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Jenkins PortalDocs folderDocs folder

MXNet Website Overview

The new website is a static site composed of two main parts:
1. A Jekyll website for the main informational pages
2. API-specific webpages that include automatically generated API reference documentation

This structure makes it a bit easier for contributors with domain knowledge to focus on their area of expertise instead of having to deal with Sphinx to run a complicated build.

Pull Requests and Continuous Integration (CI)

Each new feature or modification for MXNet will likely include documentation. A pull request will be tested in CI and the website along with documentation sets will be generated.  S3 was used in the past for previews, but these have not been the best indication of functionality due to how S3 isn't really a web server and can't mimic all of the interactions like .htaccess redirects, for example. Therefore, it is recommended that you host your own preview and link this is you pull request's description. Direction on how to do this are provided in this document.


The following describes the Docker and Jenkins configuration files.


  1. Jenkinsfile_website_mxnet_build - builds the MXNet binaries; this runs on the ubuntu_cpu_lite Docker image; it listed first because this functionality is usually the first phase in all of the following Jenkinsfiles.
  2. Jenkinsfile_website_c_docs - builds MXNet's binary, then runs the C docs on a minimal custom Docker container that has `doxygen`
  3. Jenkinsfile_website_clojure_docs - builds MXNet's binary, then runs the Clojure docs on a minimal container that has the Scala and Clojure dependencies
  4. Jenkinsfile_website_full - builds MXNet's binary, then runs all of the documentation sets and combines them into a single website archived artifact .tgz file that is used for website deployments. The last step calls a separate publish pipeline in Jenkins.
  5. Jenkinsfile_website_full_pr - similar to the previous but does not archive
  6. Currently set to test all docs sets, but only publish jekyll & python docs to S3 as part of a PR (the website is not functional on S3, so this is of limited utility)
  7. Jenkinsfile_website_java_docs - builds MXNet's binary, then runs the java docs
  8. Jenkinsfile_website_jekyll_docs - generates the jekyll website
  9. Jenkinsfile_website_julia_docs - builds MXNet's binary, then generates the Julia website
  10. Jenkinsfile_website_python_docs- builds MXNet's binary, then generates the Python website
  11. Jenkinsfile_website_r_docs - builds MXNet's binary, then generates the R pdf
  12. Jenkinsfile_website_scala_docs - builds MXNet's binary, then generates the Scala website


Custom Dockerfiles are used to keep the scope of the dependencies down and reduce build times. Each Dockerfile calls one or more shell scripts found in `ci/docker/install`. These scripts run the various package managers and configuration steps that are shared by different environments.

  1. - this has just enough dependencies to build the `` binary that is used by the different API's documentation engines.
  2. - uses `doxygen` to generate the CPP docs (this has some unintended co-mingling with the C docs)
  3. - installs `jekyll` and the dependencies required for `jekyll`
  4. - installs `julia` and the dependencies required for `julia`
  5. - installs `miniconda` and sets up the conda environments used to generate Python documentation. Conda is used to install Sphinx. Doxygen is installed as well due to some Sphinx calls to a doxygen plugin.
  6. - installs `miniconda` and sets up the conda environments used to generate R documentation.
  7. - installs Scala, Java, and Clojure as they use similar documentation dependencies.

Archived Artifacts

You can access the last known successful builds of different artifacts if the Jenkins pipeline has this configuration. Most of the pipelines stash the artifacts for other phases, but these are not accessible one that particular run has completed. Only the pipelines that use the archiveArtifact command in the groovy script are saved for future use. Due to space limits the CI system cannot currently save every artifact.

Last Successful Artifacts

  1. restricted-website-build
  2. TODO - insert links to test artifacts and individual publishable doc runs here

Locally Generating Artifacts

You can use the CI scripts to generate artifacts for each language's docs locally on your dev machine or cloud instance. For example, to generate Python API docs found in `/api/python/docs/api/` use the following steps.

Prerequisites - You will need Docker.  Refer You will also need a Docker account from Refer to [ci/]( for setup instructions for Docker and docker-python. Be sure to run `docker login` before running the following script. These are required for running the `` script.

Step 1 - You first need have build the MXNet binary (that matches what you have checked out). The following will generate the binaries that will be found in `/lib/` in your local MXNet repo folder. The different docs sets will be looking for the binary there.```bash

ci/ --docker-registry mxnetci --platform ubuntu_cpu_lite /work/ build_ubuntu_cpu_docs

```Step 2 -  Generate the doc set that you require. The following example generates Python docs in your local `docs/_build/` folder.```bash

ci/ --docker-registry mxnetci --platform ubuntu_cpu_python /work/ build_python_docs

```Troubleshooting - You can interact with the Docker container, make changes, and force a rebuild of the docs. 


docker run -v /home/ubuntu/incubator-mxnet:/work/mxnet -u 1000:1000 -ti mxnetci/build.ubuntu_cpu_python bash


You must adjust the folder mapping in the command to match wherever you're running the MXNet from. 

Once inside the container you can trigger another build by calling a function from directly. For example:```bash#

ci/docker/ build_python_docs



or directly running


pushd docs/python_docs

eval "$(/work/miniconda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"

conda env create -f environment.yml -p /work/conda_env

conda activate /work/conda_env

pip install themes/mx-theme

pip install -e /work/mxnet/python --user

pushd python

make clean

make html EVAL=0


To fully emulate the Jenkinsfile that generates the website, you may call each runtime_function for each docs package and for the Jekyll site then deploy the contents of your `docs/_build/` folder.


MXNet binaryci/ --docker-registry mxnetci --platform ubuntu_cpu_lite /work/ build_ubuntu_cpu_docs
C++ci/ --docker-registry mxnetci --platform ubuntu_cpu_c /work/ build_c_docs
Clojureci/ --docker-registry mxnetci --platform ubuntu_cpu_scala /work/ build_clojure_docs
Javaci/ --docker-registry mxnetci --platform ubuntu_cpu_scala /work/ build_java_docs
Jekyllci/ --docker-registry mxnetci --platform ubuntu_cpu_jekyll /work/ build_jekyll_docs
Juliaci/ --docker-registry mxnetci --platform ubuntu_cpu_julia /work/ build_julia_docs
Pythonci/ --docker-registry mxnetci --platform ubuntu_cpu_python /work/ build_python_docs
Rci/ --docker-registry mxnetci --platform ubuntu_cpu_r /work/ build_r_docs
Scalaci/ --docker-registry mxnetci --platform ubuntu_cpu_scala /work/ build_scala_docs

Website Deployment

Automatically generated docs for each API are hosted their own folder with the following structure:
* /api/$lang - Example: api/python
* /api/$lang/docs/ - An overview.
* /api/$lang/docs/api/ - the automatically generated API reference
* /api/$lang/docs/guide/ - overview on how to use it and links to important information
* /api/$lang/docs/tutorials/ - overview on the list of tutorials

Publishing Versioned Artifacts

The artifacts are being posted on S3 in MXNet's public folder. For example, the Julia microsite can be found at:

You must have write access to this bucket to publish new artifacts. You may request access from a committer. Anyone can read from the bucket.

Preview the `ci/publish/website/` script and verify the settings. You may want to change the version number, which will affect the bucket location.


  1. CI for python docs must use 2-GPU nodes; jenkinsfile spec must be updated
  2. Tidy up R env - probably doesn't need the step in the Docker installs
  3. Refactor BLC jobs as they're probably broken on the new setup
  4. create pipelines that generate a "last successful build" artifact for each doc set; triggered upon a merge event
