping of login credential to a username with hadoop


It should be taken from hadoop configuration file, hdfs-site.xml; Provide only if kerberos authentication is enabled; Principle associated with datanode


It should be taken from hadoop configuration file, hdfs-site.xml; Provide only if kerberos authentication is enabled; Principle associated with namenode


Should be taken from hadoop configuration file, hdfs-site.xml; Provide only if kerberos authentication is enabled; principal associated with secondary- namenode

RPC Protection Type

Only authorised user can view,use and contribute to a dataset

Common Name for certificate

Specify the name of the certificate

Add new Configurations

Specify the any other new configurations



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Service Name

Name of the service, you will need to specify the service name in the agents config


Give any service description for reference.

Active Status

You can choose this option to enable or disable the service


Specify the end system user name that can be used for connection


Add the password for username above


Specify the full classname of the

driver used for Hive connections.

The default HiveServer2 classname is : org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver



Common name for certificate

Specify common name for certificate

Add new configurations

Specify any other new configurations



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Service Name

Name of the Service, you will need to specify the service name in the agents config


Give any description for reference

Active Status

You can choose this option to enable or disable the service


Specify the end system user name that can be used for connection


Add the password for the username above

Specify the complete connection URL,

including port (default port is 10000) and database name. For example on


authentication type (Simple, Kerberos)


Specify the Kerberos principal for the

HBase Master (Applicable only for Kerberos enabled environment)

Setting must match the hbase-site.xml setting for this property (Simple, Kerberos).

Setting must match the hbase-site.xml setting for this property (default is : 2181).


Setting must match the hbase-site.xml setting for this property.


Setting must match the hbase-site.xml setting for this property.

Common Name for Certificate

Specify common name for certificate

Add New Configurations

Specify any other new configurationconfigurations



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Service Name

Name of the Service, you will need to specify the service name in the agents config


Give any service description for reference

Active Status

You can choose this option to enable or disable the service


Specify the end system user name that can be used for connection


Add the password for the username above


gateway url for knox

common name for certificate

Specify the name of the certificate

Add New configurations

Specify any other new configuration


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Service Name

Name of the Service, you will need to specify the service name in the agents config


Give any service description for reference

Active Status

You can choose this option to enable or disable the service


Specify the end system user name that can be used for connection


Add the password for the username above


Http or https://RESOURCEMANAGER_FQDN:8088

Common name for certificate

Specify common name for certificate

Add new configurations

Specify new configurations



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Service Name

Name of the Service, you will need to specify the service name in the agents config


Give any service description for reference

Active Status

You can choose this option to enable or disable the service


Specify the end system user name that can be used for connection


Add the password for the username above

Nimbus URL

hostname of nimbus format http://<ipaddress>:8080

Common name for certificate

Specify common name of the certificate

Add New Configuration

Specify any other new configurations



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Service name

Name of the Service, you will need to specify the service name in the agents config


Give any description for reference

Active Status

You can choose this option to enable or disable the service


Specify the end system user name that can be used for connection


Add the password for the username above

solr URL


Ranger Plugin SSL Cname

Provide which is registered with Ranger (in Wire Encryption environment)

Add New Configurations

Specify new configuration



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Service  name

Name of the Service, you will need to specify the service name in the agents config


Give any service description for reference

Active Status

You can choose this option to enable or disable the service


Specify the end system user name that can be used for connection


Add the password for the username above

Zookeeper Connect String

defaults to localhostdefaults to localhost:2181 (Provide FQDN of zookeeper host : 2181)

Ranger Plugin SSL CName

Provide which is registered with Ranger (in Wire Encryption environment)

Add New Configuration

Specify any other new configurations

Edit Service

  • You can edit service details, including the config properties from the edit icon next to each service name.

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Delete Service

  • You can delete a service by clicking on the delete button next to each service name listed on the Manage service page.  

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Ranger Policies


  • Adding HDFS policies

You can add a new policy from the HDFS policy listing page for a particular service. On add , the policy should be listed in the table below. You can search a Policy by search filters provided.

Step 1 : Click on the Add New Policy button on listing page

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Step 2 : Create Policy Form

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Policy Name

Enter an appropriate policy name.

This name is cannot be duplicated across the systemfor the same Service type (HDFS). This field is mandatory.

