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Current state:  [Under Discussion] Accepted

Vote thread: here

Discussion thread: TBD here


serverASF JIRA
jqlQuerykey = KAFKA-8019 or key = KAFKA-7149 or key = KAFKA-6145 or key = KAFKA-4696


A note on the "moving" tasks. These are very similar to standby tasks, but we propose to give them a different name to make their role clear. This way, it's clear that they don't count against the "num.standby.replicas" config, and also that they represent an ephemeral increase in cluster storage requirements.



  • acceptable_recovery_lag*: A scalar integer value indicating a task lag (number of offsets to catch up) that is acceptable for immediate assignment. Defaults to 10,000 (should be well under a minute and typically a few seconds, depending on workload). Must be at least 0.
  • num_standbys: A scalar integer indicating the number of hot-standby task replicas to maintain in addition to the active processing tasks. Defaults to 0. Must be at least 0.
  • probing_rebalance_interval_ms*:  A time interval representing the minimum amount of time (in milliseconds) that the leader should wait before triggering a "probing rebalance", assuming there is no intervening natural rebalance. Note that probing rebalances are only triggered if the current assignment is not balanced within "balance_factor". Assuming KIP-429 and KAFKA-8421, default would be  Default is 10 minutes (because there would be effectively no cost for no-op rebalances); without that prior work, default would be 1 day. Must be at least 1 minute.. Must be at least 1 minute.
  • max_warmup_replicas*: A scalar integer representing the maximum number of extra  replicas to assign for the purpose of moving a task to an instance that has neither the active nor any standby replicas of that task assigned. Used to throttle how much extra broker traffic and cluster state would be used for moving tasks. Defaults to 2. Minimum is 1.

* new config

Probing Rebalances

As of this KIP, an assignment may result in an unbalanced distribution of tasks in favor of returning to processing as soon as possible, while under-loaded nodes are assigned standby tasks to warm up. Once the under-loaded instances are warm, a next rebalance would be able to produce a more balanced assignment. This proposal creates a new requirement: the ability to trigger rebalances in response to conditions other than cluster or topic changes.


See the "Rejected Alternatives" section for a discussion of alternatives to probing rebalancesa discussion of alternatives to probing rebalances.

Iterative Balancing Assignments

As mentioned in the overall description of the algorithm, the assignment algorithm creates as balanced an assignment as possible while strictly assigning stateful tasks only among the most-caught-up instances. It also plans task movements to gradually improve assignment balance over time, stopping when it is able to create a balanced assignment.

As described above, to move tasks to fresh instances while still respecting num.standby.replicas, the assignor will assign "extra" standby replicas to the destination instances. Once these extra replicas are caught up, a subsequent assignment will make that the active (or a permanent standby) and unassign one of the prior active or standby tasks.

A consequence of this design is that the overall amount of state in the cluster will exceed the sum of active and configured standby tasks while tasks are being moved. Also, each "moving" task reads from the broker, resulting in increased broker load and network traffic. To mitigate these effects, we'll introduce the max_task_migrations configuration, which limits the number of extra tasks that can be assigned at a time (inspired by Elasticsearch). The default is set to 2, but can be decreased to 1 or increased arbitrarily.

The default setting is likely to result in needing multiple balance improvements during probing rebalances over time, but the tradeoff is less load on the cluster and the broker. At the other end of the spectrum, setting the number high would allow the algorithm to assign all the desired movements in one shot, resulting in the whole process needing just two rebalances: the initial one to assign the moving tasks, and the final one to realize the movements and drop the old, unbalanced tasks.

Assignment Algorithm

The overall balancing algorithm relies on an assignment algorithm, which is not specified in this KIP, but is left as an implementation detail. We do specify some important properties of any implementation:


  • instance balance: The instance with the most tasks has no more than "balance_factor" more tasks 1 more task than the instance with the least tasks.
  • subtopology balance: The subtopology with the most instances executing its tasks has no more than "balance_factor" more instances 1 more instance executing it than the subtopology with the least instances executing it. I.e.: the subtopology is partitioned. Each partition of a subtopology is a "task", ideally, we want to spread the tasks for a subtopology evenly over the cluster, since we observe that workload over the partitions of a subtopology is typically even, whereas workload over different subtopologies may vary dramatically.


Code Block

Subscription => TopicList SubscriptionInfo
   TopicList               => List<String>
   SubscriptionInfo        => Bytes



SubscriptionInfo (encoded in version 46) => VersionId LatestSupportVersionId ClientUUID PrevTasks StandbyTasks EndPoint

   VersionId               => Int32
   LatestSupportVersionId  => Int32
   ClientUUID              => 128bit
   PrevTasks               => Set<TaskId>
   StandbyTasks            => Set<TaskId>
   EndPoint                => HostInfo


To support the proposed algorithms, we're proposing a new, version 57, format for SubsriptionInfo:

Code Block
SubscriptionInfo (encoded in version 5) => VersionId LatestSupportVersionId ClientUUID TaskLags EndPoint

   VersionId               => Int32
   LatestSupportVersionId  => Int32
   ClientUUID              => 128bit
   TaskEndPoint Lags               => Map<TaskId,HostInfo
 Int32>  Task Lags // new change
   EndPoint         => Map<TaskId, Int64>    // =>new HostInfochange

The new field, TaskLags would encode the lag for every store that the instance hosts, summed to the task level. This subsumes both PrevTasks and StandbyTasks


Stateful (active) Tasks := {T1, T2, T3}
Standby Tasks Replicas := {S1, S2, S3}1
Instances := {I1, I2}

Initial State


Stateful (active) Tasks := {T1, T2, T3, T4}
Standby Tasks Replicas := {S1, S2, S3, S4} 1
Instances := {I1, I2, I3}

The standby tasks in this scenario are assumed to be in sync with the active tasks, that is, caught up and within acceptable_recovery_lag.


Stateful (active) Tasks := {T1, T2, T3, T4}
Standby Tasks Replicas := {S1, S2, S3, S4} 1
Instances := {I1, I2, I3}

In this scenario, the standby tasks are lagging the active tasks by some nontrivial amount, that is, by more than the acceptable_recovery_lag.
