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Kafka has a built-in framework called Kafka Connect for writing sources and sinks that either continuously ingest data into Kafka or continuously ingest data in Kafka into external systems. The connectors themselves for different applications or data systems are federated and maintained separately from the main code base. You can find a list of them here An externally hosted list of connectors is maintained by Confluent at the Confluent Hub.

Distributions & Packaging

Stream Processing

Hadoop Integration

  • Kafka Connect sink Confluent HDFS Connector - A sink connector for the Kafka 's connector framework.Connect framework for writing data from Kafka to Hadoop HDFS
  • Camus - LinkedIn's Kafka=>HDFS pipeline. This one is used for all data at LinkedIn, and works great.
  • Kafka Hadoop Loader A different take on Hadoop loading functionality from what is included in the main distribution.
  • Flume - Contains Kafka Source source (consumer) and Sink sink (producer)
  • KaBoom - A high-performance HDFS data loader

Database Integration

Search and Query

Management Consoles

  • Kafka ManagerA tool for managing Apache Kafka.
  • kafkat - Simplified command-line administration for Kafka brokers.
  • Kafka Web Console - Displays information about your Kafka cluster including which nodes are up and what topics they host data for.
  • Kafka Offset Monitor - Displays the state of all consumers and how far behind the head of the stream they are.
  • Capillary Displays the state and deltas of Kafka-based Apache Storm topologies. Supports Kafka >= 0.8. It also provides an API for fetching this information for monitoring purposes.
  • Doctor Kafka - Service for cluster auto healing and workload balancing.
  • Cruise Control - Fully automate the dynamic workload rebalance and self-healing of a Kafka cluster.
  • Burrow - Monitoring companion that provides consumer lag checking as a service without the need for specifying thresholds.
  • Chaperone - An audit system that monitors the completeness and latency of data stream.
  • Sematext integration for Kafka monitoring that collects and charts 200+ Kafka metrics
  • Xinfra Monitor - A framework that monitors and exposes metrics showing availability and performance of Kafka clusters and mirrored pipelines.

AWS Integration


Flume - Kafka plugins


Packing and Deployment
