Versions Compared


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Authors Satish Duggana, Sriharsha Chintalapani, Ying Zheng, Suresh Srinivas

Table of Contents


Current State: "Accepted"



Replication factor of the topic

Default: 3


No of partitions of the topic

Default: 50

Retention of the topic in milli seconds. 

Default: -1, that means unlimited. 

Users can configure this value based on their usecases. To avoid any data loss, this value should be more than the maximum retention period of any topic enabled with tiered storage in the cluster.

Listener name to be used to connect to the local broker by RemoteLogMetadataManager implementation on the broker. This is a mandatory config while using the default RLMM implementation which is ``. Respective endpoint address is passed with  "bootstrap.servers" property while invoking RemoteLogMetadataManager#configure(Map<String, ?> props). 

This is used by kafka clients created in RemoteLogMetadataManager implementation.


Default RLMM implementation creates producer and consumer instances. Common client properties can be configured with `remote.log.metadata.common.client.` prefix.  User can also pass properties specific to producer/consumer with `remote.log.metadata.producer.` and `remote.log.metadata.consumer.` prefixes. These will override properties with `remote.log.metadata.common.client.` prefix.

Any other properties should be prefixed with the config: "remote.log.metadata.manager.impl." and these prefix", default value is "rlmm.config.". These configs will be passed to RemoteLogMetadataManager#configure(Map<String, ?> props).

For ex: Security configuration to connect to the local broker for the listener name configured are passed with propsexample: "rlmm.config.remote.log.metadata.producer.batch.size=100" will set the batch.size  config for the producer inside default RLMM.

remote.partition.remover.task.interval.msThe interval at which remote partition remover runs to delete the remote storage of the partitions marked for deletion.
Default value: 3600000 (1 hr )


The following new metrics will be added:

kafka.server:type=BrokerTopicMetrics, name=RemoteReadRequestsPerSec, topic=([-.w]+)Number of remote storage read requests per second.
kafka.server:type=BrokerTopicMetrics, name=RemoteFetchBytesPerSecRemoteBytesInPerSec, topic=([-.w]+)Number of bytes read from remote storage per second.
kafka.server:type=BrokerTopicMetrics, name=RemoteReadErrorPerSec, topic=([-.w]+)Number of remote storage read errors per second.
kafka.log.remote:type=RemoteStorageThreadPool, name=RemoteLogReaderTaskQueueSizeNumber of remote storage read tasks pending for execution.
kafka.log.remote:type=RemoteStorageThreadPool, name=RemoteLogReaderAvgIdlePercentAverage idle percent of the remote storage reader thread pool.
kafka.log.remote:type=RemoteLogManager, name=RemoteLogManagerTasksAvgIdlePercentAverage idle percent of RemoteLogManager thread pool.

kafka.server:type=BrokerTopicMetrics, name=RemoteCopyBytesPerSecRemoteBytesOutPerSec, topic=([-.w]+)

Number of bytes copied to remote storage per second.
kafka.server:type=BrokerTopicMetrics, name=RemoteWriteErrorPerSec, topic=([-.w]+)Number of remote storage write errors per second.

Some of these metrics have been updated with new names as part of KIP-930


Follow the steps mentioned in Kafka upgrade to reach the state where all brokers are running on the latest binaries with the respective "" and "log.message.format" versions. Tiered storage requires the message format to be > 0.11.


  • Once tier storage is enabled for a topic, it can not be disabled. We will add this feature in future versions. One possible workaround is to create a new topic and copy the data from the desired offset and delete the old topic. Another possible work around is to set the same as and wait until the local retention catches up until complete log retention. This will make the complete data available locally. After that, set as false to disable tiered storage on a topic. 
  • Multiple Log dirs on a broker are not supported (JBOD related features).
  • Tiered storage is not supported for compacted topics.


  • Discussion Recording
  • Notes
    • KIP is updated with follower fetch protocol and ready to reviewed
    • Satish to capture schema of internal metadata topic in the KIP
    • We will update the KIP with details of different cases
    • Test plan will be captured in a doc and will add to the KIP
    • Add a section "Limitations" to capture the capabilities that will be introduced with this KIP and what will not be covered in this KIP.

Other associated KIPs

KIP-852: Optimize calculation of size for log in remote tier

KIP-917: Additional custom metadata for remote log segment