Versions Compared


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Changes from  JEE 5

Latest Package(s) 

Milestone Build
(Initial Drop)

Web Application Technologies







Servlet 3.0

JSR 315

Upgrade from Servlet 2.5



Java Server Pages

JSP 2.2

JSR 245

Maintenance update from JSP 2.1



Expression Language 2.2

EL 2.2

JSR 245

Maintenance update from JSP 2.1



JSP Debug

JSP Debug 1.0

JSR 45

Unchanged for Java EE 6.0



Java Server Faces

JSF 2.0

JSR 314

Upgrade from JSF 1.2



Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library

JSTL 1.2

JSR 52

Unchanged from Java EE5



EJBs in war files


JSR 316

New support for web profile

Geronimo/OpenEJB 3.1


Global JNDI additions


JSR 316

New feature for Java EE 6

Geronimo implementation


Datasource resource definition


JSR 316

New feature for Java EE 6

Geronimo implementation








Enterprise Application Technologies






JavaBeans Activation Framework

JAF 1.1

JSR 925

Unchanged from Java EE 5

Geronimo implementation



JavaMail 1.4

JSR 919

Unchanged from Java EE 5

Geronimo implementation


Java Persistence API

JPA 2.0

JSR 317

Upgrade from JPA 2.0



Java Transactions API

JTA 1.1

JSR 907

Unchanged from Java EE 5

Geronimo implementation


Java Message Service API

JMS 1.1

JSR 914

Unchanged from Java EE 5



Java EE Connector Architecture

JCA 1.6

JSR 322

Upgrade from JCA 1.5

Geronimo implementation


Java Authorization Contract for Containers

JACC 1.4

JSR 115

Maintenance update

Geronimo implementation


Java Authorization SPI for Containers


JSR 196

New for Java EE 6

Geronimo implementation


Common Annotations for the Java Platform

Annotations 1.1

JSR 250

Upgrade from Annotations 1.0

Geronimo implementation


Enterprise JavaBeans

EJB 3.1

JSR 318

Upgrade from EJB 3.0

OpenEJB 3.1-Snapshot



Interceptors 1.1

JSR 318

Upgrade from EJB 3.0

OpenEJB 3.1-Snapshot


Bean Validation 1.0

Validation 1.0

JSR 302

New for Java EE 5

Glassfish RI


Managed Beans 1.0

Managed Beans 1.0

JSR 318

New for Java EE 5

OpenEJB 3.1-Snapshot


Dependency Injection for Java 1.0

DI 1.0

JSR 330

New for Java EE 5



Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java EE 1.0

CDI 1.0

JSR 299

New for Java EE 5















Java EE Management

Java EE Mgmt 1.1

JSR 77

Unchanged from Java EE 5

Geronimo implementation


Java EE Application Deployment

App Deploy 1.2

JSR 88

Unchanged from Java EE 5

Geronimo implementation








Web Services - Axis2






Implementing Web Services

WSEE 1.3-MR2

JSR 109

Maintenance Update for WSEE 1.3

Geronimo implementation


Java API for XML-Based Web Services

JAX-WS 2.2

JSR 224

New maintenance release

Axis2 implementation


Java API for RESTful Web Services

JAX-RS 1.1

JSR 311

New for Java EE 6

Wink implementation


Java Architecture for XML Binding

JAXB 2.2

JSR 222

New maintenance release

Glassfish JAXB Implementation 2.2


Java API for XML-Based RPC


JSR 101

Same as Java EE 5 

Axis2 1.5


Java API for XML Registries

JAXR 1.0

JSR 93

Same as Java EE 5

Scout 1.1


Web Service Metadata for the Java platform

WS Metadata 2.1

JSR 181

Unchanged from Java EE 5

Axis2 implementation


SOAP with Attachments API

SAAJ 1.3

JSR 67

Unchanged from Java EE 5

Axis2 implementation


Streaming API for XML

STAX 1.0

JSR 173

Unchanged from Java EE 5

Woodstox  3.2.8








Web Services - CXF






Implementing Web Services

WSEE 1.2

JSR 109

Maintenance Update from WSEE 1.1

Geronimo implementation


Java API for XML-Based Web Services

JAX-WS 2.2

Maintenance update from Java EE 5.0

CXF implementation 2.0-incubator-RC-SNAPSHOT


Java Architecture for XML Binding

JAXB 2.2

JSR 222

New maintenance release

Glassfish JAXB Implementation 2.2


Java API for XML-Based RPC


JSR 101

Same as Java EE 5 

Axis2 1.5


Java API for XML Registries

JAXR 1.0

JSR 93

Same as Java EE 5

Scout 1.1


