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There are several extra properties that may need to be set to provide the additional bits of information to the runtime. Note that you should check that a particular property is supported in the version of CXF you are using. First, see the Security Configuration page for information on the configuration tags that are shared with the JAX-RS XML Security component. Here are configuration tags that only apply to the WS-SecurityPolicy layer, and hence all start with "ws-security" (as opposed to the common tags which now start with "security-").


Boolean WS-Security configuration tags, e.g. the value should be "true" or "false".






Whether to validate the password of a received UsernameToken or not.



Whether to always encrypt UsernameTokens that are defined as a SupportingToken. This should not be set to false in a production environment, as it exposes the password (or the digest of the password) on the wire.


Whether to ensure compliance with the Basic Security Profile (BSP) 1.1 or not.



Whether to self-sign a SAML Assertion or not. If this is set to true, then an enveloped signature will be generated when the SAML Assertion is constructed. Only applies up to CXF 2.7.x.



Whether to cache UsernameToken nonces. See here for more information.



Whether to cache Timestamp Created Strings. See here for more information.

ws-security.enable.saml.cache(varies)Whether to cache SAML2 Token Identifiers, if the token contains a "OneTimeUse" Condition.
ws-security.enable.streamingfalseWhether to enable streaming WS-Security.

Whether to return the security error message to the client, and not one of the default error QNames.


Set this to "false" in order to remove the SOAP mustUnderstand header from security headers generated based on a WS-SecurityPolicy. 3.1.3/
3.0.6 Whether to store bytes (CipherData or BinarySecurityToken) in an attachment if MTOM is enabled. True by default in CXF 3.1.x, false for CXF 3.0.x.

Non-boolean WS-Security Configuration parameters

timeToLiveThe time in seconds to append to the Creation value of an incoming Timestamp to determine whether to accept the Timestamp as valid or not. The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes)

CXF 3.1.5/3.0.8 Whether to use the STR (Security Token Reference) Transform when (externally) signing a SAML Token. The default is true.

futureTimeToLiveThe time in seconds in the future within which the Created time of an incoming Timestamp is valid. The default value is "60". See here for more information
prefixestrueCXF 3.1.7 Whether to add an InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList as a CanonicalizationMethod child when generating Signatures using WSConstants.C14N_EXCL_OMIT_COMMENTS.

The SpnegoClientAction implementation to use for SPNEGO. This allows the user to plug in a different implementation to obtain a service ticket.


This holds a reference to a ReplayCache instance used to cache UsernameToken nonces. The default instance that is used is the EHCacheReplayCache.


This holds a reference to a ReplayCache instance used to cache Timestamp Created Strings. The default instance that is used is the EHCacheReplayCache.

ws-security.saml.cache.instanceThis holds a reference to a ReplayCache instance used to cache SAML2 Token Identifiers, when the token has a "OneTimeUse" Condition. The default instance that is used is the EHCacheReplayCache.


Set this property to point to a configuration file for the underlying caching implementation. The default configuration file that is used is cxf-ehcache.xml in the cxf-rt-ws-security module.

The TokenStore instance to use to cache security tokens. By default this uses the EHCacheTokenStore if EhCache is available. Otherwise it uses the MemoryTokenStore.

ws-security.cache.identifierThe Cache Identifier to use with the TokenStore. CXF uses the following key to retrieve a token store: "<identifier>". This key can be used to configure service-specific cache configuration. If the identifier does not match, then it falls back to a cache configuration with key "". The default "<identifier>" is the QName of the service in question.


If one of the WSS4J Validators returns a JAAS Subject from Validation, then the WSS4JInInterceptor will attempt to create a SecurityContext based on this Subject. If this value is not specified, then it tries to get roles using the DefaultSecurityContext in cxf-rt-core. Otherwise it uses this value in combination with the SUBJECT_ROLE_CLASSIFIER_TYPE to get the roles from the Subject.