Resource path

Define the resource path for folder/file. You can add wildcard characters like /home* to avoid writing the fill full path as well as to enable the policy for all sub folders or files


You can include the description for the policy you are creating


You can indicate whether all files or folders within the existing folder comes under the policy. Can be used instead of wildcard characters

Audit Logging

Indicate whether this policy would be audited or not

Group Permissions

From a user group list, pick a particular group and choose permissions for that group. Choosing admin permission will designate the group as admin for chosen resource


By default the policy is enabled.You can disable a policy to restrict user/group access for that policy.

User Permissions

From a user list, pick a particular group user and choose permissions for that group. Choosing admin permission will designate the user as admin for the chosen resourceuser.

Delegate Admin

When a policy is assigned to a user or a group of users those users become the delegated admin.The delegated admin can update, delete the policies. It can also create child policies based on the original policy (base policy)


  • Permissions while creating policy

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Allows user to perform read operation


Allows user to perform write operation


Allows user to perform execute operation


Step 3 : Policy is created with unique id

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Edit/Delete HDFS Policies

  • You can edit/delete a policy from the HDFS Policy Listing page by clicking on the edit/delete button next to policy row.

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HDFS Policy Examples

  • Ranger allows (through configuration) to allow both Ranger policies and HDFS permissions to be checked for a user request. When a user request is received in namenode, . Ranger plugin will check for policies set through Ranger admin. If there are no policies, Ranger plugin will check for permission set in HDFS. It is recommended to have restrictive permission at HDFS level and create permission in Ranger security admin.


Step 1 : In the below example we create a policy ‘HDFS_POLICY’ with Resource path /home with read ,write,execute,delegate admin rights and assign it to mark.

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  • Login as 'markuser and try to create a directory home.The user ‘mark’ will be allowed to create the directory since it has read, write, execute ,admin rights to the policy ‘HDFS_POLICY’ with Resource path /home

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  • Logs For the operations. Result will come as ‘allowed’ if permission is granted and ‘denied’ if permission is denied.

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  • In the below example we create a policy ‘HDFS_POLICY’ with Resource path /hadoop with read permission and assign it to user ‘mark’.

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  • When the user tries to create a directory in Resource path then application throws an error of permission denied.

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  • Result will come as  ‘denied’  in the logs generated for operations as user does not have write permission. Please note the “Access Enforcer” column will denote if the Ranger policy made the decision or whether the decision was made byshow the enforcer (ranger-acl or hadoop-acl)

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Example 2: No Policies in Ranger,permission in HDFS

  • There are no policies in service of HDFS component

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  • When user ‘mark’ tries to create a directory with name ‘directory’ in the resource path  application throws an error.

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  • Result will come as ‘denied’ if permission is denied in the logs generated for operations.



  • Adding HIVE policies

You can add a new policy from the Hive Policy Listing Page. On add , the policy should be listed in the table below. You can search a Policy by ‘Database Name’, ‘Table’ , ‘Column’, ‘Groups name’, ’policy name’, ’status’, ’user name’, ’udf’

Step 1 : Click on the Add New Policy button on listing page.

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Step 2 : Add policy form

  • TABLE :-

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  • You can create a policy for a combination for hive database, hive table and hive column name.




policy name

Enter an appropriate policy name.

This name is cannot be duplicated across the systemfor the same Service type (Hive). This field is mandatory.

Hive database name

Select the appropriate database. Multiple databases can be selected for a particular policy. This field is mandatory.

table name

For the selected database, select table(s) for the which the policy will be applicable

Hive column name

For the selected database and table(s), select columns for the which the policy will be applicable

Audit logging

Choose whether the particular policy will be audited or not.

Group permission

From a user group list, pick a particular group and choose permissions for that group. Choosing admin permission will designate the group as admin for chosen resource

User permission

From a user list, pick a particular group user and choose permissions for that group. Choosing admin permission will designate the user as admin for the chosen resourceuser.


The include flag means it will consider the values entered in the field. The default value is set as include. The exclude Flag will exclude all the table names or column names entered in that particular field.


By default the policy is enabled.You can disable a policy to restrict user/group access for that policy.



  • UDF :-

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Policy name

Enter an appropriate policy name.

This name can not be duplicated across the system.This field is mandatory.

Hive database

Select the appropriate database. Multiple databases can be selected for a particular policy. This field is mandatory.


We can also set policies for UDF.User Defined Function.Enter an appropriate udf.

Audit Logging

Choose whether the particular policy will be audited or not.

Group permissions

From a user group list, pick a particular group and choose permissions for that group. Choosing admin permission will designate the group as admin for chosen resource

User Permissions

From a user list, pick a particular group and choose permissions for that group. Choosing admin permission will designate the user as admin for the chosen resource


The include flag means it will consider the values entered in the field.The default value is set as include. The exclude Flag will exclude all the table names or column names entered in that particular field.


