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The Struts 1.x build does not currently require any batch tasks. In the Struts 2.x builds, as you will see below, batch tasks are used to fix permissions and push out the nightlies from the assembly goal. More on this later. We do not use the "Promote Builds" functionality. The option to "Disable Build" is left unchecked so that builds will happen as scheduled. If there is a compile problem and Hudson is spamming the mailing list, this option can be checked to stop Hudson from attempting to build while we work on a solution. JDK 6 is used for the builds, but this should not cause any problems since our pom.xml files seem to all specify that the target platform is 1.5. The "Tie Project to Node" box is checked because I want the builds to happen on the Hudson zone. Since struts-master is installed into the Hudson zone's hudson user, I am not sure if pushing the build to another node would work. This option forces builds to stay on the Hudson zone server. Moving along -

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The "Quiet Period" is not used. This feature can be useful if commits were done in a way that meant that builds should wait a bit before beginning. Since we are only checking SVN once daily for this build, there is no need for a "Quiet Period." The Source Repository points directly to the trunk struts1 directory. Hudson will check out struts1/trunk and create a workspace from there. Moving along -

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The "local module directory" option allows us to specify a name for the folder that gets checked out. Otherwise, it would be named "trunk," so I went ahead and called it struts1. By checking the "use update" option, the builds will go faster. The downside is that unversioned files may stick around in the workspace. To remedy this, I run the "clean" goal as part of the build. I also leave it up to Hudson to try to figure out which repository browser is in place. Moving along -

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This screencap shows the triggers that can cause Hudson to launch a build. The first option, when SNAPSHOT dependencies are built, is likely never to launch a build in our case. Currently, we are not using any external SNAPSHOT dependencies, and as far as I know, Hudson would only know if a SNAPSHOT dependency is built if this instance of Hudson builds it. I am leaving it checked as a just-in-case type of trigger. The second option checked, Poll SCM, is likely to be the trigger that fires our builds. The current schedule "30 9 * * *" is very similar to CRON. The struts1 build is scheduled to check SVN every day at 9:30AM. If it detects a change since the last build, a full build will begin. Moving along -

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The Maven configuration is straightforward. The Heap and PermGen settings were added because I have had problems on Linux building without them. We do not use a private repository because we all of our external dependencies are non-SNAPSHOT. The modules are not currently built in parallel, but if the length of time to build becomes an issue, we could try turning this one. Moving along -

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None of these build settings are currently enabled. In the next few days I will try to enable the notification emails so that successful or failed builds are sent to Currently no emails are sent because I have been making frequent changes to the build configurations. Moving along -

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The build lock is setup so that we only perform one struts build at a time on Hudson. Part of this is based on wanting to be a good guest on the Apache Hudson instance, but this lock may also become necessary if we begin building sandbox artifacts.

The struts1 build is an easy-to-follow setup and has run a few times without problems. Next, we will take a look at the struts2 build which is very similar but has configuration added to handle deployment of SNAPSHOTs and the zips from the assembly module.


Build Setup - Struts 2.x

The Struts 2.x build is very similar to the Struts 1.x builds. There is added logic for deploying SNAPSHOT artifacts and pushing nightly builds from the assembly module. Let's take a look at the configuration -

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The batch task setup for Hudson allows for tasks to be executed as part of a build. The tasks configured here are the sort of things that would generally be run manually. This facility allows tasks to be run in a way that is tracked. Adding tasks to this section of the configuration does not mark the tasks to be run automatically, it simply makes them available. Further down in the configuration, the tasks are flagged to be run after the build is complete.

The first batch task listed will log into and add the group writeable flag to all the files that this build just deploys. Hudson logs into as 'wesw' because the public ssh key for the hudson user account on the hudson zone is setup in the 'wesw' account on Since Hudson logs into as 'wesw,' when SNAPSHOT artifacts are deployed, they are owned by 'wesw.' The umask is setup on so that files are created with group read but not group write permissions. Changing the permissions allows other struts developers (other than 'wesw') to make changes or manually push the files from somewhere other than Hudson.

The second batch task publishes the nightly files by calling a shell script. The contents of the script are listed below -

Code Block


TODAY=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`

for zip in $(ls struts2/assembly/target/assembly/out/*.zip);
  BASE_NAME=`basename $zip .zip`
  scp $zip  $TARGET_URL/$BASE_NAME-$

ssh $TARGET_BASE "chmod g+w $TARGET_DIR/*.zip"

The logic in the shell script is copied quite a bit from James Mitchell's previous nightly script (thank James!). Currently, there is no logic for removing old files. I will add this as soon as more than 5 copies of the assembly zips have been published. This script is group writeable, so other developers can make changes to it. If Wes Wannemacher is unavailable, then this script can be copied to another location on the hudson zone and manipulated as necessary. Then, the struts2 job configuration can be updated as necessary.

Much of the struts2 job's configuration is identical, or only slightly modified (such as pointing to the struts2 folder in SVN) from the struts1 configuration. The next significant differences come up in the Post-build section. Let's take a look -

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The struts2 job performs the maven clean and install goals, but then leaves the snapshot deployments up to Hudson as a post-build action. This is done because this is a multi-module build. If the deploy goal were specified as part of the build, it is possible that some artifacts would be deployed and other would not. Having hudson do deployments as a post-build action means that deployment will happen as a separate step after the builds complete successfully. Moving along -

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The tasks configured above are specified here to run as post-build actions. Although these tasks are tied to this build, and will happen with each successful build, they can also be launched manually from within Hudson. The Hudson job configuration allows you to specify tasks from any job, so it would be prudent to make sure scripts and commands operate in a way that they could be launched from any other Apache Struts build job (such as reusing the script to publish struts1 zips as well).