Versions Compared


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  1. Make sure consistent semantics between the term application (user space) and topology (physical space only)
  2. Topology should read configuration from TopologyDescService#config instead of configuration fileconfiguration can be edited on UI
  3. Use REST Service as only entry to manage application (START/STOP/HEALTH CHECKING) and ApplicationManager to schedule the task execution and update the execution information 
  4. Eagle UI should support to manage/monitor the application on site/application page
  5. Single site/application may have more than one topologies (for example hdfsAuditLogMonitoring and userProfileMonitoring should have topologies running separately)


tagetopologyStringtopology name
fieldsexeClassStringtopology entry class
 typeStringtopology type: DSL topology or main-class topologyCLASS
 descriptionStringdescription on this topology
 versionStringtopology version


tagssiteStringtopology site
fieldsfullNameStringtopology execution name: eagle_${site}_${application}_${topology}
 urlStringtopology tracking url
 deploydescriptionStringdeploy environment topology running status description
 statusStringapplication running status {NEW, STARTING, STOPPING, STARTED, STOPPED}
 modeStringtopology running mode: cluster or local
 environmentStringtopology execution environment, e.g., storm
 lastModifiedDatelastUpdateTimelonglast status update time


tagsoperationString{START, STOP, STATUS}
fields topologyStringtopology name: ${topology}
 messageStringexception message
 lastUpdateTimelastModifiedDatelonglast status update time

Use Cases in BPMN diagram

1. user define a topology entity 


Customized Restful Apis

HTTP MethodURLPayloadDescription
POST/app/operationTopologyOperationEntitycreate an topology operation
DELETE/app/topology/{topology} delete a topology description

2. user add multiply topologies to an application


3. user start/stop a topology


4. Edit topology configuration

5. Periodically check/update topology healthy status 

6. Edit deployment cluster?
