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What is ACID and why should you use it?

Go to linkACID stands for four traits of database transactions:  Atomicity (an operation either succeeds completely or fails, it does not leave partial data), Consistency (once an application performs an operation the results of that operation are visible to it in every subsequent operation), Isolation (an incomplete operation by one user does not cause unexpected side effects for other users), and Durability (once an operation is complete it will be preserved even in the face of machine or system failure).  These traits have long been expected of database systems as part of their transaction functionality.  


  • BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK are not yet supported.  All language operations are auto-commit.  The plan is to support these in a future release. 
  • Only ORC file format is supported in this first release.   The feature has been built such that transactions can be used by any storage format that can determine how updates or deletes apply to base records (basically, that has an explicit or implicit row id), but so far the integration work has only been done for ORC.
  • By default transactions are configured to be off.  See the Configuration section below for a discussion of which values need to be set to configure it.
  • Tables must be bucketed to make use of these features.  Tables in the same system not using transactions and ACID do not need to be bucketed. External tables cannot be made ACID tables since the changes on external tables are beyond the control of the compactor (HIVE-13175).
  • Reading/writing to an ACID table from a non-ACID session is not allowed. In other words, the Hive transaction manager must be set to org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager in order to work with ACID tables.
  • At this time only snapshot level isolation is supported.  When a given query starts it will be provided with a consistent snapshot of the data.  There is no support for dirty read, read committed, repeatable read, or serializable.  With the introduction of BEGIN the intention is to support snapshot isolation for the duration of transaction rather than just a single query.  Other isolation levels may be added depending on user requests.
  • The existing ZooKeeper and in-memory lock managers are not compatible with transactions.  There is no intention to address this issue.  See Basic Design below for a discussion of how locks are stored for transactions.Schema changes using ALTER TABLE is NOT supported for ACID tables. HIVE-11421 is tracking it.  Fixed in 1.3.0/2.0.0.
  • Using Oracle as the Metastore DB and "datanucleus.connectionPoolingType=BONECP" may generate intermittent "No such lock.." and "No such transaction..." errors.  Setting "datanucleus.connectionPoolingType=DBCP" is recommended in this case. 
  • LOAD DATA... statement is not supported with transactional tables.  (This was not properly enforced until HIVE-16732)


As operations modify the table more and more delta files are created and need to be compacted to maintain adequate performance.  There are three types of compactions, minor, major and rebalance.

  • Minor compaction takes a set of existing delta files and rewrites them to a single delta file per bucket.
  • Major compaction takes one or more delta files and the base file for the bucket and rewrites them into a new base file per bucket.  Major compaction is more expensive but is more effective.
  • More information about rebalance compaction can be found here: Rebalance compaction


A new logical entity called "transaction manager"  was added which incorporated previous notion of "database/table/partition lock manager" (hive.lock.manager with default of orgof org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.zookeeper.ZooKeeperHiveLockManager). The transaction manager is now additionally responsible for managing of transactions locks. The default DummyTxnManager emulates behavior of old Hive versions: has no transactions and uses hiveuses hive.lock.manager property to create lock manager for tables, partitions and databases. A newly added DbTxnManager manages DbTxnManager manages all locks/transactions in Hive metastore with DbLockManager (transactions and locks are durable in the face of server failure). This means that previous behavior behaviour of locking in ZooKeeper is not present anymore when transactions are enabled. To avoid clients dying and leaving transaction or locks dangling, a heartbeat is sent from lock holders and transaction initiators to the metastore on a regular basis.  If a heartbeat is not received in the configured amount of time, the lock or transaction will be aborted.

As of Hive 1.3.0, the The length of time that the DbLockManger will continue to try to acquire locks can be controlled via hive.lock.numretires and hive.lock.sleep.between.retries.  When the DbLockManager cannot acquire a lock (due to existence of a competing lock), it will back off and try again after a certain time period.  In order to support short running queries and not overwhelm the metastore at the same time, the DbLockManager will double the wait time after each retry.  The initial back off time is 100ms and is capped by hive.lock.sleep.between.retries.  hive.lock.numretries is the total number of times it will retry a given lock request.  Thus the total time that the call to acquire locks will block (given values of 100 retries and 60s sleep time) is (100ms + 200ms + 400ms + ... + 51200ms + 60s + 60s + ... + 60s) = 91m:42s:300ms.


