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The Build Lead role is a volunteer role with weekly rotations.

Date Range (reversed)WeekNameEmail#cassandra-dev slack










17Mick Semb Wevermck@apache.orgmck


16Dan Jatnieksdjatnieks@gmail.comDan Jatnieks




14Josh McKenziejmckenzie@apache.orgjmckenzie


13Josh McKenziejmckenzie@apache.orgjmckenzie


12Mick Semb Wevermck@apache.orgmck




10Derek Chen-Beckerapache@chen-becker.orgdchenbecker


9Derek Chen-Beckerapache@chen-becker.orgdchenbecker


8Mick Semb Wevermck@apache.orgmck




6German Eichbergergeeichbe@microsoft.comxgerman


5Dan Jatnieksdjatnieks@gmail.comDan Jatnieks


4Claude Warrenclaude.warren@aiven.ioClaude Warren


3Caleb Rackliffecalebrackliffe@gmail.comCaleb Rackliffe


2Mick Semb Wevermck@apache.orgmck

See child pages for past years.


  1. Check for new failures on the details page for each branch in the bottom right where it says detailed history:
  2. Look for failing tests without a JIRA link; in the following example see the top test "TestCQLNodes2RF1_Upgrade_current_4_0_x_To_indev_trunk:
  3. For failing tests without a linked item we have a couple workflows depending on where the commit occurred as well as what type of failure it is:
    1. Single commit on trunk:
      1. If intermittent, create a new JIRA ticket w/"intermittent failure" in the summary for the failure and link it in Butler
      2. If consistent, git revert the SHA that introduced the failure, re-open the original JIRA ticket, and leave a note for the original assignee about the breakage they introduced.
    2. Commit on older LTS branch w/merge commits:
      1. If intermittent, create a new JIRA ticket w/"intermittent failure" in the summary for the failure and link it in Butler
      2. If consistent, create a new JIRA ticket for the failure, link it in Butler, and set assignee to the individual that introduced the failure and notify them in the comments in the JIRA ticket

Build infra:




  • If there are any build failures due to infra issues (say running out of disk space on Jenkins) either from the weekly cci run or when checking Butler problems, file or find existing JIRA


  • Link failures to JIRA via the "Link selected failures" button:
  • Create new failure tickets in the ASF C* JIRA.
  • CI on Jenkins is run on every commit so for consistently failing tests (> 1 run failed on butler) it should be immediately clear which commit introduced the failure.
  • For failures with "Timeout occurred. Please note the time in the report does not reflect the time until the timeout", we can ignore them , as it's considered test-infrastructure failures. And CASSANDRA-18137 is working on this kind of failures already. 

  • [Optional] Loop failing tests locally using tools/dev/ci-test-loop (PENDING CONTRIBUTION), which relies on tools/dev/ci-test (PENDING CONTRIBUTION) for a number of iterations to determine if it's consistent or intermittent. If intermittent, reflect in subject of the created JIRA ticket for the failure.CI on Jenkins is run on every commit so for consistently failing tests (> 1 run failed on butler) it should be immediately clear which commit introduced the failure.