Web Service Metadata for the Java platform

WS Metadata 2.1

JSR 181

Unchanged from Java EE 5.0

CXF implementation - 2.0-incubator-RC-SNAPSHOT


SOAP with Attachments API

SAAJ 1.3

JSR 67

Unchanged from Java EE 5

Glassfish SAAJ implementation 1.3


Streaming API for XML

STAX 1.0

JSR 173

New for Java EE 5.0

Woodstox  3.2.8














JDK 5.0 - Corba support



Unchanged from Javaa EE 5.0

Yoko-1.1 =SNAPSHOT








Web Profile Technologies







Servlet 3.0

JSR 315

Upgrade from Servlet 2.5



Java Server Pages

JSP 2.2

JSR 245

Maintenance update from JSP 2.1



Expression Language 2.2

EL 2.2

JSR 245

Maintenance update from JSP 2.1



JSP Debug

JSP Debug 1.0

JSR 45

Unchanged for Java EE 6.0



EJBs in war files


JSR 316

New support for web profile

Geronimo/OpenEJB 3.1


Global JNDI additions


JSR 316

New feature for Java EE 6

Geronimo implementation


Datasource resource definition


JSR 316

New feature for Java EE 6

Geronimo implementation


Java Server Pages

JSP 2.2

JSR 245

Maintenance update from JSP 2.1


Java Server Faces

JSF 2.0

JSR 314

Upgrade from JSF 1.2



Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library

Expression Language 2.2

EL 2 JSTL 1.2

JSR 52 245

Unchanged from Java EE5



Common Annotations for the Java Platform

Annotations 1.1

JSR 250

Upgrade from Annotations 1.0

Geronimo implementation


Enterprise JavaBeans Lite

EJB 3.1 Lite

JSR 318

Upgrade from EJB 3.0

OpenEJB 3.1-Snapshot


Maintenance update from JSP 2.1



JSP Debug

JSP Debug 1.0

JSR 45

Unchanged for Java EE 6.0



Java Server Faces


Java Persistence API

JPA 2.0

JSR 317 314

Upgrade from JPA JSF 1.2 .0

OpenJPA Myfaces-impl-2.0.0-M3 SNAPSHOT


Java Transactions API Server Pages Standard Tag Library

JSTL JTA 1.1 2

JSR 907 52

Unchanged from Java EE 5

Geronimo implementation


Bean Validation 1.0




Common Annotations for the Java Platform

Annotations 1.1

JSR 250

Upgrade from Annotations Validation 1.0

Geronimo implementation


Enterprise JavaBeans Lite

EJB 3.1 Lite

JSR 318

Upgrade from EJB 3.0

JSR 302

New for Java EE 5

Glassfish RI


Managed Beans 1.0

Managed Beans 1.0

JSR 318

New for Java EE 5

OpenEJB 3.1-Snapshot


Java Persistence API

JPA 2.0

JSR 317

Upgrade from JPA 2.0



Java Transactions API

JTA 1.1

JSR 907

Unchanged from

Dependency Injection for Java 1.0

DI 1.0

JSR 330

New for Java EE 5

OpenWebBeans Geronimo implementation


Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java EE Bean Validation 1.0

CDI Validation 1.0

JSR 299 302

New for Java EE 5

OpenWebBeans Glassfish RI


Basics of Java EE 6 Web Profile

Managed Beans 1.0

Managed Beans 1.0

JSR 318

New for Java EE 5

OpenEJB 3.1-Snapshot


Dependency Injection for Java 1.0

DI 1.0

JSR 330

New for Java EE 5



Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java EE 1.0

CDI 1.0

JSR 299

New for Java EE 5



Basics of Java EE 6 Web Profile

The Java EE 6 web profile is a specified minimal configuration targeted for small footprint servers that support "typical" The Java EE 6 web profile is a specified minimal configuration targeted for small footprint servers that support "typical" web applications.  The Web profile is a minimal specification, so an implementation is free to add additional services or allow applications to provision additional services.  The required elements of the web profile are:


As a first step in developing these, we might want to create a plugin group that is an embodiment of the web profile using the Java EE 5 components currently in Geronimo.  This will give use a platform for experimenting with how to configure the server for the smaller footprint and how to allow additional services to be added to the mimimal profile configuration.  Also, as Java EE 6 compatible implementations become available, we can create additional plugins that allow the newer versions to be swapped in to the configurations. 

