Versions Compared


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  • Implement a unit testing framework and strategy to easily allow others to help in getting a solid set of tests built in a rapid and replicable manner
  • Address the challenges with our build processes such that units can more easily be included without adding more friction and build time to the contribution process
  • Addressing flakiness of existing tests
  • Ensure this happens smoothly in parallel to ongoing efforts led by Petri and Aleks around moving from raw strings to type-safe REST resource classes 


Selection of Test Framework

Implementation of Cucumber Framework

  • Aleks to implement changes he made to build scripts to improve developer experience into upstream
  • Cucumber framework to then be implemented (Aleks)
  • In future can implement test containers for integration tests. 
  • Ongoing changes that Petri and Aleks are working on with the REST API layer can happen in parallel 

Creation of Test Cases

  • Identify and separate out failing integration tests that should be in unit test cases. (Aleks) 
  • Convert a few existing integration tests to unit tests as examples
  • Define the expected code coverage we'd want at a functional module leve (i.e. module should have at least 80% unit testing coverage) 
  • Identify which unit test cases to focus on and ultimately have a wiki page with five categories, each category having 100 to 200 test cases and red or green tick mark to show if we have coverage.
  • Create a test data set (No owner yet) 
  • Create a replicable cookbook for creation of test cases using DBUnit for setting up the data base and providing a few examples for others to follow.  Test cases can be set up with simple CSV files. 
  • In future can use generate Jacoco and other reports for test coverage. 

In parallel we need to:

  • Update documentation on testing
  • Update our strategy and guidance on what tests (unit and/or integration) are required for PR to be contributed.
    • It is still outstanding if test should be part of the PR or separate
    • Don't want to add too much friction to developers by requiring too many test to be created 
    • Could put skeleton of test in place in Cucumber, mark as ignore test and then set up Github Actions to create a todo list of ignored tests that other volunteers could work on. 

Raw Notes

Discussion items


Current State of Testing

Consensus on level of testing coverage at unit, integration, test level and objectives for what we should achieve

  • Nayan: integration tests do cover most business scenarios but unit tests don't cover.
    • This isn't scalable - heavy dependency on developers to have to write this. 
    • Domain experts can write far better test cases - need framework for semi-technical individuals to write test cases. 
  • Aleks: a lot of manualy boilerplate code throughout application
    • Manual classes in REST API - impedes effort of getting tests out there. 
    • Aleks: useful to use cucumber - 
  • Disconnect between tickets, documentation and what is actually tested?
    • Difficult to understand test coverage
    • Only thing aleks can do is look at code and try to cross-read
    • With Cucumber cards can do annotation and any tags.
      • Can introduce standardized tags according to tags/modules
      • Tags could point to JIRA ticket and can create some stats
      • Also a good feature that converts reports into ASCII doc which will immediately. 
    • Why our integration tests are peculiar
      • Testing business logic at rest API level
      • Better to do at unit test so isolate and not have to ramp up entire Fineract
      • Task: make integration tests faster and should also migrate logic that is there to proper unit tests
        • Can then run these during development and not have to wait like 5/6 minutes which is time it takes to run test cases currently
          • Should be as a button click in dev environment - simply click and run. 

