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Frequently Asked Questions

See also FixingErrors.

  • Really frequently asked questions
  • What's new?
  • I'm not a spammer!
  • How does it work?
  • Using SpamAssassin...
  • Installation and configuration...
    • I have installed [SpamAssassin] and my maillog is giving me errors as follows. *Jul 21 04:20:20 \*\*\*\* spamd\[51057\]: Use of uninitialized value in hash element at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Mail/SpamAssassin/Message/Metadata/ line 356, <GEN1023> line 27. *Jul 21 04:20:20 \*\*\*\* spamd\[51057\]: Use of uninitialized value in hash element at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Mail/SpamAssassin/Message/Metadata/ line 356, <GEN1023> line 27. *Jul 21 04:20:21 \*\*\*\* spamd\[51057\]: Use of uninitialized value in exists at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/ line 718. \\ *I have found that in addition to a missing Net::DNS module from cpan this can also be caused by incorrect permissions on the /usr/local/lib.perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Net directory. In my case directories set to mod 755 and files set to 444 fixed this problem. \\SpamAssassin comes with an "examples" folder documenting a few ways to set it up.
    • I sent myself spam and it didn't work / How do I test SpamAssassin?: TestingInstallation
    • How do I get SpamAssassin to delete spam and is it a good idea?: DeletingAllMailsMarkedSpam
    • Where should I put local-system-specific rules or configuration options?: WhereDoLocalSettingsGo
    • How can I change the way SpamAssassin marks up messages it considers to be spam??: ChangingMarkup
    • I want to run SpamAssassin for my large site. What specification of mail server do I need?: SitewideServerSpec
    • How can I get SpamAssassin to run faster?: FasterPerformance
    • How do I tell whether rules in my user_prefs file are active?: UserPrefRuleTest
    • I upgraded to SpamAssassin 3.0.x and suddenly subject rewriting stopped working!: SubjectRewrite
    • How can I install SpamAssassin on Windows? InstallingOnWindows
    • Wiki MarkupHow do I use [SpamAssassin] with SQL? \["UsingSQL"\]
    • How do I send data to a SeparateLogFile ?
    • What tools are available to help me see which rules are hitting and how efficient those rules are? StatsAndAnalyzers
    • How do I setup Mutt to use procmail and SpamAssassin?: UsingMutt
    • How do I get SpamAssassin to stop using a blacklist to block or reject email?: StopBlockingOthersMail
    • How do I ImproveAccuracy of SpamAssassin?
    • How do I install a reasonably recent version of SpamAssassin on RedHat or CentOS?
    • How do I send spam to a special folder when using Dovecot?
  • Want to contribute?
    • Help make SpamAssassin more accurate by automatically regularly running a script used for rule analysis and score generation: NightlyMassCheck
    • I've got some wonderful new rules that would help classify mail messages! How do I contribute them?: ContributingNewRules
    • I have a great idea for an anti-phishing rule, detecting links that claim to be linking to a different URL than their real target!: AntiPhishFakeUrlRule
    • I get lots of spam from a program called "The Bat!", so I want to write a rule to block it. Is this a good idea?: DontBlockTheBat
    • A spam message got through! Can I send it to you so you can update the filters?: DoYouWantMySpam
    • A non-spam message got flagged as spam. Should I send it to you?: DoYouWantMyHamunmigrated-wiki-markup
    • Something more direct / "tangible"? The \[ CREDITS\] file has some more information per-developer, and/or also consider contributing directly to the \[ ASF\]. (thanks, it's much appreciated!)
    • WeLoveVolunteers (somewhat redundant with this faq section).
  • More questions?