If one of the WSS4J Validators returns a JAAS Subject from Validation, then the WSS4JInInterceptor will attempt to create a SecurityContext based on this Subject. Currently accepted values are "prefix" or "classname". Must be used in conjunction with the SUBJECT_ROLE_CLASSIFIER. The default value is "prefix".


This configuration tag overrides the default Asymmetric Signature algorithm (RSA-SHA1) for use in WS-SecurityPolicy, as the WS-SecurityPolicy specification does not allow the use of other algorithms at present.


A PasswordEncryptor instance, which is used to encrypt or decrypt passwords in the Merlin Crypto implementation

ws-security.delegated.credentialA delegated credential to use for WS-Security. Currently only a Kerberos GSSCredential Object is supported. This is used to retrieve a service ticket instead of using the client credentials.

Validator implementations for validating received security tokens


The WSS4J Validator instance to use to validate UsernameTokens. The default value is the UsernameTokenValidator.


The WSS4J Validator instance to use to validate SAML 1.1 Tokens. The default value is the SamlAssertionValidator.


The WSS4J Validator instance to use to validate SAML 2.0 Tokens. The default value is the SamlAssertionValidator.


The WSS4J Validator instance to use to validate Timestamps. The default value is the TimestampValidator.


The WSS4J Validator instance to use to validate trust in credentials used in Signature verification. The default value is the SignatureTrustValidator.


The WSS4J Validator instance to use to validate BinarySecurityTokens. The default value is the NoOpValidator.


The WSS4J Validator instance to use to validate SecurityContextTokens. The default value is the NoOpValidator.

STS Client Configuration tags


CXF 3.3.3/3.2.10 Whether to search for and expand xop:Include Elements for encryption and signature (on the outbound side) or for signature verification (on the inbound side). This ensures that the actual bytes are signed, and not just the reference. The default is "true" if MTOM is enabled, false otherwise.

Non-boolean WS-Security Configuration parameters


The time in seconds to append to the Creation value of an incoming Timestamp to determine whether to accept the Timestamp as valid or not. The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).


The time in seconds in the future within which the Created time of an incoming Timestamp is valid. The default value is "60". See here for more information.


The SpnegoClientAction implementation to use for SPNEGO. This allows the user to plug in a different implementation to obtain a service ticket.


This holds a reference to a ReplayCache instance used to cache UsernameToken nonces. The default instance that is used is the EHCacheReplayCache.


This holds a reference to a ReplayCache instance used to cache Timestamp Created Strings. The default instance that is used is the EHCacheReplayCache.

ws-security.saml.cache.instanceThis holds a reference to a ReplayCache instance used to cache SAML2 Token Identifiers, when the token has a "OneTimeUse" Condition. The default instance that is used is the EHCacheReplayCache.


Set this property to point to a configuration file for the underlying caching implementation. The default configuration file that is used is cxf-ehcache.xml in the cxf-rt-ws-security module. From CXF 3.4.0, this cache file only applies to the TokenStore caching implementation, not for the WSS4J ReplayCache.

The TokenStore instance to use to cache security tokens. By default this uses the EHCacheTokenStore if EhCache is available. Otherwise it uses the MemoryTokenStore.

ws-security.cache.identifierThe Cache Identifier to use with the TokenStore. CXF uses the following key to retrieve a token store: "<identifier>". This key can be used to configure service-specific cache configuration. If the identifier does not match, then it falls back to a cache configuration with key "". The default "<identifier>" is the QName of the service in question.


If one of the WSS4J Validators returns a JAAS Subject from Validation, then the WSS4JInInterceptor will attempt to create a SecurityContext based on this Subject. If this value is not specified, then it tries to get roles using the DefaultSecurityContext in cxf-rt-core. Otherwise it uses this value in combination with the SUBJECT_ROLE_CLASSIFIER_TYPE to get the roles from the Subject.