Client Side


Whether to run the cleaner thread on this metastore instance.

Before Hive 4.0.0 Cleaner thread can be started/stopped with config hive.compactor.initiator.on. This config helps to enable/disable initiator/cleaner threads independently

Configuration key





Default: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DummyTxnManager

Value required for transactions: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager


DummyTxnManager replicates pre Hive-0.13 behavior and provides no transactions.

hive.txn.strict.locking.modeDefault: true

Client/ HiveServer2

In strict mode non-ACID resources use standard R/W lock semantics, e.g. INSERT will acquire exclusive lock. In non-strict mode, for non-ACID resources, INSERT will only acquire shared lock, which allows two concurrent writes to the same partition but still lets lock manager prevent DROP TABLE etc. when the table is being written to (as of Hive 2.2.0).

hive.txn.timeout deprecated. Use metastore.txn.timeout  instead

Default: 300



Time after which transactions are declared aborted if the client has not sent a heartbeat, in seconds. It's critical that this property has the same value for all components/services.5

hive.txn.heartbeat.threadpool.size deprecated - but still in useDefault: 5



The number of threads to use for heartbeating (as of Hive 1.3.0 and 2.0.0).
hive.timedout.txn.reaper.start deprecatedDefault: 100sMetastoreTime delay of first reaper (the process which aborts timed-out transactions) run after the metastore starts (as of Hive 1.3.0). Controls AcidHouseKeeperServcie above.

hive.timedout.txn.reaper.interval deprecated

Default: 180sMetastore

Time interval describing how often the reaper (the process which aborts timed-out transactions) runs (as of Hive 1.3.0). Controls AcidHouseKeeperServcie above. deprecated. Use instead

Default: 1000


Maximum number of transactions that can be fetched in one call to open_txns().1 deprecated. Use instead.Default: 100000



Maximum number of open transactions. If current open transactions reach this limit, future open transaction requests will be rejected, until the number goes below the limit. (As of Hive 1.3.0 and 2.1.0.) deprecated. Use instead.DefaultDefault: 1s



Time in seconds between checks to count open transactions (as of Hive 1.3.0 and 2.1.0).
hive.txn.retryable.sqlex.regex deprecated. Use metastore.txn.retryable.sqlex.regex instead.Default: "" (empty string)



Comma separated list of regular expression patterns for SQL state, error code, and error message of retryable SQLExceptions, that's suitable for the Hive metastore database (as of Hive 1.3.0 and 2.1.0).

For an example, see Configuration Properties.


Default: false

Value required for transactions: true (for exactly one instance of the Thrift metastore service)


Enables merge-based compaction which is a compaction optimization when few ORC delta files are present


Default: 60s


Time in seconds that drives the update interval of compaction_initiator_duration metric.
Smaller value results in a fine grained metric update.
This updater can be turned off if its value less than or equals to zero.
In this case the above metric will be update only after the initiator completed one cycle.
The hive.compactor.initiator.on must be turned on (true) in-order to enable the Initiator,
otherwise this setting has no effect.

hive.compactor.initiator.on deprecated. Use 

metastore.compactor.initiator.on instead.

Whether to run the initiator thread on this metastore instance. Prior to Hive 1.3.0 it's critical that this is enabled on exactly one standalone metastore service instance (not enforced yet).

As of Hive 1.3.0 this property may be enabled on any number of standalone metastore instances.


Default: false

Value required for transactions: true (for exactly one instance of the Thrift metastore service)



Default: 0

Value required for transactions: > 0 on at least one instance of the Thrift metastore service


How many compactor worker threads to run on this metastore instance.2


Default: 86400


Time in seconds after which a compaction job will be declared failed and the compaction re-queued. 5000MetastoreTime in milliseconds between runs of the cleaner thread. (Hive 0.14.0 and later.)


Default: 300


Time in seconds between checks to see if any tables or partitions need to be compacted.3

Default: 10


Number of delta directories in a table or partition that will trigger a minor compaction.

Default: 0.1


Percentage (fractional) size of the delta files relative to the base that will trigger a major compaction. 1 = 100%, so the default 0.1 = 10%.


