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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3



Similar steps need to be followed with IDEA Intellij as well.

Setting up the Code Formatter 

See Sqoop 2 Coding Guidelines

Quick commands to compile and run tests


Code Block
mvn clean integration-test -Dtest=org.apache.sqoop.integration.connector.jdbc.generic.FromRDBMSToHDFSTest -DfailIfNoTests=false


Build sqoop :

No Format
mvn package


Optionally you can build Sqoop with skipping tests ( both unit tests and integration tests )

Code Block
mvn package -DskipTests


Other handy commands that does build and run all tests from scratch

Code Block
mvn verify
mvn clean install

Creating Sqoop binaries

Now build and package Sqoop2 binary distribution:

No Format
mvn package -Pbinary

mvn package -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Pbinary -Dhadoop.profile=200  // for a specific hadoop profile

This process will create a directory and a tarball under dist/target directory. The directory (named sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT or  sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-bin-hadoop200, depending on the hadoop profile used ) contains necessary binaries to run Sqoop2, and its structure looks something like below.


VB: There is NO lib folder under the client in the latest code as of this writing

If you want to run tests against the postgres repository, have a working installation of postgres and then point to it when running tests. In the following case we have a working postgres installation as 


Code Block
mvn clean integration-test -pl repository/repository-postgresql -Dsqoop.provider.class=org.apache.sqoop.common.test.db.PostgreSQLProvider -Dsqoop.provider.postgresql.jdbc=jdbc:postgresql:// -Dsqoop.provider.postgresql.username=sqoop -Dsqoop.provider.postgresql.password=sqoop -Dpostgresql

Sadly, as of this writing it does not really run the integration tests, it runs only the unit tests.


Build sqoop :

No Format
mvn package


Optionally you can build Sqoop with skipping tests ( both unit tests and integration tests )

Code Block
mvn package -DskipTests


Other handy commands that does build and run all tests from scratch

Code Block
mvn verify
mvn clean install

Creating Sqoop binaries

Now build and package Sqoop2 binary distribution:

No Format
mvn package -Pbinary

mvn package -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Pbinary -Dhadoop.profile=200  // for a specific hadoop profile

This process will create a directory and a tarball under dist/target directory. The directory (named sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT or  sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-bin-hadoop200, depending on the hadoop profile used ) contains necessary binaries to run Sqoop2, and its structure looks something like below.


VB: There is NO lib folder under the client in the latest code as of this writing

No Format
--+ bin --+
  + client --+ lib --+ sqoop-common.jar
No Format
--+ bin --+
  + client --+ lib --+ sqoop-common.jar
  |                  |
  |                  + sqoop-client.jar
  |                  |
  |                  + (3rd-party client dependency jars)
  + server --+ bin --+
  |          |
  |          + conf --+
  |          |        |
  |          |        + sqoop-client.propertiesjar
  |          |
  |      |
  |                + webapps --+ ROOT
  |            (3rd-party client dependency jars)
  + server --+ bin --+
  |          |
  |          + conf --+
  |          |        |
  |          |        +
  |          |
  |          + webapps --+ ROOT
  |                      |
  |                      + sqoop.war
  + ...

As part of this process, a copy of the Tomcat server is also downloaded and put under the server directory in the above structure.


If you are on particular release branch such as 1.99.4, all the artifacts in it will be created with the 1.99.4 build version. for instance sqoop-1.99.4-bin-hadoop200.tar.gz

Installing Sqoop2 on remote server

To install generated binaries on remote server simply copy directory sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT to your remote server:

Code Block
scp             + sqoop.war
  + ...

As part of this process, a copy of the Tomcat server is also downloaded and put under the server directory in the above structure.


If you are on particular release branch such as 1.99.4, all the artifacts in it will be created with the 1.99.4 build version. for instance sqoop-1.99.4-bin-hadoop200.tar.gz

Installing Sqoop2 on remote server


-r dist/target/sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT

Install dependencies

Sqoop server is depending on hadoop binaries, but they are not part of the distribution and thus you need to install them into Sqoop server manually. The latest hadoop version we support is 2.5.2 .


VB: There is no in the in the latest code under sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT/bin as of this writing


To install hadoop libraries execute command with argument -hadoop $version $location. Following example is for Cloudera distribution version 4(CDH4):

Code Block
 ./bin/ -hadoop 2.0 /usr/lib/hadoop/client/

If you're running CDH4 MR1:

Code Block
cd dist/target/sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT


Code Block
scp -r-bin-hadoop200 or cd dist/target/sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT

Install dependencies

Sqoop server is depending on hadoop binaries, but they are not part of the distribution and thus you need to install them into Sqoop server manually. The latest hadoop version we support is 2.5.2 .

./bin/ -hadoop-version cdh4mr1 -hadoop-path /usr/lib

In case that you're running original Mapreduce implementation (MR1), you will also need to install it's jar:

Code Block
 ./bin/ -jars /usr/lib/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce/hadoop
VB: There is no in the in the latest code under sqoop
-SNAPSHOT/bin as of this writing


To install hadoop libraries execute command with argument -hadoop $version $location. Following example is for Cloudera distribution version 4(CDH4):


You can install any arbitrary jars (connectors, JDBC drivers) using -jars argument that takes list of jars separated by ":". Here is example for installing MySQL jdbc driver into Sqoop server:

Code Block
Code Block
 ./bin/ -hadoopjars 2.0 /usrpath/libto/hadoop/client/

If you're running CDH4 MR1:

Code Block
cd dist/target/sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-bin-hadoop200 or cd dist/target/sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
./bin/ -hadoop-version cdh4mr1 -hadoop-path /usr/lib

In case that you're running original Mapreduce implementation (MR1), you will also need to install it's jar:

Code Block
 ./bin/ -jars /usr/lib/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce/hadoop-2.0.0-mr1-cdh4.1.1-core.jar

You can install any arbitrary jars (connectors, JDBC drivers) using -jars argument that takes list of jars separated by ":". Here is example for installing MySQL jdbc driver into Sqoop server:

Code Block
  ./bin/ -jars /path/to/jar/mysql-connector-java-5.1.21-bin.jar

Installing a new connector to Sqoop2

Code Block
// todo : VB

Installing a new connector to Sqoop2

If you are contributing or adding a new connector say sqoop-foo-connector to the sqoop2, here are steps to follow.


Step 1: Create a sqoop-foo-connector.jar. Make sure the jar contains the for it to be picked up by sqoop

A typical for a sqoop2 connector looks like below

Code Block
# Generic JDBC Connector Properties
org.apache.sqoop.connector.class = = sqoop-foo-connector


Step 2: Add this jar to the a folder on your installation machine and update the path to this folder in the located under the server/conf directory under the Sqoop2  for the key 


Code Block
# External connectors load path
# "/path/to/external/connectors/": Add all the connector JARs in the specified folder


Step 3: Start the server and while initalizing the server this jar should be loaded into the sqoop's class path and registered into the sqoop repository/ 

Starting/Stopping Sqoop2 server