By default the policy is enabled. You can disable a policy to restrict user/group access for that policy.




Wildcards: Wildcards can be included in resource path.’*’ indicates zero or more occurs of characters.’?‘ indicates single character.You can use wildcards in the database name ,table name ,column name.for e.g database name as *,table name as ? and column name as ?.

In case of UDF we can use for e.g. database name as *,UDF as ?.




Allows users to perform a select operation


Allows users to perform an update operation


Allows users to perform a Create operation


Allows users to perform a Drop operation


Allows users to perform a Alter operation


Allows users to perform an indexing operation


Allows users to perform an indexing operationlock operation on specified resource


Allows users to perform all operations


GRANT: Hive GRANT is a command used to provide access or privileges on Hive database tables to the users.

Code Block
Syntax: grant <permissions> on table <table> to user <user or group>;    
i.e   : grant select on table default.newtable to user mark;

This will create a policy and give select rights to user1.


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Edit / Delete / Revoke HIVE policies

  • You can edit/delete a policy from the HIVE Policy Listing page by clicking on the edit/delete button next to policy row.

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REVOKE: Hive REVOKE is a command used to revoke access or privileges on Hive database tables from the users.


  • Similarly we can write it for (Update,Create,Drop,Alter,Index,Lock,All,Admin)

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  •  Adding HBASE Policies

You can add a new policy from the HBASE Policy Listing Page. On add , the policy should be listed in the table below. You can search a Policy by ‘column’, ’column family’, ’Group name’, ’Policy name’, ’Status ’Status', 'Table', ’’Username’’Username’.

Step 1 : Click on the Add New Policy button on listing page.

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Step 2 : Add Create Hbase Policy

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Policy  Name

Enter an appropriate policy name.

This name is cannot be duplicated across the systemfor same Service type (Hbase). This field is mandatory.

Hbase Table

Select the appropriate databasetable. Multiple tables can be selected for a particular policy. This field is mandatory

Hbase column-family

For the selected table, select column families for the which the policy will be applicable

Hbase column

For the selected table and CFcolumn family, select columns for the which the policy will be applicable

Audit Logging

Choose whether the particular policy will be audited or not.

Group permission

From a user group list, pick a particular group and choose permissions for that group. Choosing admin permission will designate the group as admin for the chosen resource

User Permission

From a user list, pick a particular group user and choose permissions for that groupuser. Choosing admin permission will designate the user as admin for the chosen resource


By default the policy is enabled.You can disable a policy to restrict user/group access for that policy.




Wildcards: Wildcards can be included in resource path.’*’ indicates zero or more occurs of characters.’?‘ indicates single character. You can use wildcards in the table name, column name, column families. for e.g table name as *, column family as ? and column name as ?.




Allows user to perform  a read operation


Allows user to perform  a write operation


Allows user to perform  a create operation


This gives the delegated admin access to user


GRANT:  HBase GRANT is a command used to provide access or privileges on Hbase database tables to the users.

Code Block
Syntax: grant '<user-or-group>','<permissions>','<table>'
i.e   : grant 'mark’' , 'RW' , 'testtable2'

This will create a policy and give read and write access to user1 on testtable2 .Similarly we can grant create and admin writes


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 Edit / Delete / Revoke HBASE Policies

  • You can edit/delete a policy from the HBASE Policy Listing page by clicking on the edit/delete button next to policy row.

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REVOKE: Hbase REVOKE is a command used to revoke access or privileges on Hbase database tables from the users.



This will revoke all rights from mark

In hbase you don't have specific revoke commands for each privilege as we had in Hbase.

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  •  Adding KNOX Policies

You can add a new policy from the KNOX Policy Listing Page. On add , the policy should be listed in the table below. You can search a Policy by ‘Policy Name’, ‘Topology Name’, ‘Service Name’ and ‘Groups’.

Step 1 : Click on the Add New Policy button on listing page

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Step 2 : Add knox policy

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  • Topology name: A topology is a graph of computation. Each node in a topology contains processing logic, and links between nodes indicate how data should be passed around between nodes.
  • Service Name: Binds a Hadoop service with an internal URL that the gateway uses to proxy requests from external clients to the internal cluster services.




Policy name

Enter an appropriate policy name.

This name is cannot be duplicated across the systemin the same Service type (Knox).