Default: 1000


Number of aborted transactions involving a given table or partition that will trigger a major compaction.

hive.compactor.aborted.txn.time.thresholdDefault: 12hMetastoreAge of table/partition's oldest aborted transaction when compaction will be triggered. Default time unit is: hours. Set to a negative number to disable.

Default: 500MetastoreMaximum number of delta files that the compactor will attempt to handle in a single job (as of Hive 1.3.0).4


Default: "" (empty string) Metastore Used to specify name of Hadoop queue to which Compaction jobs will be submitted. Set to empty string to let Hadoop choose the queue (as of Hive 1.3.0).
Compaction History


Default: 3MetastoreNumber of successful compaction entries to retain in history (per partition).


Default: 3MetastoreNumber of failed compaction entries to retain in history (per partition).


Default: 2MetastoreNumber of attempted compaction entries to retain in history (per partition).


Default: 2MetastoreNumber of of consecutive failed compactions for a given partition after which the Initiator will stop attempting to schedule compactions automatically. It is still possible to use ALTER TABLE to initiate compaction. Once a manually initiated compaction succeeds auto initiated compactions will resume. Note that this must be less than hive.compactor.history.retention.failed.


Default: 2mMetastoreControls how often the process to purge historical record of compactions runs.

one instance of the Thrift metastore service)


Whether to run the initiator thread on this metastore instance. Prior to Hive 1.3.0 it's critical that this is enabled on exactly one standalone metastore service instance (not enforced yet).

As of Hive 1.3.0 this property may be enabled on any number of standalone metastore instances.


Default: 60s


Time in seconds that drives the update interval of compaction_cleaner_duration metric.
Smaller value results in a fine grained metric update.
This updater can be turned off if its value less than or equals to zero.
In this case the above metric will be update only after the cleaner completed one cycle.

hive.compactor.cleaner.on deprecated. Use 

metastore.compactor.cleaner.on instead.

Default: false

Value required for transactions: true (for exactly one instance of the Thrift metastore service)


Whether to run the cleaner thread on this metastore instance.

Before Hive 4.0.0 Cleaner thread can be started/stopped with config hive.compactor.initiator.on. This config helps to enable/disable initiator/cleaner threads independently


Default: 1


Enables parallelization of the cleaning directories after compaction, that includes many file 
related checks and may be expensive


Default: true


Whether the compactor should compact insert-only tables. A safety switch.


Default: false

HiveServer2Means compaction on full CRUD tables is done via queries. Compactions on insert-only tables will always run via queries regardless of the value of this configuration.

Default: true

HiveServer2If set to true MAJOR compaction 
will gather stats if there are stats already associated with the table/partition.
Turn this off to save some resources and the stats are not used anyway.
This is a replacement for the HIVE_MR_COMPACTOR_GATHER_STATS config, and works both for MR and Query based 

Default: 7d

MetastoreTime after Initiator will ignore metastore.compactor.initiator.failed.compacts.threshold 
and retry with compaction again. This will try to auto heal tables with previous failed compaction 
without manual intervention. Setting it to 0 or negative value will disable this feature.

Default: 6h

MetastoreInitiator cycle duration after which a warning will be logged. 
Default time unit is: hours

Default: 12h

MetastoreInitiator cycle duration after which an error will be logged. 
Default time unit is: hours

Default: 10800ms

HiveServer2Time in milliseconds for which a worker threads goes into sleep before starting another iteration 
in case of no launched job or error

Default: 320000ms

HiveServer2Max time in milliseconds for which a worker threads goes into sleep before starting another iteration 
used for backoff in case of no launched job or error

hive.compactor.worker.threads deprecated. Use 

metastore.compactor.worker.threads instead.

Default: 0

Value required for transactions: > 0 on at least one instance of the Thrift metastore service


How many compactor worker threads to run on this metastore instance.2


Default: 86400s


Time in seconds after which a compaction job will be declared failed and the compaction re-queued. 5000msMetastoreTime in milliseconds between runs of the cleaner thread. (Hive 0.14.0 and later.)


Default: 300s


Time in seconds between checks to see if any tables or partitions need to be compacted.3

Default: 10


Number of delta directories in a table or partition that will trigger a minor compaction.

Default: 0.1


Percentage (fractional) size of the delta files relative to the base that will trigger a major compaction. 1 = 100%, so the default 0.1 = 10%.


