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BeanFlow is a lightweight Java library for building workflows using beans to orchestrate events. You can think of BeanFlow as a simple alternative to BPEL where the workflows are all specified and implemented using Java code rather than declarative XML.


When building highly concurrent or distributed applications it is very common for there to be many events happening; often asynchronously and in different threads and its very common to need to perform kinds of workflow or orchestration across these events.


First we'll give an overview of the two main interfaces in BeanFlow then we'll progress to concepts like timeouts and composing activities.

State class

We have a State<T> interface which is identical to the AtomicReference<T> interface included in java.util.concurrent in Java 5 apart from that it allows you to register listeners to the state. This makes it easy to respond to the changes in state.

One added detail is the that State<T> allows you to specify the Notifier implementation used to perform the notifications (which always occur outside of the semaphore to allow things to be re-entrant).

The default notifier used is the SynchronousNotifier but its easy to switch to an AsynchronousNotifier by just passing it into the constructor of the State<T> object.


An activity is just a POJO which implements the Activity interface; it has a simple lifecycle, you can start them and stop them and ask their status.


There is a useful base activity called TimeoutActivity which you can derive from to make your own activity which can be started/stopped/failed and which can be timed out.


Composition Activities



Performs a join on all the given child activities. So the activity waits until all the child activities have completed, then it completes itself. You can add additional constraints to the activity using derivation. The default is to wait for all the child activities to complete; though you can enable fast-fail mode so that the activity fails as soon as a child activity fails


This activity is useful for implementing clustering style activities where you want a quorum of activities to complete. e.g. if you have 5 child activities you want to wait for at least 3 activities to complete succesfully before continuing


Executes any Runnable or Callable on an Executor and complete the activity when it has completed so that it can be used in joins


Allows a collection of parallel Runnable or Callable objects to be performed on an Executor then performing some kind of join on them completing

Here is an example of performing joins using collections of child workflows


Join conditions

In workflows you often want to fork parallel steps and then join on certain events. You often have complex logic to decide on what the join condition is. e.g. in pseudo code


In BeanFlow we implement join conditions using regular Java code. The basic idea is that a Activity will listen to changes in a number of different State objects such as fields a, b and c. You can then write an activity bean to perform the join condition you need. When the condition is met you can then perform whatever logic you wish such as


Here is an example activity implemented in Java code for the above code.



Building workflows

So we've been over the basics of activities and showed how we can perform joins along with compose them. Remember they are just Java bean so you can implement them however you wish.


So we have a base class called Workflow which adds a new State object for the current step (which allows actvities to listen to the step changing) together with helper methods for moving to different steps, for suspending and so forth.


There now follows a simple workflow example...



As you can see the step is defined by an enumeration Step and we have a regular Java method to implement each step. The step method can then return the step to go to next after the current method terminates. If you return null or use a void method then the workflow suspends.


  • suspending workflows (such as when they wait for external events such as user input or an asynchronous message to arrive)
  • looping & using predicates
  • forking and joining child activities
  • declaratively moving from one step to another



In the above example, each workflow step is implemented as a method. If the method returns a String it is interpreted as the next step which will be executed. Returning null (or using a void return type) will suspend the workflow.


To avoid typos between the workflow step enum and the methods in the workflow class, on startup we check that there are suitable methods available for the enum. Many thanks to Sam for this idea! (smile) e.g. the following bad workflow is automatically caught and a useful error is generated.