Knox topology

Enter an appropriate Topology Name

Knox service

Enter an appropriate Service Name

Audit Logging

Choose whether the particular policy will be audited or not.

User Group permissions

From a user group list, pick a particular group and choose permissions for that group. Choosing admin permission will designate the user as admin for the chosen resourcefor that group.

User Group permissions

From a user user group list, pick a particular group user and choose permissions for that group. Choosing admin permission will designate the group as admin for chosen resourceuser.


By default the policy is enabled. You can disable a policy to restrict user/group access for that policy.


The include flag means it will consider the values entered in the field. The default value is set as include. The exclude Flag will exclude all the table names or column names entered in that particular field.




Wildcards: Wildcards can be included in resource path.’*’ indicates zero or more occurs of characters.’?‘ indicates single character. You can use wildcards in the 'topology name', 'service name'. for e.g topology name as *, service name as ?.



IP Address Range

Specify ip address range


Allow permission allows users to access topology that is specified in topology name


  • Edit/Delete Knox policies

You can edit/delete a policy from the KNOX Policy Listing page by clicking on the edit/delete button next to policy row.

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  • Adding STORM Policies

You can add a new policy from the STORM Policy Listing Page. On add , the policy should be listed in the table below. You can search a Policy by ‘Policy Name’, ‘Topology Name’ and ‘Groups’.

Step 1 : Click on the Add New Policy button on listing page

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Step 2 : Add STORM Policy

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Topology name: A topology is a graph of computation. Each node in a topology contains processing logic, and links between nodes indicate how data should be passed around between nodes.



Policy name

Enter an appropriate policy name.

This name is cannot be duplicated across the system.

Storm topology

Enter an appropriate Topology Name

Audit logging

Choose whether the particular policy will be audited or not.

Group permission

From a user group list, pick a particular group and choose permissions for that group. Choosing admin permission will designate the group as admin for chosen resource

User permission

From a user list, pick a particular group and choose permissions for that group. Choosing admin permission will designate the user as admin for the chosen resource


By default the policy is enabled.You can disable a policy to restrict user/group access for that policy.


The include flag means it will consider the values entered in the field. The default value is set as include. The exclude Flag will exclude all the table names or column names entered in that particular field.


Wildcards: Wildcards can be included in resource path.’*’ indicates zero or more occurs of characters.’?‘ indicates single character. You can use wildcards in the topology name.for e.g topology name as ?.





Submit Topology

Allows user to submit a topology

File upload

Allows user to upload files

Get Nimbus Conf

Allows user to access Nimbus Configuration

Get Cluster info

Allows user to get Cluster Information

File Download

Allows user to Download Files

Kill Topology

Allows user to kill a topology


Allows user to Rebalance topologies


Allows user to Activate topology


Allows user to Deactivate topology

Get Topology Conf

Allows user to access Topology Configuration

Get Topology

Allows user to access Topology

Get User Topology

Allows user to access user Topology

Get Topology Info

Allows user to access Topology Information

Upload New Credential

Allows user to upload new credential


  • Edit / Delete STORM



You can edit/delete a policy from the STORM Policy Listing page by clicking on the edit/delete button next to policy row.

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  • Adding Yarn policies

You can add a new policy from the YARN Policy Listing Page. On add , the policy should be listed in the table below. You can search a Policy by ‘Group name’, ’Policy name’, ’queue’’Queue’, ’Status’, ’username’. 

 Step 1 : Click on the Add New Policy button on listing page

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Step 2 : Add YARN Policy

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Policy Name

Enter an appropriate policy name.

This name is cannot be duplicated across the system.


The fundamental unit of scheduling in yarn

Audit Logging

Choose whether the particular policy will be audited or not.


By default the policy is enabled.You can disable a policy to restrict user/group access for that policy.


You can indicate whether all files or folders within the existing folder comes under the policy.Can be used instead of wildcard characters

User Permission

From a user list, pick a particular group user and choose permissions for that group. Choosing admin permission will designate the user as admin for the chosen resourceuser.

Group Permission

From a user group list, pick a particular group and choose permissions for that group. Choosing admin permission will designate the group as admin for chosen resource


Wildcards: Wildcards can be included in resource path.’*’ indicates zero or more occurs of characters.’?‘ indicates single character.You can use wildcards in the topology name.for e.g topology name as ?.



  • You can edit/delete a policy from the YARN Policy Listing page by clicking on the edit/delete button next to policy row.

