Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In trunk/bin, there is a program that assists in the merging. If the branch is setup with .gitmergeinfo, if you run it from the root directory of the checkout, it will prompt for every commit on master to see if you want to "Merge" it, "Block" it, or "Ignore" it. It displays the commit log first so you can see what was involved. You can also check the cxf-commits archive to see the full details of the commit to help decide what action to take. If you select "Merge", it will merge the change and then prompt before committing. That will allow you to look at the merge and resolve any conflicts. (or even revert it if you didn't mean to hit Merge)


No Format
mvn release:prepare -Peverything,jaxws22
mvn release:perform -Peverything,jaxws22


If you are performing the release on a Mac, it is advisable to add -DpushChanges=false to the "release:prepare" step above. The version of git that Apple ships with some versions of OSX has problems pushing the changes in quick succession from the release plugin and can become corrupt. Having the release plugin NOT push the changes and then running "git push -tags origin master" works around that problem.



It is recommended to name the local maintenance branches the same as the remote ones ("2.7.x-fixes", "3.0.x-fixes", ...) to avoid issue with the branch names when running the release plugin.


The above commands tag the release, update the poms versions, etc., then build it (off the tag), gpg sign and deploy everything (including source jars and javadoc jars) to the Nexus repository location. When the build is done staging, you next need to login to the Nexus repository and "close" the staging area (click on Staging Repositories in the left-side menu, select the repo you just uploaded and then select the close button.) Closing is very important. After the staging area is closed, note the URL for the staging area as you will need that for the vote.


  • Javadocs - the javadocs in the distribution are a limited set of javadocs useful for MOST people.  However, the CXF website contains a more complete set of javadocs.  To generate the docs for the site, from the source distribution (or git tag), run:

    Code Block
    mvn javadoc:aggregate
    mvn package -DskipTests=true javadoc:aggregate-no-fork -pl distribution -am -Peverything -Dmaven.javadoc.skippedModules=cxf-testutils

    The first call (which WILL fail while trying to process some of the system tests) makes sure all the necessary things are built, code generated, etc...   The second call will generate the javadoc for the site.  Then copy the contents of target/site/apidocs to a new versioned directory in

    Unpack the javadocs from the appropriate cxf-bundle-VERSION-javadocs.jar into the appropriate directory in

    an svn checkout of and commit the new version. Make sure any new files are added.
