Versions Compared


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Current state: Under Discussion Accepted

Discussion thread: here


serverASF JIRA


Code Block
case class Broker(id: Int, endPoints: Map[SecurityProtocol, EndPoint], rack: Option[String] = None)

rack will be an optional field of version 3 JSON schema for a broker. The API ZkUtils.registerBrokerInZk will be updated to increment the JSON version.


  • Rack will be included in inter-broker protocol. Therefore, rolling upgrade requires these steps:
    1. Update file on all brokers and add the following property:<old version> (for example, 0.9.0).X
    2. Upgrade the brokers. This can be done a broker at a time by simply bringing it down, updating the code, and restarting it.
    3. Once the entire cluster is upgraded, bump the protocol version by editing and setting it to new version, for example, 0.910.10.
    4. Restart the brokers one by one for the new protocol version to take effect
  • Rack property will be included in version 3 broker JSON schema and version 2 of UpdateMetaDataRequestUpdateMetadataRequest. Controller will include version specific broker information in its wire format so that broker with old version can still interoperate with broker with new version and rack.
  • Due to a bug introduced in in API ZkUtilsZkUtils.getBrokerInfo(), old clients will throw an exception when it sees the broker JSON version is not 1 or 2. Therefore, a minor release is required to first fix the problem first so that old clients can parse future version of broker JSON for broker in ZooKeeper. That means all clients must upgrade be upgraded to before 0.910.1 0 upgrade can start. In addition, as since ZkUtils.getBrokerInfo() is also used by broker, version specific code has to be used when registering broker with ZooKeeper. This is outlined as follows:

    • When is set to 0.9.0.X, the broker will write
      the broker info in ZK using version 2, ignoring the rack info.

    • When is set to 0.910.10, the broker will write
      the broker info in ZK using version 3, including the rack info.

    • If one follows the upgrade process, after the 2nd round of rolling bounces,
      every broker is capable of parsing version 3 of broker info in ZK. This is
      when the rack-aware feature will be used.