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Discussion thread


Released: TBDSamza 1.5


Samza operates in a multi-tenant environment with cluster managers like Yarn and Mesos where a single host can run multiple Samza containers. Often due to soft limits configured for cluster managers like Yarn and no notion of dynamic workload balancing in Samza a host lands in a situation where it is underperforming and it is desired to move one or more containers from that host to other hosts. Today this is not possible without affecting other jobs on the hot host or restarting the affected job manually. In other use cases like resetting checkpoints of a single container or supporting canary or rolling bounces the ability to restart a single or a subset of containers without restarting the whole job is highly desirable. 




  • Simple to implement the current tool does that for host affinity enabled jobs (since they maintain locality mapping)
  • Needs a job restart and does a best effort to get preferred hosts for containers but has no guarantee on getting them
  • If a job has standby containers enabled, this method involves changing standby mapping in addition to active container mappings 
  • Job faces downtime when the job has hundreds of containers and only one of them needs to be restarted, if it is stateful there is a likelihood that containers might not get the new asked resource on the restart and start bootstrapping
  • This solution is not scalable to be used by Controllers who want to take multiple control actions on containers across several jobs, for example, auto-sizing controller
  • This method will not be work for building Canary / Cluster Balancer

Solution 2. Container Placement


API [Accepted]

API design

On the basis of types of Control actions, the commands are the following:       





Gives the status & info of the container placement request, for ex is it running, stopped what control commands are issued on it


processor-id: Samza resource id of container e.g 0, 1, 2 

deploymentId: unique identifier of the deployed app for which the action is taken

Status code



Status of the Container placement action 