Default: 1000


Number of aborted transactions involving a given table or partition that will trigger a major compaction.

hive.compactor.aborted.txn.time.thresholdDefault: 12hMetastoreAge of table/partition's oldest aborted transaction when compaction will be triggered. Default time unit is: hours. Set to a negative number to disable.

Default: 500MetastoreMaximum number of delta files that the compactor will attempt to handle in a single job (as of Hive 1.3.0).4


Default: "" (empty string) Metastore Used to specify name of Hadoop queue to which Compaction jobs will be submitted. Set to empty string to let Hadoop choose the queue (as of Hive 1.3.0).

Default: 1HiveServer2Enables parallelization of the checkForCompaction operation, that includes many file metadata checks
and may be expensive
hive.split.grouping.modeDefault: query (Allowed values: query, compactor)HiveServer2This is set to compactor from within the query based compactor. This enables the Tez SplitGrouper 
to group splits based on their bucket number, so that all rows from different bucket files 
 for the same bucket number can end up in the same bucket file after the compaction.


Default: trueHiveServer2

Ensures commands with OVERWRITE (such as INSERT OVERWRITE) acquire Exclusive locks for

transactional tables. This ensures that inserts (w/o overwrite) running concurrently

are not hidden by the INSERT OVERWRITE.


Default: trueHiveServer2

Manages concurrency levels for ACID resources. Provides better level of query parallelism by enabling 
shared writes and write-write conflict resolution at the commit step.
- If true - exclusive writes are used:
  - UPDATE/DELETE acquire EXCL_WRITE locks
  - INSERT acquires SHARED_READ locks
- If false - shared writes, transaction is aborted in case of conflicting changes:


Default: trueHiveServer2

Whether to collect additional acid related metrics outside of the acid metrics service. 
(metastore.metrics.enabled and/or hive.server2.metrics.enabled are also required to be set to true.)

Compaction History

hive.compactor.history.retention.succeeded deprecated. Use 

metastore.compactor.history.retention.succeeded instead
Default: 3MetastoreNumber of successful compaction entries to retain in history (per partition).

hive.compactor.history.retention.failed deprecated. Use 

metastore.compactor.history.retention.failed instead.
Default: 3MetastoreNumber of failed compaction entries to retain in history (per partition).

hive.compactor.history.retention.attempted deprecated. Use 

metastore.compactor.history.retention.did.not.initiate instead.
Default: 2MetastoreNumber of attempted compaction entries to retain in history (per partition).

hive.compactor.initiator.failed.compacts.threshold deprecated. Use 

metastore.compactor.initiator.failed.compacts.threshold instead.
Default: 2MetastoreNumber of of consecutive failed compactions for a given partition after which the Initiator will stop attempting to schedule compactions automatically. It is still possible to use ALTER TABLE to initiate compaction. Once a manually initiated compaction succeeds auto initiated compactions will resume. Note that this must be less than hive.compactor.history.retention.failed.

Default: 2 (Allowed between 1 and 20)MetastoreNumber of consecutive compaction failures (per table/partition) 
after which automatic compactions will not be scheduled any more.  Note that this must be less 
than hive.compactor.history.retention.failed.

hive.compactor.history.reaper.interval deprecated. 

metastore.acid.housekeeper.interval handles it.
Default: 2mMetastoreControls how often the process to purge historical record of compactions runs.

ACID metrics


Default: 300sMetastoreTime in seconds between acid related metric collection runs.

Default: trueMetastoreWhether to run acid related metrics collection on this metastore instance. 100MetastoreThe minimum number of active delta files a table/partition must have in order to be included in the ACID metrics report.

Default: 0.01MetastorePercentage (fractional) size of the delta files relative to the base directory. Deltas smaller than this threshold 
count as small deltas. Default 0.01 = 1%.)
metastore.deltametrics.max.cache.sizeDefault: 100 (Allowed between 0 and 500)MetastoreSize of the ACID metrics cache, i.e. max number of partitions and unpartitioned tables with the 
most deltas that will be included in the lists of active, obsolete and small deltas. 
Allowed range is 0 to 500. 100MetastoreThe minimum number of obsolete delta files a table/partition must have in order to be included in the ACID metrics report. controls how many transactions streaming agents such as Flume or Storm open simultaneously.  The streaming agent then writes that number of entries into a single file (per Flume agent or Storm bolt).  Thus increasing this value decreases the number of delta files created by streaming agents.  But it also increases the number of open transactions that Hive has to track at any given time, which may negatively affect read performance.