If one of the WSS4J Validators returns a JAAS Subject from Validation, then the WSS4JInInterceptor will attempt to create a SecurityContext based on this Subject. Currently accepted values are "prefix" or "classname". Must be used in conjunction with the SUBJECT_ROLE_CLASSIFIER. The default value is "prefix".


This configuration tag overrides the default Asymmetric Signature algorithm (RSA-SHA1) for use in WS-SecurityPolicy, as the WS-SecurityPolicy specification does not allow the use of other algorithms at present.

ws-security.symmetric.signature.algorithmThis configuration tag overrides the default Symmetric Signature algorithm (HMAC-SHA1) for use in WS-SecurityPolicy, as the WS-SecurityPolicy specification does not allow the use of other algorithms at present.

A PasswordEncryptor instance, which is used to encrypt or decrypt passwords in the Merlin Crypto implementation

ws-security.delegated.credentialA delegated credential to use for WS-Security. Currently only a Kerberos GSSCredential Object is supported. This is used to retrieve a service ticket instead of using the client credentials.

CXF 3.1.9 The security token lifetime value (in milliseconds). The default is "300000" (5 minutes).

Validator implementations for validating received security tokens


The WSS4J Validator instance to use to validate UsernameTokens. The default value is the UsernameTokenValidator.


The WSS4J Validator instance to use to validate SAML 1.1 Tokens. The default value is the SamlAssertionValidator.


The WSS4J Validator instance to use to validate SAML 2.0 Tokens. The default value is the SamlAssertionValidator.


The WSS4J Validator instance to use to validate Timestamps. The default value is the TimestampValidator.


The WSS4J Validator instance to use to validate trust in credentials used in Signature verification. The default value is the SignatureTrustValidator.


The WSS4J Validator instance to use to validate BinarySecurityTokens. The default value is the NoOpValidator.


The WSS4J Validator instance to use to validate SecurityContextTokens. The default value is the NoOpValidator


A reference to the STSClient class used to communicate with the STS.


The "AppliesTo" address to send to the STS. The default is the endpoint address of the service provider.


If true, writes out an X509Certificate structure in UseKey/KeyInfo. If false (the default), writes out a KeyValue structure instead.

Whether to cancel a token when using SecureConversation after successful invocation. The default is "false".


Whether to fall back to calling "issue" after failing to renew an expired token. The default is "true".

Set this to "false" to not cache a SecurityToken per proxy object in the IssuedTokenInterceptorProvider. This should be done if a token is being retrieved from an STS in an intermediary. The default value is "true".


Whether to avoid STS client trying send WS-MetadataExchange call using STS EPR WSA address when the endpoint contract contains no WS-MetadataExchange info. The default value is "false".


A Crypto object to be used for the STS. See here for more information.

The Crypto property configuration to use for the STS. See here for more information.


The alias name in the keystore to get the user's public key to send to the STS for the PublicKey KeyType case.


The token to be sent to the STS in an "ActAs" field. See here for more information.


The token to be sent to the STS in an "OnBehalfOf" field. See here for more information.

ws-security.issue.after.failed.renewWhether to call "Issue" if a token "Renew" fails. Some STSs do not support the renew binding. Defaults to "true".ws-security.sts.token.imminent-expiry-valueThe value in seconds within which a token is considered to be expired by the client, i.e. it is considered to be expired if it will expire in a time less than the value specified by this tag. The default value is "10" for CXF 3.0.2+, and "0" for CXF 2.7.13+


Kerberos Configuration tags




ws-security.kerberos.request.credential.delegationfalseWhether to request credential delegation or not in the KerberosClient.
ws-security.kerberos.use.credential.delegationfalseWhether to use credential delegation or not in the KerberosClient. the Kerberos username is in servicename form or not.



A reference to the KerberosClient class used to obtain a service ticket.



The JAAS Context name to use for Kerberos.



The Kerberos Service Provider Name (spn) to use.

Configuring via Spring

The properties are easily configured as client or endpoint properties--use the former for the SOAP client, the latter for the web service provider.
