Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Based on the above general information, we therefore make two releases of the corresponding Helm Chart. In order to do this, we need to update 4 3 lines of code, namely

We can do this with the following command


titleChange all version numbers to target release


appVersion needs to match the corresponding upstream tika-docker release tag.

Once you have examined the changes, you can commit them (to the ${target_version} branch)to main branch. Then tag them from there and push the tag to the tika-helm repository.

Code Block
titleTag and pushb to tika-helm origin
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Release branch for tika-helm ${target_version}"
$ git push origin main
$ git tag -a ${target_version} -m "Release tika-helm ${target_version}"
$ git push origin ${target_version}--tags

Once this is done, you can navigate to the ${target_version} tag you just pushed and 'release' it (by clicking on the three dots button on the right hand side).

Promoting Release to the Apache JFrog Artifactory Repository

N.B. You should still be in the ${target_version} branch


Code Block
titleInstall prerequisites
# Assuming Mac
$ brew install helm # Which will install Helm >=3.X
$ helm plugin install --version 1.0.2 # Which is required for >= Helm 3.X
Installing plugin for Helm v3...
Downloading and installing helm-push-artifactory v1.0.2 ...
Installed plugin: push-artifactory

Promoting the Release

First, download the release artifact you just released to Github. We will assume this artifact is named tika-${target_version}.tar.gz

Code Block
# Add the tika Helm repository
$ helm repo add tika

# Push the tika helm artifact to Artifactory
$ helm push-artifactory tika-helm-${target_version}.tar.gz --username '${username}' --password "${password}"
Pushing tika-1.26-full.tgz to
Reindex helm repository tika...