Additional Component Details

The current known state for each of these components in Geronimo is detailed here.  Feel free to update this information as new details emerge.


According to the summary presented here:

Tomcat ReleasesThe Tomcat

plan is for a 7.0.x release that supports the Servlet Tomcat servlet 3.0 specification to be available as soon as the Servlet 3.0 spec finalizes.  This chart has an interesting note that this will support JSP 2.1 because there is no JSP actively in the works, with an alpha release planned for around March 1st, 2010. 

For Jetty, there is a similar project plan for an 8.0.x version also planned at the time Servlet 3.0 goes final. Current information suggests an alpha or beta release around March 1st.

Status of Java EE 6 Activity


Geronimo is currently relying on Jasper for the JSP implementation on Tomcat.  I'm not sure I understand what the Jetty story is on this, which is developed as part of the Tomcat community

Status of Java EE 6 Activity

I've not been able to locate many signs of activity on thisThe JSP 2.2 work is complete and passing the TCKs

Component:  Expression Language (EL) 2.2 (JSR-245)


Status of Java EE 6 Activity

This tends to be tightly coupled with the JSP providers, do it's difficult to say what the story is.The EL 2.2 work is complete and passing the TCKs. 

Component:  Debugging Support for Other Languages 1.0 (JSR-45)


The openwebbeans project is working on implementing this component and is already working with the Geronimo and OpenEJB communties to work on the integration issues.  There should be a feature complete beta available in February 2010 and it appears the target is for a TCK complete implementation to be available in April. This item will also require a significant amount of Geronimo integration work once it is available.

Additional Notes

A potential fallback might be to use the RI version, which has an ASL license.  However, there would still be sigificant integration work required for using this alternate version.  The amount has not be investigated yet, but it is assumed to be similar in extent to the openwebbeans effort + the additonal effort required to research how the integration needs to be accomplished.


There have been numerous discussions about creating an Apache project for implementing a Bean Validation component, but none of these proposals have managed to get off the ground as yet. Currently, using the reference implementation (which carries an ASL2 license) is looking like the most viable alternative.



Component: Interceptor 1.1 (JSR-318)

Current Geronimo Provider

OpenEJB 31.

Status of Java EE 6 Activity

This work effort is completely contained within the OpenEJB project.

Component: JCA 1.6 (JSR 322)

Current Geronimo Provider

Geronimo Implementation

Status of Java EE 6 Activity

The spec and implementation effort for this item appears complete.

Component: JACC 1.4 (JSR 115)

Current Geronimo Provider

Geronimo Implementation

Status of Java EE 6 Activity

The spec and implementation effort for this item appears complete.

Component: JASPIC 1.0 (JSR 196)

Current Geronimo Provider

Geronimo Implementation

Status of Java EE 6 Activity

The spec and implementation effort for this item appears complete.

Component: Web Services for Java EE 1.3-MR2 (JSR 115)

Current Geronimo Provider

Geronimo Implementation

Status of Java EE 6 Activity

Work has not started yet on this item, but this does not appear to be a large update.

Component: JAX-WS 2.2

Current Geronimo Provider

Currently using both Axis2 and CXF for the JAX-WS implementation.

Status of Java EE 6 Activity

Axis2 is not targeted for completion until October, 2010.
CXF does not currently have a plan in place for delivering JAX-WS-2.2 because of issues with dealing with endorsed dir requirements.

Component: JAX-RS 1.1 (JSR



Current Geronimo Provider

OpenEJB 31New for Java EE 6. We can chose between Wink and CXF as a JAX-RS provider.

Status of Java EE 6 Activity

This work effort is completely contained within the OpenEJB projectThe Wink implementation is complete and passes the JAX-RS TCK. CXF has not shipped a release with its JAX-RS stack yet, but it is under active development.