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  •  Adding SOLR Policies

You can add a new policy from the STORM Solr Policy Listing Page. On add , the policy should be listed in the table below. You can search a Policy by 'Collection', 'Group name', 'Policy name', 'status', 'user name'.

Step 1 : Click on the Add New Policy button on listing page

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Step 2 : Add SOLR policy

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Policy Name

Enter an appropriate policy name.

This name is cannot be duplicated across the systemfor the same Service type (Solr)

Solr connection


Audit logging

Choose whether the particular policy will be audited or not.

Group permission

From a user group list, pick a particular group and choose permissions for that group. Choosing solr admin permission will designate the group as admin for chosen resource

User Permission

From a user list, pick a particular group user and choose permissions for that groupuser. Choosing solr admin permission will designate the user as admin for the chosen resource


By default the policy is enabled.You can disable a policy to restrict user/group access for that policy.


The include flag means it will consider the values entered in the field.The default value is set as include.The exclude Flag will exclude all the table names or column names entered in that particular field.






Permission to fetch records from Solr DB.


Permission to update records in Solr



Solr Admin

Permission to manage user accounts and

Edit / Delete SOLR Policies

  • You can edit/delete a policy from the SOLR Policy Listing page by clicking on the edit/delete button next to policy row.

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  • Adding KAFKA Policies

You can add a new policy from the KAFKA Policy Listing Page. On add , the policy should be listed in the table below. You can search a Policy by ‘Group name’,’Policy name’,Status,topic,’username’.

Step 1 : Click on the Add New Policy button on listing page

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Step 2 : Add KAFKA Policy

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Policy name

Enter an appropriate policy name.

This name is cannot be duplicated across the systemfor the same Service type (Kafka)


A topic is a category or feed name to which messages are published.

Audit logging

Choose whether the particular policy will be audited or not.

User permission

From a user list, pick a particular group user and choose permissions for that groupuser. Choosing admin Kafka Admin permission will designate the user as admin for the chosen resource

Group permission

From a user group list, pick a particular group and choose permissions for that group. Choosing admin Kafka Admin permission will designate the group as admin for chosen resource


By default the policy is enabled.You can disable a policy to restrict user/group access for that policy.


The include flag means it will consider the values entered in the field. The default value is set as include. The exclude Flag will exclude all the table names or column names entered in that particular file


Wildcards: Wildcards can be included in resource path.’*’ indicates zero or more occurs of characters.’?‘ indicates single character. You can use wildcards in the topology topic name.for e.g topology topic name as ?.






A process that publish message to kafka topic producers.


Consume only a subset of the partitions in a topic in a process


Configure the kafka broker/cluster


Permission to fetch metadata on the topic

Kafka Admin



Policy permissions are assigned to users and groups.  

  • Users

These are users who can login into the Ranger portal and perform administrative and reporting tasks.Roles can be assigned while adding the users. Only admins are allowed to create users and create services. The role of the ‘admin’/’admin user’ dictates what roles can be assigned to the new users.


  • Internal Vs External Users
    • Internal users are those users which are created by ranger Admin i.e XA Policy Manager. External users are those users which are synced from other system like Active Directory(AD), LDAP or unix system.
  • Add Users

You can add a new group from the User Listing Page. On add, the user should be listed in the table below. The users that are created in the system are You can search a User by ‘Email Address’, ‘Role’ , ‘User Name’, ‘ User Source’, ’user status’, ’visibility’.


Step 1 : Click on the Add New User button on the user listing page

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Step 2 : Enter the details and save.

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User Name

Enter an appropriate user name.

This name  cannot be duplicated across the system.

New Password

Enter an appropriate password.

Password Confirm

Confirm the entered password

First Name

Enter an appropriate first name.     

Last Name

Enter an appropriate last name

Email address

Enter an appropriate first email address in the required format

Select Role

Enter an appropriate Role.

Select appropriate Role (Admin, User)


Select a role from the given roles ‘Admin’ , ‘Users’. This is a mandatory field.


Select group/s to which user belongs.


Step 3 : Set visibility (i.e. Visible/Hidden)

After clicking on hidden button user get hide from policy listing page. For hiding functionality user must need to select check box located near User Name column.

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Step 4 : Set visibility (Visible)

    • After clicking on Visible option selected user get visible in users listing page.

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Step 5 : Set status of the user.

    • If the status of the user is enable then that user can login to the application.If user status is disable then that particular user is not able to login to the application.

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  • Edit Users

  • We can edit only internal users.For the external users,only the role can be changed.


    • You can edit a user from the users Listing page by clicking on the user name.

