Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Making Changes

The Apache OODT website is populated onto by an "svn checkout" from the Apache Subversion repository at To populate that directory, we feed our Maven artifacts and some static HTML documentation into some Python code. That code then generates files that can then be checked into

Pre-flight Check List

To do all this, you'll need:

  • Python >=2.4, <3
  • Maven >=2.2
  • Java >=1.5
  • Subversion >=1.6
  • Internet connection
  • ~ 70MiB free disk space

Publish the Site

To publish the site, just follow these steps:


driven using the Jekyll blogging framework. You can find Jekyll installation instructions here.

titleJekyll Install

On a Mac, you may need to

brew install ruby
gem install jekyll

You may then need


You can install them both with gem install.


To start the Jekyll hosted website checkout the OODT source code from https://git-wip-us



Now you can tell someone with permissions on to "svn checkout" or "svn update" in the /www/ from the repository

Snow Leopard Users

The Python 2.6 on Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6.4) fails. Instead, build your own Python by checkout out

Post-Publication Steps

After the site is published, do the following:

  1. Add 2 jiggers gin to a metal cocktail shaker
  2. Add a dash of dry vermouth
  3. Add a bunch of ice chunks
  4. Fit a pint glass snugly into the metal shaker and shake until well chilled
  5. Remove pint glass and affix spring-loaded strainer
  6. Strain contents into a chilled cocktail glass
  7. Garnish with an olive or lemon peel for a martini, or use a pearl onion for a gibson

Repeat the above once (for elegance), twice (if lush), or until unconscious (if addicted---then seek help).

The Buildout Configuration

The following should go into the buildout.cfg file in your play area:




oodt.git and then switch to the site-dev branch. This is the branch that contains all of the website source files and some configuration options that Jenkins understands. In this directory run: 

jekyll serve

Assuming it starts correctly you can then find the OODT website hosted on http://localhost:4000 . Jekyll will rebuild the website for every change you make and stores them in the _site directory, ensure that directory isn't committed to the git repo as its a working directory.

Automatic modules

There are a couple of pieces of the website we build dynamically. Firstly the PMC list on should update when you build or serve the webapp, this of course relies on a working internet connection and access to the ASF phonebook.

Secondly the release downloads and latest version is dynamically generated. To add a new release edit _config.yml inside you will find a release section that looks like:

- version: "1.0"
date: JUN-2016
pgp_signature: 783CE7BB Tom Barber

Add the latest release to the top in the same format and rebuild the site and it should add the latest details to the download page.

Building the OODT site docs

You will need to:

  1. git checkout master
  2. mvn site:stage
  3. Copy the contents of target/staging/ to the asf-site branch in Apache OODT github

Publishing the changes

To publish the changes first we need to build the website:

jekyll build

This will put the site into the _site directory. Then you need to move all the contents of the _site directory into the asf-site branch in the git repository. Currently its easiest just to copy the files elsewhere then checkout asf-site and move all the files back into the git working tree. Once this is done git add all, commit and push it back to the ASF git repository. After a few minutes the changes should then be reflected on