5If the value is not the same active transactions may be determined to be "timed out" and consequently Aborted.  This will result in errors like "No such transaction...", "No such lock ..."

Configuration Values to Set



In addition to the new parameters listed above, some existing parameters need to be set to support INSERT ... VALUES, UPDATE, and DELETE.


If the data in your system is not owned by the Hive user (i.e., the user that the Hive metastore runs as), then Hive will need permission to run as the user who owns the data in order to perform compactions.  If you have already set up HiveServer2 to impersonate users, then the only additional work to do is assure that Hive has the right to impersonate users from the host running the Hive metastore.  This is done by adding the hostname to hadoop.proxyuser.hive.hosts in Hadoop's core-site.xml file.  If you have not already done this, then you will need to configure Hive to act as a proxy user.  This requires you to set up keytabs for the user running the Hive metastore and add hadoop.proxyuser.hive.hosts and hadoop.proxyuser.hive.groups to Hadoop's core-site.xml file.  See the Hadoop documentation on secure mode for your version of Hadoop (e.g., for Hadoop 2.5.1 it is at Hadoop in Secure Mode).

Compaction pooling

More in formation on compaction pooling can be found here: Compaction pooling


If a table is to be used in ACID writes (insert, update, delete) then the table property "transactional=true"  must must be set on that table, starting with Hive 0.14.0. Note, once a table has been defined as an ACID table via TBLPROPERTIES ("transactional"="true"), it cannot be converted back to a non-ACID table, i.e., changing TBLPROPERTIES ("transactional"="false") is not allowed. Also, hive.txn.manager must be set to org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager either in hive-site.xml or in the beginning of the session before any query is run.  Without Without those, inserts will be done in the old style; updates and deletes will be prohibited prior to HIVE-11716.  Since HIVE-11716 operations . Operations on ACID tables without DbTxnManager are not allowed.  However, this does not apply to Hive 0.13.0. Additional to "transactional=true", "transactional_properties=insert_only" can be defined to allow only insert transactions.

If a table owner does not wish the system to automatically determine when to compact, then the table property "NO_AUTO_COMPACTION" can be set.  This will prevent all automatic compactions.  Manual compactions can still be done with Alter Table/Partition Compact statements.

Table properties are set with the TBLPROPERTIES clause when a table is created or altered, as described in the Create Table and Alter Table Properties sections of Hive Data Definition Language. The "transactional" and "NO_AUTO_COMPACTION" table properties are case-sensitive in Hive releases 0.x and 1.0, but they are case-insensitive starting with release 1.1.0 (HIVE-8308).insensitive.

More compaction related options can be set via TBLPROPERTIES as of Hive 1.3.0 and 2.1.0. They can be set at both table-level via CREATE TABLE, and on request-level via ALTER TABLE/PARTITION COMPACT.  These are used to override the Warehouse/table wide settings.  For example, to override an MR property to affect a compaction job, one can add "compactor.<mr property name>=<value>" in either CREATE TABLE statement or when launching a compaction explicitly via ALTER TABLE.  The "<mr property name>=<value>" will be set on JobConf of the compaction MR job.   Similarly, "tblprops.<prop name>=<value>" can be used to set/override any table property which is interpreted by the code running on the cluster.  Finally, "compactorthreshold.<prop name>=<value>" can be used to override properties from the "New Configuration Parameters for Transactions"  table table above that end with ".threshold" and control when compactions are triggered by the system.  Examples:


Code Block
titleExample: Set compaction options in TBLPROPERTIES at request level
ALTER TABLE table_name COMPACT 'minor' 
   WITH OVERWRITE TBLPROPERTIES (""="3072");  -- specify compaction map job properties
ALTER TABLE table_name COMPACT 'major'
   WITH OVERWRITE TBLPROPERTIES ("tblprops.orc.compress.size"="8192");         -- change any other Hive table properties

Talks and Presentations

The Art of Compaction by Kokila N at a Cloudera meetup.

Transactional Operations In Hive by Eugene Koifman at Dataworks Summit 2017, San Jose, CA, USA
