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First off, the sandboxes idea greatly increases the number of people who can check rules into SVN. Secondly, the barriers to entry for getting a sandboxes account are much lower.

Some bulletpoints from discussion, needs expanding:


  • each user gets their own sandbox as discussed on RulesProjMoreInput
  • checked-in rules in the sandboxes are mass-checked in the nightly mass-checks
  • to migrate a rule from "sandbox" (dev) to "core" (production) ruleset uses C-T-R; ie. votes are not required in advance
  • C-T-R to migrate from "sandbox" to "extra" ruleset

Rules that get promoted from a "sandbox" to "core" should pass the following criteria:

  • S/O ratio of 0.95 or greater (or 0.05 or less for nice rules)
  • > 0.25% of target type hit (e.g. spam for non-nice rules)
  • < 1.00% of non-target type hit (e.g. ham for non-nice rules)
  • not too slow (wink)
  • TODO: criteria for overlap with existing rules? BobMenschel: The method I used for weeding out SARE rules that overlapped 3.0.0 rules, was to run a full mass-check with overlap analysis, and throw away anything where the overlap is less than 50%. Manually reviewing the remaining (significantly) overlapping rules was fairly easy. The command I use is: perl ./overlap ../rules/tested/$testfile.ham.log ../rules/tested/$testfile.spam.log | grep -v mid= | awk ' NR == 1 { print } ; $2 + 0 == 1.000 && $3 + 0 >= 0.500 { print } ' >../rules/tested/$testfile.overlap.out

A ruleset in the "extra" set would have different criteria.

We can also vote for extraordinary stuff that doesn't fit into those criteria...

private list for mass-checks:


Getting rules from the sandbox, into the distribution, is dealt with on RulesProjSandboxes, in the 'Rule Promotion' section on down.