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Using Apache Derby Database

NOTE: The current code in the trunk does not support Derby (21 Aug 2009)


You should have installed:

  • JDK (it is maybe possible to work with jre only)

Downloading and Setting Up the Database for VCL

  1. Download Apache Derby and install it.
    Code Block
    cd ~
    tar -xzf db-derby-
    mkdir /opt/Apache
    mv db-derby- /opt/Apache/derby
    export DERBY_HOME="/opt/Apache/derby"
    export CLASSPATH="${DERBY_HOME}/lib/derby.jar:${DERBY_HOME}/lib/derbytools.jar:${CLASSPATH}"
  2. create Create a database in Apache Derby named for use with VCL . The database has to be placed in the path /opt/.
    Replace 'vcluser' and 'vcluserpassword' with the user and password you want.
    Code Block
    cd /opt/
    Code Block
    connect 'jdbc:derby:vcl1;create=true;user='vcluser';password='vcluserpassword';';
  3. get Download 'vcl.sql' file and the ''.
    The '' can be found as an attachment to this page and 'vcl.sql' fron repositories.
    Edit the file ''. the variables corresponding to the 'user' and 'password' should match your database.
    Code Block
    svn export
    chmod a+x
    NOTE: You may want to edit and insert the correct user name and password.
  4. Import vcl-derby.sql file into database. It is a good idea to direct the output to file and check if there were any errors.
    Code Block
    ij vcl-derby.sql > import.log

Setting up the dbd_jdbc Server

  1. Install log4j
    Code Block
    cd ~
    tar -zxf apache-log4j-1.2.15.tar.gz
    mv apache-log4j-1.2.15 /opt/Apache/derby/lib/
  2. When installing the perl modules using the '' (/usr/local/vcl/bin/ two extra modules need to the installed for Derby. Open the file '' and in the list of modules to download add the following two modules.
    Code Block
  3. Run the scrips as normal
    Code Block
    perl /usr/local/vcl/bin/
  4. Copy some file from the modules to Derby directory
    Code Block
    cp /tmp/perl-modules/DBD-JDBC-0.71/dbd_jdbc.jar /opt/Apache/derby/lib/
    cp /tmp/perl-modules/DBD-JDBC-0.71/ /opt/Apache/derby/lib/apache-log4j-1.2.15
  5. Create a script file which will launch the dbd_jdbc Server. Save it under any name and directory (e.g. /opt/, only remember that this scrips needs to be executed every time you start up the server. The file should contain
    Code Block
    java -Djdbc.drivers=org.apache.derby.EmbeddedDriver -Ddbd.port=12345 -classpath /opt/Apache/derby/lib/derby.jar:/opt/Apache/derby/lib/dbd_jdbc.jar:/opt/Apache/derby/lib/apache-log4j-1.2.15/log4j-1.2.15.jar:/opt/Apache/derby/lib/apache-log4j-1.2.15/  com.vizdom.dbd.jdbc.Server &
    Note1: if some of your paths are different you need make the changes in this scrips file as well
    Note2: currently port 12345 is used for connecting to Derby, this is hard coded. Can be changed on a later stage.
  6. Make the script executable
    Code Block
    chmod a+x /opt/server
  7. Start the Server
    Code Block
    import vcl-derby.sql file into database
    Code Block
    ij vcl-derby.sql