Metrics to Improve
  • Istvan: what overall do we want to improve?
  • Aleks: Recently got very frustrated by build process and tests = long time and too complex to understand 
      • Raw numbers for time to wait - compile - gradle kicks in always - no usage of gradle cache whatsoever - effectively wait between 5 and 6 minutes until tests are ready
      • Even just selecting one integration test case, takes 10 minutes. Might only have one or two test functions but a lot of code - tests are easily 1000 lines of code.
        • Not easy to grok idea of what's being tested. 
        • Overall an hour. to run in a consistent build
          • Added test containers but then took 2 hours without the optimizations
          • Ripped up build scripts - lot of manual task dependencies in place and removed all of that - some build steps might not be in right order but good 
          • Dependencies on quality checkers but do you need these all the time. 
          • Got build process down to under 20s with proper docker image. 
            • Previously with docker compose file - docker image takes 8 to 10 minutes to finish - no caching used - replaced with google gradle plugin Jit? 
            • Don't need tomcat plugin or additional mysql - can test easily with proper docker image. 
          • Sneaky configurations with java parameters that was tricky to figure out. 
            • Steps in build script to ensure not ignoring warnings/errors - settings were quite strict - array with parameters - build script different and then add more parameters - by splitting the paramters into two arrays - created a lot of waiting time. 
            • Task: create pull request for improving build script. 
            • Overall time - under 9 minutes for complete suite of tests and under 20s for build. 
      • 437 test cases but can't categorize where these are
        • Some areas where more things are tested.
        • INtegration tests aren't too bad but just very slow. 
  • Nayan: reducing developer frustration with build time and test time
    • Instead of going with continuity analysis - not all test coverage is equally important
    • Features dealing with money - have most functional test coverage
    • Don't go just with thumb rule of what is my code coverage - what is critical business feature and how much coverage doing. 
    • For banking project, typical code coverage for lending or deposit module have 10 to 20K test cases. 
      • Reason for this low coverage is friction to contribute - only developers can write end to end test cases - tedious for developers
      • Don't have test data at the moment for writing test cases - i.e. to just test waive charge need to write dozen test cases to do so. 
      • Task: Nayan - need available set of test data 
    • Aleks: why a lot of time goes into integration tests - because test scenario setup is happening over API calls and even if local - this is not most efficient
      • Better approach is not have business cases tested in integration - test one by one in isolated unit tests - db unit or db writer
        • Can do data preparation of your database with CSV file - fill in few tables that need for busines case setup and then do business logic testing.
        • Nayan: agrees and thinks its obvious
      • Task: Test business cases in isolated unit tests - db unit or dbwriter, Test data with database 

Aligning with ongoing community efforts

Old spring XML configuration still in place - when you try to integrate other stuff i.e. Apache Camel, couldn't do with simple Java Configuration - should just drop in Spring Boot application and run immediately

  • Petri migrated XML to more modern approach - javaConfig and also migrated outdated REST library Jersey 1.7 to most recent one - immediate performance gain.
  • Now REST API layer is in good shape technically but still hav emanual JSON mappings with GSON, ignores all infrastructure that get from SpringBoot
    • PIck up small portion of REST API layer and put in classic spring boot applicaiton with Jaxon and no mapping
      • A little bit of helper code with JSON parser. - some situations where can' seralize or de-serialize JSOn strucctures = not complex though and only for a handful of classes.
      • Outcome: REST API Layer that is type-safe 
        • Instead of spring blob to transform - get proper java classes and let jaxon do stuff and remove all manual swagger maintenance code and proper swagger descriptors and in turn proper java API client, use that java client to do integration tests as well
        • Once REST API Layer is type-safe, if look at swagger descriptor, no categories so name clashes - name clashes sholud be resolved by code generator automatically. right now have mu;ltiple get-by-ids because in same namespace, can introduce different namespaces and have different functions 
        • Customers look at this and get confused by couiple hundred rest endpoints
        • at Finflux doing similar effort, not sure if when running code generator multipel times. 

Discuss optimal approach 

Adam: Also in agreement with using Cucumber as well - other projects using it in-house for testing. 

  • Previous project only wanted to see coverage through unit tests and not via integration tests. 
    • Ensure that unit tests were there for business logic as well - both positive and negative scenarios. 
  • Adam: take a hybrid path - unit tests for critical business logic - charge calculation, prepayment calculation, cover the logic by unit tests
    • Integration tests - most beneficial way is to use is for regression and to check that all is intact and as designed.
    • Quality of the tests was very important to them - usually not happy with coverage initially so were focused on if it was really tested. Regression costs are extremely high so want to avoid at all costs and catch as early as possible. 