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User Login:

    • You can edit a user from the users Listing page by clicking on profile.

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  • Ranger allows assigning permissions at group level too.
  • Add Groups

You can add a new group from the group Listing Page. On add , the group should be listed in the table below. You can search a group by ‘Group Name’ and ‘ Group Source’,visibility

Step 1: Click on the Add New Group button on the group listing page.

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Step 2 : Enter the details and save.

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Group Name

Enter an appropriate user name.

This name  cannot be duplicated across the system.This is a mandatory field.


Give any description for reference.


  • Edit Groups

    • You can edit a group from the groups Listing page by clicking on the name of the group.(Can only be performed by an admin)

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  • Visibility of Groups
    • Hidden group does not appears in group listing page.To make the group hide select the check box near group group name.

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  • The Reports module is used to manage the policies more efficiently as the number of policies grow.This page will list all the policies from HDFS,HIVE,HBASE,KNOX,YARN,KAFKA,SOLR and STORM. You can perform search based on  


  • Policy Name    : The policy name assigned to the policy while creating it.
  • Resource Path : The resource path used while creating the policy.
  • ‘Group’ / ‘User Name’: The group and the users to which the policy is assigned

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  • Currently Ranger supports regular auditing. This includes logging at the resource level.It will support conditional auditing based on users, groups or date/time, etc.


  • Provides Service activity data for all Policies that have Audit set to On. The default service Policy is configured to log all user activity within the Service. This default policy does not contain user and group access rules.You can filter the data based on the following criteria:


Search Criteria


Access Enforcer

Access enforcer indicates who made the decision to allow or deny. In case of HDFS, the enforcer would XA (Ranger) or Hadoop.

Access Type

Type of access user has for e.g read,write

Start date,End date

Time and date is stored for each access.A date range is used to filter the results for that particular date range.

Service Name

The name of the service which the user tries to access

Service Type

The type of the service which the user tries to access


This shows whether the operation was successfull or not


Name of the user which tried to access the resource

Client ip

Ip address of the user system which tried to access the resource


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  • This module Contains all events for the HDP Security Administration Web UI, including Service, Policy Manager, Log in, etc. (actions like create,update,delete,password change).You can filter the data based on the following


Search Criteria



These are operations performed on resources e.g(actions like create,update,delete,password change)

Audit Type

There are three values Resource,asset and xa user according to operations performed on Service,policy and users.

Session id

The session count increments each time you try to login to the system

Start Date

Login time and date is stored for each session.A date range is used to filter the results for that particular date range


Username who has performed create,update,delete operation.


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  • Difference view when we click on an operation (Update operation in this case)

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Logging Session

  • This module logs the information related to the sessions for each login.You can filter the data based on



Search Criteria


End Date,Start Date

Login time and date is stored for each session.A date range is used to filter the results for that particular date range     


The IP of the system through which we log in

Login id

The user name through which you login to the system

Login Type

The mode through which the user tries to login.(By entering username and password)


Result based on login pass or fail

Session id

The session count increments each time you try to login to the system

User Agent

Login time and date is stored for each session


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  • Click on session id for session details.

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  • This module shows the upload history of the Security Agents.This module displays all the services Exported from the system.You can filter the data based on the followin.


Search Criteria


Http Response Code

The http code which you get when you try to export the Services

Plugin IP

Ip of the agent which tries to export the service

Plugin Id

Name of the agent which tries to export the service

Start Date,End Date

Export time and date is stored for each agent. A date range is used to filter the results for that particular date range.

Service Name

The service name we are trying to export.


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  • Plugins tab is useful to check components are communicating successfully with ranger or not.


  • Permissions Module

The aim of permission module is to provide flexibility of user roles.With the help of permission model, Admin can restrict access or assign permission to any module for non-admin users.The main purpose of Permission model is to assign dedicated roles to non-admin users based on services such as policy manager, audit, reporting, user management,Key Manager.


Step 1: Put the pointer on Settings tab. Click on ‘Permissions’ from dropdown.

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Step 2 : You can search the permissions by Group Name,Module Name,User Name.

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  • Add / Edit Permission

Step 3 : Click on edit button under Action column for access of particular module to selected user on permissions listing page.

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Step 4 : You can select multiple users and groups from drop down.

            a.  User Permission


             b.  Group Permission


Step 5 : If Steve user is having permission of only Audit and Reports tab then only this two module will be visible to to mark user on his login.

           a.  Admin Login

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             b.  Steve user Login

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