James' Summary

  • Cucumber Framework for business-driven test design
  • 80%+ coverage
  • Metrics for reducing developer frustration

Execution Plan

WHat are sequencing of steps and dependencies

Create tickets for getting framework implemented for others to assist

  • Implement changes to build scripts that Aleks has done locally into upstream. 
  • Are changes to REsT API Layer needed? 
    • These changes can happen in paralle
  • Identify and separate out failing integration tests that should be in unit test cases 
  • What is proces for getting cucumber into build - is quite easy to introduce that into build. 
  • implementation of test containers for integration tests
  • Create test data set  → have a plugin for test data. 
  • Separate out busines logic
  • Write new unit test cases
    • Can maintain cucumber cards in JIRA - smartbear now owns and have plugin to syncrhonize cucumber card and Jira system
    • Not used that yet - in theory non-technical people with domain knowledge could edit requirements/specs and use cases in JIRA
      • Maintain structure format with keywords, etc - synchronize reports/specs with git repo. 
    • Alternative approach is access to git repository - VS code online intetgrated with Git - plugin that works with cucumber to work with syntax highlighting - can just edit these text files - 
  • Make a replicable cookbook for creating these test cases
    • DB Unit or DB writers - setting up use cases
    • Few examples that others can follow - for setup of test cases - don't need to be executed over internal API - easier done with simple CSV files - assume that's thee and not concern. 
  • UPdate documentaation on testing
  • Update our straategy on what tests are required for a pr to be contributed.
    • If you update a feature or functionality , ensure that existing unit tests are all working
      • If add something new, add unit tests to test positive case and negative case for that. 
        • James - functional are should be tested if 
      • generate interest in overall framework rather than have developers do all of it
        • More imortant metric that for every 2 developers, one QA person writing tests
        • PRs need to reference at least 2 positive and negative tests. 
      • Should tests be part of the PR or separate?
        • Can be frustrating to be asked for tests and provide positive/negtive for that
        • For cucumber this is really just text - put skelton in place, two placeholders cards and mark as ignore test
          • Put in github actions and see how many ignore tests have → becomes todo list for opeople to attack this and reduce amount of ignored tests. 
          • Could be acceptable requirement for efforts
  • MVP
    • Implement cucumber - very simple
    • convert a few integration tests to unit tests as ecam
    • test containers - implement later

Timeline for implementation of frameworks

Near and long-term metrics. 

  • if we implement this stratregy
  • Code to cover these tests. 
  • Jacoco report is just done over java api layer and not rest API  Layer 
    • Will get more visiblit



  • Nayan has domain experts

Istvan: Good to have framework but need to narrow down which unit test cases to focus on. - interest calculation, batch jobs, leap years

  • Aleks - have a blueprint for this but saw test scenarios that go. in this direction - difference now is setup and test execution is by REST API. 
  • Blueprint is there 
  • Read inside integration tests, repayment schedule
    • Aleks: can interpret what was aiming to do in REST as java rest apis
    • Istvan: shoud have HTML page with five caetegories
      • categories  each have 100 to 200 test cases and a red or green tick to show if we have them. 
      • Do we have these and a prioritization
      • Aleks: can take current number and have roughly 
    • Wiki page - chaeecking/savings accounts - what are gourps to test, specific ocniditons to tests and batch jobs - high level would help 
    • Google Sheet 
  • Nayan: can take on have functional test caess to implement


  • Adopt framework such that semi-technical indivudals can write test cases as domain experts are far better
    • Aleks: Cucumber would be good - keywords and prose used for text case definition - someone can go in and fill in gaps with conditions to run test cases
    • useful to do parameterized tests - will reduce boilerplate code
      • Much of test code is setting up scenario - real testing only starts after set up the APIs
        • Can take shortcodes by describing in cucumber test card and it's also more readable. 
  • Strategy
  • Resourcing
    • Volunteers
    • GSOC

Past Resources

Action items

  •  H